Podcast Advertising

How to Impress Brands and Get a Renewal

There’s no secret formula to landing a renewal with a brand. What you bring to the partnership is what sets you apart from other shows and helps you to continue receiving opportunities. The biggest factors that can help elevate you from an okay partner to an excellent one are performing the initial ad read well, ensuring that your show notes include the brand, and sharing the brand with your audience on social media.

These three things are often done by our most successful podcasters. Follow their lead and you’ll see your renewals increase in no time!

Perform the Ad Read Well

This might seem like an obvious piece of advice, but you’d be surprised how many podcasters underestimate the importance of performance. Taking the extra time to make the ad audio sound crisp, entertaining, and informative can boost your overall performance.

A couple of our more successful podcasters shared their advice on crafting amazing ad reads. Their main takeaways focused on:

  • Authenticity
  • Effort
  • Technology

Each podcaster spent time carefully reading through the campaign requirements and information docs to understand the key message of the brand. This helped them to craft narratives that were reflective of their own experiences as well as ensuring they shared the value with their audience. They spent time figuring out where in their shows an ad break would be perfect. Weighing both the experience of the listeners and the agreement with the brand equally.

They also stressed the importance of having good technology to capture your voice and insert the ads into your show. It’s vital to create a pleasant experience for your listeners, so ads that transition seamlessly into your show are vastly preferred.

There’s plenty you can do to create a compelling ad that satisfies both your audience and your brand partner. It just takes a little bit of effort!

Don’t Forget About Show Notes!

An easy tip that can help to impress your brand partner is to make sure you add information about them and their campaign in your show notes. (This can also help with SEO!) And adding direct links to the brand in your show notes creates a really simple way for your audience to actually check out the brand.

RedCircle makes it easy for podcasts to dynamically add information to their show notes with our Episode Suffix feature. Just enter in the information you want to add to all the episodes in your catalog, and voilà, the text has been added to every episode with one single click.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social Media is a powerful tool for spreading information – good and bad. You probably have a decent following on your social channels since podcasts are web-based! Use those platforms to help boost the performance of your campaign. Even a quick shoutout when posting your new episode can go a long way!

Some podcasts often have an accompanying website, blog, or newsletter that their listeners can access. Including your brand partner, and any promo codes and/or links, in these places can help to capture the attention of the folks who may have missed the advertisements in your episode(s).

Renewals don’t need to be an elusive ghost. You can secure them by performing the ad read well, ensuring that you place information in your show notes, and sharing the message of the brand through different channels. 

Interested in earning through advertising but want to keep your current host? No problem. You can monetize your show with OpenRAP! Sign up today and get $250 off your first deal.