Podcast Advertising

How to Make Your Vetting Responses Stand Out

With RedCircle, brands can send inquiries to a whole slew of podcasts to figure out which ones are the best fit for a host-read campaign. This process is known as ‘vetting’ and can drastically increase your chances of landing a host-read deal.

A genuine and knowledgeable response usually comes out on top. Here’s what you need to know before responding to Brand Inquiries on RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform.) 

Know the Product

A great place to start in crafting an excellent brand inquiry response is to talk about the product! Brands are typically interested in working with shows that have more than a base understanding about their product and/or service. They want to know that the podcaster is at least familiar with their product before sending campaign invites.

This doesn’t mean that you need to have used the product or service every day of your life, though! It’s more about understanding the value(s) of the brand and ensuring that they align with your own. Here’s a real example from a host who landed a campaign thanks to their stellar response:

At [Podcast Name], we’re committed to promoting holistic well-being, and that extends to the food we consume. [Brand]’s dedication to high-quality, humanely raised meat aligns seamlessly with our audience’s values, fostering a perfect synergy between conscious living and enjoying top-notch, ethically sourced food.

The podcast host speaks to the value of the brand as well as how it aligns with their audience. They understand the product on a deeper level and see how it aligns with their own branding.

Speaking directly of their listeners helps to further push the reasoning that they are a good fit. No one knows their audience better than the host! Here’s another real example from a host that really piqued the interest of one of our brand partners:

Our audience is comprised of busy women who want to feed their families well. There’s a lively discussion in our private listener’s community about how to eat less, but better quality meat and we know that [Brand] is a perfect fit for that need. Plus we love the idea of quality partnered with convenience!

Here, the host explains the focus of their audience as well as how the brand could benefit them. They focus on the audience demographics and share key details that make them a desirable choice.

Both podcast hosts demonstrated alignment with the brand as well as alignment with their own audience. Next time you receive a brand inquiry, think about how your audience would benefit from the product and/or service and then share that!

Be Authentic

Another important aspect to keep in mind is authenticity. Listeners and brands alike can see through inauthenticity. With host-read campaigns specifically, your audience trusts you to be as real as possible when it comes to promoting products and/or services. However many podcasters often forget that the brand also expects a level of authenticity from the host. They want to know that you care enough about your audience to share something that’s worth sharing!

Alongside being aligned with the brand, talk about your personal experience with it (if you have one!) Here’s a real response from one of our podcasters that might give you some inspiration:

Our host [Name] absolutely LOVES, [Brand] and has been a customer for some time. She would be a great fit because she aligns with exposing the [Podcast] community to sustainable and healthy food options.

The response is nothing but authentic! The enthusiasm the host holds for the brand is apparent in the response, making it an easy choice for the brand. Adding a personal anecdote or thought about the product and/or service can help elevate your response above the rest.

Sell Yourself

Finally, the last step is to really sell yourself. Why are you the best choice to promote this product? Understanding the product and genuinely loving the product is a great start, but there might be other podcast hosts who know and love the brand just as much as you do. Here’s where you can really set yourself apart and make it apparent that you are the perfect fit for the brand!

See this brand inquiry response from a podcast host who absolutely nailed it:

I am consistently talking with my audience about making sure they are building a life of ease and I share openly about how I do so with making cooking one of the tasks that is either made easier or prepared for me. [Brand] and it’s ease of access to humanely raised and quality food falls right in line with the values I have shared with my audience when it comes to this while also giving access to amazing quality food.

The podcast host expresses delight about the brand, how it fits into their everyday life and their own values, and how they share these same values with their audience. They make it perfectly apparent that they are invested in the brand and want to share the product/services with their audience as they know it will benefit them. Their authenticity practically drips through the page!

Responding to brand inquiries requires a bit of forethought. But once you understand the product, how it aligns with your audience, and what makes you the perfect choice, then you’ll ace every response!

Interested in monetizing with RedCircle? Any podcast on any VAST-enabled hosting platform can sign up for OpenRAP today and start earning revenue!

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