Podcasting Tips

How to Turn Followers into Listeners

Social media is an excellent tool for podcasters as it can help to build an audience for your show. But how do you exactly go about doing that successfully?

Whether you have tons of social media followers already or are just starting out, we’ve got the secrets for you right here!

All About Your Content

When we talk about content we’re not just talking about your podcast episodes, but rather related content that can be utilized to draw conversations on your social channels. Remember, social media is a super fast place. You want to capture the attention of your followers in mere seconds and a great way to do that is through different types of content.

One of the best ways to share your show is to select audio clips from your episodes and pair them with graphics. Be sure to select a piece of audio that’ll pique the interest of your followers and entice them to check out the full episode. There are also plenty of Free and Paid options available to help you create graphics – no design degree needed! Try options like Canva and Headliner (favorites among many podcasters.)

Alongside audio content, try your hand at other types of content such as videos, blogs, and newsletters. Similar to audio content clips, posting snippets of your podcast is a great way to catch attention. Don’t be afraid to expand past that! There are tons of folks interested in the entire process of podcasting, not just the final product. Give your followers a small peek into your creation process. Walk them through what you do and how you do it. You’d be surprised by the amount of engagement when you share some behind-the-scenes secrets.

Share video clips of you creating your show, send out newsletters on your thoughts related to podcast monetization, or post blogs about the technicalities of podcasting and your own expertise. The goal is to reach folks from all different walks of life with one thing in common; a love of podcasting.

What You Bring to the Table

An important piece of engaging on social media that’s often overlooked in this type of advice is moving past just promoting your podcast. Don’t get us wrong, it’s worthwhile to talk about your podcast on social media, but you also want to demonstrate the value of you and your podcast. The old adage, “show, don’t tell”, is the perfect advice here. Don’t tell your audience that they should listen to your podcast, show them what they’re missing out on and how your podcast can add value to their lives.

Engage in conversations on social media related to the topic of your podcast, or topics that you’ve covered in episodes. Be part of the conversation rather than an advertisement. People appreciate authenticity, so don’t be afraid to provide your real insight! Speak with your audience and build rapport with your followers. They’ll be sure to seek out more of your content if you can show them why it’s so valuable to them. 

Keeping Consistent

A repeated piece of advice for good reason! The best way to build, and maintain, an online following is to post consistently. This is true for building a podcast audience as well. Posting consistently on social media helps to keep your posts near the top of your followers’ feeds.

Focus on 1-2 social media channels so you don’t stretch yourself too thin trying to engage with folks. Think about your target demographic and where they spend their time online, then meet them there!

Of course, all of this can sound easier said than done, but keeping at it will help to convert your social media followers into dedicated podcast listeners.

And once you have built a sizable podcast audience, you can start thinking about monetizing with RedCircle!