Podcasting Tips

How to Turn Followers into Listeners

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Social media is an excellent tool for podcasters as it can help to build an audience for your show. But how do you exactly go about doing that successfully? Whether you have tons of social media followers already or are just starting out, we’ve got the secrets for you right here! All About Your Content […]


The End of Google Podcasts

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Google (now known as “Alphabet”) announced in late September 2023 that their podcasting app, Google Podcasts, will be discontinued in 2024. It was later announced on the YouTube blog that podcasts on the app will be available through March 2024. Meaning the final date lies somewhere in April. Of course, there’s been a lot of […]

Podcasting Tips

Understanding Your Download Numbers

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Download statistics can be a mystery for many podcasters. They can mean so many different things depending on how the places you work with define them. Podcasters and advertisers alike see them as the total composition of a show, but they’re really just one part of what makes up a show and its success. We’re […]

Podcasting Tips

The Benefits of Video Podcasting

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Video podcasting has been trending in the past couple of years, and for good reason too! YouTube has become a major distribution channel for many podcasters as a wide variety of listeners can be found on the platform. For those new to podcasting, you’ve probably wondered if you should post your podcast to YouTube. The […]