• DEMI GADIS Special [Part 3] - Empowering Essays by women in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia

    In this final installment of this series, we continue to honor International Women's Day by featuring six compelling stories from the Demi Gadis Creative Writing Competition. This episode presents essays narrated in Bahasa Indonesia, with one in English, offering profound insights into gender equality, women's empowerment, and the unique challenges faced by women in Indonesia and Malaysia.

    1. "Tumbuh Besar dalam Lingkungan KDRT" by Anggi Vebryan Eka Putri S: A personal account of growing up in an abusive household and the impact it had on self-esteem, trust, and future relationships.
    2. "Menjadi Perempuan Bali dalam Budaya Patriarkis" by Ni Made Tasyarani: A reflection on the triple roles expected of Balinese women in family, economy, and tradition, and the challenges posed by a patriarchal society.
    3. "Motherhood Is A Balancing Act" by Kanina Ramaniya Kalyana: Highlights the resilience of a mother managing both household duties and professional responsibilities, and the gender biases that impact career progression.
    4. "Perempuan dan Isi Kepalanya" by Ayu Prawitasari: An exploration of gender equality and the need for supportive family structures, challenging societal norms and advocating for balanced gender roles.
    5. "Pursuing Dreams Amidst Patriarchal Ideologies" by Fani Agustina Pangaribuan: The journey of a young woman from Papua who overcame societal and economic challenges to pursue her education and career dreams.
    6. "Stigma dan Diskriminasi Janda" by Fauziah Kurniasari: An insightful look into the societal stigma faced by widows in Indonesia, and the struggles they encounter in the workforce and daily life.


    A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated volunteers for this episode: Elsa, Pitriasyana, Margaret, Sinta Damayanti, and Febiola, who lent their voices to bring these powerful stories to life.

    56m - May 22, 2024
  • DEMI GADIS Special [Part 2] - Empowering Essays by women in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia

    In Part 2 of this series, we honor another six essays from the Demi Gadis Creative Writing Competition, spotlighting voices from Malaysia and Brunei. The entries offer diverse insights into gender equality, women's empowerment, and the varied societal challenges faced by women in these regions. A big thank you to the following authors for sharing their brave stories with us:

    1. Sallyhani Hazman delves into personal narratives exploring struggles of self-identity and journeys toward independence in societies that often silence women.
    2. Sash discusses the impact of cultural constraints on women's lives and the pursuit of empowerment despite these obstacles.
    3. Etha examines how stereotypes affect the personal and professional lives of women and the importance of overcoming these stereotypes to achieve equality.
    4. Ari Shares stories of personal triumphs against societal and familial adversities, highlighting resilience and the pursuit of personal goals.
    5. Ruby Jusuh Explores how cultural heritage influences women's roles and responsibilities, and the potential for change and empowerment within traditional frameworks.
    6. Izzah Offers an insightful look into societal expectations imposed on women, detailing how breaking free from these norms is both a personal and communal struggle.

    A heartfelt thank you also to our dedicated volunteers for this episode: Farisah, Kah Yi, Gurleen, Thirtana, Alison, and Sufia, who lent their voices to bring these powerful essays to life.

    40m - May 12, 2024
  • DEMI GADIS Special [Part 1] - Empowering Essays by women in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia

    Empowering Voices: Essays on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment from women in Malaysia

    In this special episode of Seek to Speak, we celebrate International Women's Day by sharing six essays from the Demi Gadis Creative Writing Competition. The essays, written by emarkable women, explore themes of gender equality, women's empowerment, and societal challenges, offering a deep and thought-provoking look into the diverse experiences and insights of women from different backgrounds.

    1. Healing from Trauma by Chero: Chero recounts a survivor's journey, confronting societal constructs that perpetuate victim-blaming and finding empowerment in reclaiming her voice.
    2. Women's Struggles in Palestine by Nur Syariha: Nur Syariha Binti Masri reflects on the challenges faced by Palestinian women, highlighting their resilience and the need for support and empowerment.
    3. Traditional Gender Roles by Kheerthana: Kheerthana explores the realities of gender roles in different cultures, including the expectations placed on women in families and the societal norms that perpetuate inequality.
    4. Overcoming Societal Pressure by Mireverie: Mireverie's story demonstrates a woman's journey in breaking free from societal expectations, pursuing her own path, and finding self-empowerment through entrepreneurship, travel, and independence.
    5. Cultural Expectations and Duties by Puteri Nur: Puteri Nur's essay explores how cultural norms affect gender roles and how these pressures can be confronted and navigated.
    6. A Tale of Independence by Ashwini Ravan: Ashwini Ravan highlights the journey of a woman striving to break free from societal molds, embracing her independence, and achieving financial stability through entrepreneurship.

    Thank you to our volunteers who help voice the wonderful stories of authors, Ayuni, Casadra, Sunitha, Athirah, Li-Wei and Sharon.

    For more information about the Demi Gadis competition, check out our socials at: https://www.instagram.com/demi.gadis/

    Episode is produced by Renegade Radio.

    46m - May 1, 2024
  • #KisahKita Special [Part 4] - Malaysian women and girls share their stories on Equity

    In part 4 of this Special, you will listen to the final 11 stories that we have on gender equity! Yesssss, we are finally at the finishing line. If this is your first time listening to this special, please don’t forget to check out our episode 1, 2, and 3 to continue being inspired and in awe of the women and girls who shared their stories.

    In this episode, we will hear experiences and opinions on equity and how it is different from equality, great observations on gender roles and unfair biases, as well as what we can do to do better. 


    1. Sofia A. - Nina

    2. Mia - For the next generation

    3. Sybil Yasin - Millennial Parents


    5. Nufa Zulia - Jangan perkecilkan semangat aku

    6. Anonymous- Strong Women

    7. Amel - Bravery

    8. Aina - Malaysia’s double standard

    9. Flower - Women’s Potential

    10. Yana Pekabee - Building a Fairer and More Justice Society

    11. Tee Ying Yin - An environment that is equal, fair, and just for all


    Ainaa, Aifa, Lingeswary, Celine Tan, Yashwini, Sharon, Vivien Lim Zhi Ling, Hani, Najihah, Eena, Alison

    44m - Apr 2, 2023
  • #KisahKita Special [Part 3] - Malaysian women and girls share their stories on Equity

    In this International Women’s Day special, we are celebrating the stories and experiences shared by all of you during our KisahKita short story competition with the theme, Embrace Equity. We received 43 entries from women and girls hailing from 10 different states with the youngest being 11 years old and the eldest being 54. We cherish the diversity in these stories they have been such a joy to read, compile and produced. 

    In part 3 of this Special, you will listen to 10 stories tackling the issue of gender equity from the perspective of job opportunities and promotion, educational institutions, and family dynamics. Do check out our show notes for the full list of authors and voice-over volunteers for this episode. Do also check Part 1 and Part 2 of this special if you want to keep being inspired by the words and stories of women and girls in Malaysia.

    Trigger warning: Stories shared here do touch on themes concerning gender discrimination and bias, schools, at the workplace and on a societal level. 


    1. cheekylizzy123 - This is for all the girls who dream 
    2. Dum-E - The audacity of this woman
    3. Kita tetap SAMA bersahabat - AMNA NAFISA BINTI SHAIFUL
    4. a3ruh - let's #EmbraceEquity! #AndEquality!
    5. Ahnusha - I am a fearless woman 
    6. Rheya N - biased education systems
    7. Yie - Meet our hero; Ayu
    8. Janice Lai Yi Xuan - Biases & stereotypes
    9. Anonymous - Growing up as a girl
    10. Tifa Tifalis - Nisha
    40m - Mar 26, 2023
  • #KisahKita Special [Part 2] - Malaysian women and girls share their stories on Equity

    In this International Women’s Day special, we are celebrating the stories and experiences shared by all of you during our KisahKita short story competition with the theme, Embrace Equity. We received 43 entries from women and girls hailing from 10 different states with the youngest being 11 years old and the eldest being 54. We cherish the diversity in these stories they have been such a joy to read, compile and produced. 

    In part 2 of this Special, you will listen to 12 stories ranging from school place discrimination, gender roles, and family dynamics. To find out more about these stories, check out our show notes! Also! Don’t forget to check out Part 1 of this special which we released last Sunday - lots of great stories there too!


    1. Aeva Poon - Gender inequality is like folding an angel's wings
    2. Poorni Villai Samy - Nevertheless, she persisted
    3. Mimi - Punishment should be equal
    4. Foxy - Cerita Sya
    5. Misya - Embracing equity & breaking the structural barriers 
    6. Nurul Irdina - Our differences are what distinguish us
    7. VV - Girls in STEM
    8. Aireen - Maia & Toby
    9. Vivien Lim Zhi Ling - Witnessing Inequality
    10. Rin - Memperjuangkan hak-hak yang sama
    11. Sofiya - Don't doubt yourself
    12. May A. - Juggling many responsibilities
    41m - Mar 19, 2023
  • #KisahKita Special [Part 1] - Malaysian women and girls share their stories on Equity

    In this International Women’s Day special, we are celebrating the stories and experiences shared by all of you during our KisahKita short story competition with the theme, Embrace Equity. We received 43 entries from women and girls hailing from 10 different states with the youngest being 11 years old and the eldest being 54. We cherish the diversity in these stories they have been such a joy to read, compile and produced. 

    In part 1 of this Special, you will listen to 10 stories, 2 of which were written in Malay, and 7 of which were submitted anonymously, touching on issues ranging from workplace discrimination, gender bias in schools, and generational trauma.


    1. Ashwinee Rvan Ravindran - Just like you
    2. Missdhani - Gender Norms
    3. Nur Farah Diana Binti Affnininirwandi - Sexual Harassment Survivor
    4. Nia - Aireen Zafhira
    5. KitKat - Workplace Discrimination
    6. Valkie - Family Dynamics
    7. Sorrowful Student - Girls in Leadership
    8. Iman - Generation Gap
    9. Kris - Adakah ini salah wanita juga?
    10. Jananie Chandrarao - Down with the wooden fence

    Just a quick trigger warning that the stories shared here do touch on themes concerning gender discrimination, victim blaming, bullying, rape, child marriage, and sexual harassment. Should you find this type of content triggering, please stop now and come back when or if you're ready.

    In the meantime, don’t forget to celebrate women everywhere today and continue to #EmbraceEquity. Let’s keep fighting the good fight and champion women together.

    40m - Mar 12, 2023
  • S3E17 Malaysian Speaking Fails 2 - Jokes about rape? MPs debate challenge? Drinking women in parliament? (With Mas, Vishal, and Aissa)

    The final episode of the season welcomes back our community members discussing Malaysia's biggest speaking fails! Why do we keep joking about rape? What happens when a member of parliament challenged another to a debate? What do we do about religious sensitivities?

    Here, we discuss 3 recent speaking fails and deconstruct what happened, why did it happen and what do we do from here. We also provide our views on other speaking fails that did not quite make the list but were worth mentioning.

    Speaking fails discussed:

    Segment 1: Actor and hosts jokes about a movie rape scene on national television. Who is to blame? Who should be accountable?

    Segment 2: Member of parliament in the sitting government challenges an opposition member to a debate on the cabotage policy. Is this a good thing? Do people care?

    Segment 3: Locally produced, award-winning whiskey brand name enrages many quarters of society and politicians are quick to respond. What precedent does this set? Are they justified in their reaction?

    Bonus lightning round discussion:

    1) Lahabau Melaka, let's vote! Misguided use of slang.

    2) Communications minister tweets on future video quality. But 1080p already exists?

    3) Harassment of a journalist by PAS leaders. Why attack my family and the language I use?

    1h 7m - Nov 24, 2021
  • S3E16 Behind Seek to Speak - A Year in Review (with Founder and Community Member)

    This episode is all about Seek to Speak's journey through 2021 in the form of reflections, lessons learned, and hopes for the future. Explore our story through the lens of our Founder, Ain Aissa, and community member, Maslin Roslan, as we bring you through the challenges and joys that we face along the way. What we will be discussing in the episode would be:

    • Challenges faced throughout the year
    • How Seek to Speak has changed us
    • Regrets or Lessons learned
    • Hopes and dreams for the future
    51m - Nov 17, 2021
  • S3E15 Speech Sessions with Abigail and Sasha - Discussing our Favourite Purpose and Passion Speeches

    Welcome to our 2nd Speech Session where we highlight amazing speeches based on a theme. This episode’s theme is Purpose & Passion and along with our community members, Sasha and Abigail, we have curated a list of our top Purpose and Passion speeches. So what we will do is introduce the speech, play our chosen snippet, talk about the context of the speech, and the speaker’s style. There are some you may know and others may enjoy discovering as we go through the episode.

    Speeches Discussed:

    1. Chadwick Boseman - Howard University Commencement Speech 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIHZypMyQ2s
    2. Lady Gaga's speech at ELLE's 25th annual Women in Hollywood event (2018): https://youtu.be/14KX7xOJsqE
    3. Beyoncé Knowles, Dear Class of 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLo5XMjIJD8
    4. Denzel Washington - University of Pennsylvania (2011) Commencement speech: https://youtu.be/JEFbfwg9dek
    5. Taylor Swift accepting the Woman of the Decade Award: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVpkFb9-fts
    6. Elizabeth Gilbert's TedTalk on Success, failure and the drive to keep creating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_waBFUg_oT8
    1h 12m - Nov 9, 2021
  • S3E14 Halloween Special - My Spooky Story / Cerita Hantu Malaysia (Part 2)

    Welcome to Part 2 of our cerita hantu special in conjunction with Halloween, which happened on the 31st of October. You are about to hear another 6 spooky encounters with the unknown. From sleep paralysis to room disturbances, to unexplainable sightings. These are things that were heard, seen, or felt but still remain a mystery to them.

    Thank you for listening. We hope this spooky special kept you up at night. 

    Stories by:

    • Morning paralysis - Alison
    • House Hauntings - Cass
    • Is that you Nizam? - Zul
    • Otw home - Arisha
    • What was that sound? - Anonymous
    • Jungle Possession - Ikram

    Music from Dirges of the Undead:


    32m - Nov 1, 2021
  • S3E13 Halloween Special - My Spooky Story / Cerita Hantu Malaysia (Part 1)

    Welcome to Part 1 of our cerita hantu special in conjunction with Halloween, which is happening on the 31st of October. You are about to hear from 6 real people telling you about their spooky encounters with the unknown. From a near-death experience to house hauntings to an unearthly possession. All 6 of these individuals swear by the things they had seen or felt, and I hope you feel a bit of their fear and horror as they tell you their stories.

    Be sure to tune in to Part 2 next week to hear more Malaysian spooky tales. Until then, enjoy. 

    Stories by:

    • I almost died - Arianna
    • Sekolah Asrama - Zul
    • Library Possession - Alison
    • I can't Move - Aiman
    • What was that? - Aifa
    • New house, new visitors - Ikram

    Music from Dirges of the Undead:


    28m - Oct 26, 2021
  • S3E12 Mental Health Special 4: Mental Health Hacks - Easy DIY Remedies to improve our Mental Health at Home

    Welcome to the very last installment of our 4 part mental health special in conjunction with World Mental Health Day which happened on 10 of October. This week, we discuss our favourite or least favourite Mental Health Hacks - simple home remedies that we can all try at home! Joining us today are our lovely community members, Jaspreet, Sasha, and Abigail.

    The theme for this year's World Mental Health Day is 'Mental health in an unequal world'. While the pandemic has affected everyone's mental health and close to one billion people have a mental disorder - the gap between the demand for mental health services and supply remains substantial. Relatively few people around the world have access to quality mental health services.

    While we are no experts in mental health care, we thought to share with you some easy and inexpensive ways to feel better. Of course, there is no real substitute for medication or psychotherapy for those who need them, but some of these practices may work for those interested in some quick mood boosters.

    Segments in the Episode:

    • Segment 1 - Things we've tried but didn't work/like (Closer: Can you relate?)
    • Segment 2 - Things we love and have worked for us (Closer: Underrated or Overrated?)
    • Segment 3 - Things we want to explore and try in the future (Closer: Do you believe in this?)

    Things we discussed during the episode include:

    • Exercise and eating well
    • Meditation and mindfulness
    • Scheduling and habit making
    • Cleaning and lighting candles
    • Journaling and self-reflection
    • Self-help and self-development
    • Yoga, talking to someone, taking it slow
    • Feng Shui, Astrology, Law of Attraction

    Abigail's Highly Recommended Scented Candles:

    Bern Candles - https://www.instagram.com/berncandles/


    1h 8m - Oct 18, 2021
  • S3E11 Mental Health Special 3: Breaking the Stigma - Deconstructing Common Mental Health Myths and Misconceptions (Feat Community Members and Noelle of the Kindermind Centre)

    In conjunction with World Mental Health Day which happened over the weekend, Seek to Speak is presenting a 4-part podcast special dedicated to normalizing conversations about mental health. In part 3 today, you will be hearing from 4 community members talking about their experience with common mental health myths and misconceptions, as well as stereotypes.

    This is a trigger warning as the episode will touch on issues surrounding mental health stereotypes, self-harm, and stigma. In this episode, our community members will discuss their difficulties with diagnosis and getting the right help for their medical condition due to ongoing misconceptions that people have about mental health, and how these stereotypes harm more than it helps. They also discuss how to better respond to loved ones sharing their struggles as well as how to live with a mental illness. As usual, this episode should not be taken as medical advice and you should still consult your own mental health care provider for help.

    Over the weekend, we also held a Women with Words meeting on the theme, Mindfulness, in order to teach our girls to be more resilient and ready to face the daily stresses and anxieties that life throws at them. Our guest speaker, a mindfulness teacher and practitioner, Noelle Lim, founder of the Kindermind Centre, not only shared valuable insights on how to be more mindful but also guided us through a short meditation practice during the session. We thought it would be fitting to end this episode by reproducing this mindfulness practice to help center ourselves and be more present in the moment. We hope you learn from the views shared by our brave community members as well as heal from the short 8 min mindfulness practice with Noelle at the end of this episode.

    32m - Oct 12, 2021
  • S3E10 Mental Health Special 2: Decriminalizing Attempted Suicide (The intersectionality, inaccessibility, and stigmatization of mental health care in Malaysia) (MISI Solidariti / SUHAKAM)

    In part 2 today, you will be hearing from Tanushri & Siro of MISI Solidariti who campaigned for the decriminalization of attempted suicide in Malaysia as well as Dato' Mah Weng Kwai, the commissioner of SUHAKAM, which is the National Human rights institution of Malaysia.

    This is a trigger warning as the episode will touch on issues surrounding suicidal ideation, domestic abuse, self-harm, depression, and LGBTQ discrimination. In this episode, our guests will talk about the history behind criminalizing attempted suicide, why this law continues to harm people and does not act as a deference to the act, the intersectionality of mental health with the pandemic, gender roles and discrimination, and what we can do to help.

    To our listeners today, thank you for taking the time to learn, spread awareness and maybe even help someone else along the way.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode should not be taken as medical advice and you should still consult your own mental health care provider for help.

    CONTACT: MISI: Solidariti - msolidariti@gmail.com, SUHAKAM - humanrights@suhakam.org.my




    • Buddy Bear (Children): 1800-18-2327
    • COVID-19 Psychosocial Line by Mercy: 03-29359935
    • Let's Talk (Media Sihat): 03-29359935, 014-32223392, 011-63996482, 011-63994236
    • Talian Kasih (Women): 15999 (WA - 019-2615999)
    • WAO Tina (Women): 018-9888058
    39m - Oct 4, 2021
  • S3E9 Mental Health Special 1: How the pandemic and gender roles affected suicide rates in Malaysia

    TW/CW: Suicidal ideation, Domestic abuse, and Self-harm.

    In conjunction with World Mental Health Day happening on 10 of October as well as Suicide Prevention Day that passed on the 10th of September, we will be presenting a 4-part podcast special dedicated to normalizing conversations about mental health. In part 1 today, you will be hearing from Dina Murad, a reporter of a local newspaper who recently covered the issue of mental health and increased suicide rates during the pandemic. You will also be hearing from Dr Stephen Jambunathan, the Medical Director and senior clinical psychiatrist with the Mind Faculty who specializes in trauma, OCD, ADHD and depression.

    In this episode, Dina and Dr Stephen will discuss the reasons behind the recent spike of suicide cases in Malaysia, the role that gender plays in the numbers we are seeing, how to spot signs of suicidal risk in loved ones as well as what we can do to help those in need.

    Next week, we will be speaking to SUHAKAM, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia as well as the youth-led collective, MISI Solidariti, on the issue of decriminalizing suicide.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode should not be taken as medical advice and you should still consult your own mental health care provider for help.

    CONTACT: Dina Murad: dina@thestar.com.my, Dr Stephen: enquiries@themindfaculty.com  


    • https://www.thestar.com.my/news/focus/2021/07/04/mental-health-dont-give-up-we-are-here-for-you
    • https://www.thestar.com.my/news/focus/2021/07/11/are-malaysian-women-facing-an-increased-risk-of-suicide
    • https://www.themindfaculty.com/stephen-jambunathan


    • Buddy Bear (Children): 1800-18-2327
    • COVID-19 Psychosocial Line by Mercy: 03-29359935
    • Let's Talk (Media Sihat): 03-29359935, 014-32223392, 011-63996482, 011-63994236
    • Talian Kasih (Women): 15999 (WA - 019-2615999)
    • WAO Tina (Women): 018-9888058
    28m - Sep 27, 2021
  • S3E8 Seek to Speak Showcase - An Open Mic Night on our Lockdown Chronicles

    Seek to Speak Showcase! 💜

    Thank you to our amazing guest speaker @sheenabaharudin for sharing your experience with us! We were very inspired by you! Here is a list of the talented performers who shared their lockdown experience with us today:

    1) @priyanka_a_a_

    2) @theloudergirl

    3) @s0larmoons

    4) @adiel_ikram

    5) @abbyandherowls

    6) @ainaamd

    7) @arathijane

    8) @iamsnekhagbr

    9) @skategalz

    10) @lostnaadodi

    11) @mysafespace.mss

    12) @inderjitkaurkuldipsingh

    13) @_mishalini_21

    1h 15m - Sep 20, 2021
  • S3E7 Seek to Speak (Mock) Trials - Should Freedom of Speech be limited in Malaysia?

    Welcome to Season 3 of the Seek to Speak Podcast where we celebrate the power of words and what better way to celebrate our words by discussing our freedom to speak in a mock trial setting with our wonderful guests!

    On the side of Plaintiff, we have the amazing debater extraordinaire, Mai Mokhsein, the first Malaysian to be crowned Asia's best speaker and the only person to be in 4 consecutive Asian finals. She is currently the head coach for Malaysia's debate team and works for a private education firm in Hong Kong. Her client, and also Plaintiff for this case is Civil Liberties!

    Representing the Defendant, Law & Order, we have the esteemed Ahmad Zulfikri, a famous litigator and advocate fighting for public order and security. Zul was the captain of his varsity moot team where he represented his institution in several international moot competitions, moot author and coach for several national and international level moot competitions. Zul is currently a civil litigator specializing in private and commercial disputes and has appeared in all levels of courts.

    We hope that this Mock Trial will educate and enlighten you on the nuanced issues surrounding freedom of speech in Malaysia as well as highlight the arguments on both divided in order for you to best make your own decisions.

    Subjects and Personalities that we will be discussing in the episode include:

    • Censorship
    • Governmental abuse
    • Political dissent
    • Misinformation and Fake News
    • COVID-19 vaccination
    • Spread of Religious and Racial hatred
    • Cyberbullying
    • Nudity and Porn
    • Blasphemous texts
    • Arrest of Fahmi Reza
    • Banning of Zakir Naik
    • Anti-Fake News Act & Sedition Act
    • The Emergency Ordinance

    Listen and tell us what you think! Who do you think won?

    1h 7m - Sep 12, 2021
  • S3E6 Let's Get Lit! - Discussing our Favourite Literary Pieces in conjunction with International Literacy Day

    In conjunction with International Literacy Day, our community members come together to talk about the importance of literacy, the power of reading, and the joy of expressing yourself through the written form. During the episode, we will also be describing, analysing and discussing our favourite works of literature. From short stories by Roald Dahl and Raymond Carver to Naomi Alderman's book, 'The Power' to Faizal Tehrani's opinion piece, 'Jangan Diam Boleh Tak' - there is definitely a lot to learn and discover along the way! We hope this episode inspires you to pick up reading or finish that piece you've been working on since forever!

    Big props to community members, Maslin (@maslovecats ), Alana (@lanerd ), and Cass (@therealraffinit ), as well as a friend to the community, Dimi @dimitron.x ), for their input on this episode!

    Literary works discussed are:

    1. Roald Dahl - Lamb to a Slaughter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_to_the_Slaughter
    2. Naomi Alderman - The Power https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_(Alderman_novel)
    3. Jangan Diam Boleh Tak - Faizal Tehrani https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2021/07/30/jangan-diam-boleh-tak/
    4. A small good thing - Raymond Carver - https://commonplaces.davidson.edu/vol-3/in-hopelessville-a-reconsideration-of-raymond-carvers-a-small-good-thing/
    1h 7m - Sep 6, 2021
  • S3E5 Malaysia, Did you know? - A Merdeka Quiz Show Special!

    In this Seek to Speak's Merdeka Special entitled, 'Malaysia, did you know?', we will take you through 3 quiz show segments centered around Malaysian history, past achievements, and our amazing rakyat! In every segment, our guests will have to answer Malaysian trivia while our listeners learn and laugh along the way! From true or false questions on our independence to guessing quotes from famous Malaysians to reimagining memorable moments in history! This is definitely the episode to listen to in order to celebrate our independence and cherish all things Malaysian!

    In true Merdeka fashion, you will learn about our past successes historical figures that you didn't even know about, and hear us (dreadfully!) re-enact Malaysian history. This is definitely an episode where you will laugh, learn, and even get inspired along the way!

    Big props to community members, Maslin & Alison, as well as a friend to the community, Ikram, for their input on this episode! Tell us a fun fact about Malaysia below! We would love to hear from you!

    Lisa Kamal's Wisconsin Speech Link:


    46m - Aug 29, 2021
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