DEMI GADIS Special [Part 3] - Empowering Essays by women in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia

56m | May 22, 2024

In this final installment of this series, we continue to honor International Women's Day by featuring six compelling stories from the Demi Gadis Creative Writing Competition. This episode presents essays narrated in Bahasa Indonesia, with one in English, offering profound insights into gender equality, women's empowerment, and the unique challenges faced by women in Indonesia and Malaysia.

  1. "Tumbuh Besar dalam Lingkungan KDRT" by Anggi Vebryan Eka Putri S: A personal account of growing up in an abusive household and the impact it had on self-esteem, trust, and future relationships.
  2. "Menjadi Perempuan Bali dalam Budaya Patriarkis" by Ni Made Tasyarani: A reflection on the triple roles expected of Balinese women in family, economy, and tradition, and the challenges posed by a patriarchal society.
  3. "Motherhood Is A Balancing Act" by Kanina Ramaniya Kalyana: Highlights the resilience of a mother managing both household duties and professional responsibilities, and the gender biases that impact career progression.
  4. "Perempuan dan Isi Kepalanya" by Ayu Prawitasari: An exploration of gender equality and the need for supportive family structures, challenging societal norms and advocating for balanced gender roles.
  5. "Pursuing Dreams Amidst Patriarchal Ideologies" by Fani Agustina Pangaribuan: The journey of a young woman from Papua who overcame societal and economic challenges to pursue her education and career dreams.
  6. "Stigma dan Diskriminasi Janda" by Fauziah Kurniasari: An insightful look into the societal stigma faced by widows in Indonesia, and the struggles they encounter in the workforce and daily life.


A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated volunteers for this episode: Elsa, Pitriasyana, Margaret, Sinta Damayanti, and Febiola, who lent their voices to bring these powerful stories to life.

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