Podcasting Tips

How to Streamline Your Podcast Process

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It’s no secret that podcasting can be a time-consuming process; you need to prepare, record, edit, and market your show, along with a dozen other to-dos in order to run a successful podcast. But you don’t need to burn yourself out over the process if you know how to streamline it! Don’t Forget the 5 […]

Podcast Advertising

Organize Your Way to Success!

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It’s a myth that only “Type A” folks enjoy organizing – we’re here to set the record straight that organizing is enjoyed by all! Advertisers on RedCircle are able to organize their campaigns in a way that allows for a more efficient process. Leave the thousands of spreadsheets to collect dust on your desktop and […]


Just In! Advertiser Reporting is Here!

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We’ve been busy perfecting the experiences of our podcasters and advertising partners alike. We recently introduced a new reporting feature for advertisers to make their reporting just a little bit easier. Previously, advertisers on RedCircle could only view analytics on the Campaign Dashboard, but now they’re able to take a more comprehensive look at their […]

Podcasting Tips

4 Things To Do Before Redirecting Your Podcast

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Moving your podcast to a new hosting platform can be exciting! But there are a few key things you should do before making the switch to ensure a smooth transition. First, you should probably be familiar with the term “redirect” so you know what’s happening with your podcast. A “redirect”, sometimes also referred to as […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Turn Followers into Listeners

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Social media is an excellent tool for podcasters as it can help to build an audience for your show. But how do you exactly go about doing that successfully? Whether you have tons of social media followers already or are just starting out, we’ve got the secrets for you right here! All About Your Content […]

Podcasting Tips

Leverage Your Analytics for Growth

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Analytics can tell you more than just how well your show is performing, it can also help inform you on the behavior of your audience and how to use that data to grow your show to new heights. But what data exactly helps tell you if you’re on the right track? What episodes are catching […]

Podcast Advertising

Why You Should Run This Type of Campaign

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Podcast advertising can take many forms: Programmatic, Host-Read, sponsored episodes, and more. But did you know there are different subtypes even within those differing kinds of advertising? Platforms like RedCircle allow advertisers to isolate specific episodes for an even more targeted campaign. These types of campaigns are known as “Recent Episodes Only” campaigns, or faked-ins, […]

Podcasting Tips

5 Reasons You Should Create Bonus Content

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Curious about bonus content? It’s an often underrated part of podcasting that can help to grow your audience and connect with them on a deeper level which, in turn, creates a ton of value for your show. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider creating bonus content. Diversify Your Revenue We talked about the […]