• What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

    What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

    If, to give an extreme example, you say you've been trying to shift things for 50 years and you've not been able to shift it and you're feeling dejected, the question is, what is the identity you've been trying to shift things as? As the person who says, I am not the kind of person things shift for, or I'm not the kind of person who can have good health or good whatever? Or as the person who believes, things happen for me. I am empowered by God or the universe or whatever you believe in, to make things happen? Do you focus on results or progress? It is progress over perfection.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E78 - 16m - Jun 14, 2024
  • A deeper glimpse into taking responsibility for our lives - 24.06.13

    A deeper glimpse into taking responsibility for our lives - 24.06.13

    This video is about going deeper into taking responsibility for our lives. Understanding that when we feel resentment towards someone else, it is because somewhere we are not taking responsibility for our lives. We may be doing a lot, spending many hours every day on what we want, we may be thinking we are doing everything we can, we may be taking a lot of action, and we may still harbor this desire to be somehow rescued and we may still not be all in. We may still be holding other people responsible for our failures and therefore blocking ourselves from resolving the issue.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E77 - 16m - Jun 13, 2024
  • Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

    Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

    When you want to solve a problem, say you want to wake up early, one way is to set alarms and be disciplined. The better way is to raise your vibration instead of just jumping to action. Why do you want to wake up early? To exercise maybe? To read something uplifting? Then watch videos throughout the day about why exercise is important. Immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want. Then waking up early will be much easier.

    Or, do you want to know what your life purpose is? Do you want to know what you should be doing today? Do you want your higher power to help you with what to do today? Then immerse yourself in your connection with the higher power, or God, or Krishna, whatever you believe in. Spend your days immersing yourself in prayer, not with the intention of achieving something, but just to build that connection. The answers will automatically come, the miracles will naturally flow. Use your mind to immerse yourself in the vibration you want instead of the vibrations of the negative thoughts you don't want.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E76 - 15m - Jun 12, 2024
  • Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

    Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

    Many times we take on what other people say we can or cannot do. Sometimes we take it on because we believe them, sometimes we fight back with them, they may even apologize, but somehow it penetrates into us and weakens us. Sometimes people may end relationships by ghosting us or ending abruptly without telling us why, and we may be left wondering what we did wrong, and we may take on that there is something wrong with us.

    If we become aware that the person is putting us down, either by limiting us and telling us we can't do this or that, even if they come across as very polished and kind, but subtly they make us feel like we are incapable of all kinds of things, or by simply ghosting us, then we can stay away from the person, at least until we have enough shields up that we feel confident that they cannot penetrate us. We can understand that their actions stem from their own insecurities and have nothing to do with us, and we can protect ourselves by staying away while still completely forgiving them and wishing them the best of everything.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E75 - 9m - Jun 11, 2024
  • The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

    The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

    Think about and ruminate on things you want - this might be one of the most common cliches you've ever heard. But there's immense strength in it.

    If you're not able to think about the things you want, maybe you're not as passionate about it as you may think you are.

    Or you may just need an immense amount of practice to do so.

    Put that immense amount of energy into ruminating about things you want, and see your life shift from a disempowered state of being into an empowered state of being, and see yourself able to solve problems and understand deeply things that escaped you despite the immense amount of thought you put into it earlier. When you raise your level you'll be able to see the big picture of the problem much more easily. Raise your level by thinking about the good and sacred things in your life, by being grateful.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E74 - 11m - Jun 10, 2024
  • Denial vs surrender. 24.06.08

    Denial vs surrender. 24.06.08

    How do you tell whether you're in denial or surrender, when both feel like dejection when things don't go your way?

    Denial makes you feel weak, like, nothing ever works for me. Surrender, even though you feel a little weak and dejected in the moment, has the element of, even though this didn't work, it doesn't matter. I will figure out what my next step is, how to improve my process, because this can work and I'm going to keep trying, and leave the results to God. There is strength in it, there is hope, there is action instead of inaction.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E73 - 11m - Jun 8, 2024
  • Transform your mundane life into a sacred one - 24.06.07

    Transform your mundane life into a sacred one - 24.06.07

    Is your mind your friend or your enemy? Are you always looking at what's not working? Or at what's incredibly insanely beautiful, in your life?

    Transform every day regular and painful moments into sacred moments by training your mind to see the sacredness in your life rather than the mundane. See the magic in your seemingly ordinary life. See the beauty, the joy, the love.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E72 - 14m - Jun 7, 2024
  • How to manifest guilt free from a spiritual pov - 24.06.06

    How to manifest guilt free from a spiritual pov - 24.06.06

    This is a very powerful video about becoming very clear about what your eternal goals are and how to live in this material world based on what your eternal goals are. In the spiritual world the idea is about loving God vs wanting anything from anyone, including wanting things from God that make us happy. In the personal growth world the focus is on wanting things from the universe or from God that make us happy, so we can enjoy. How do we live our lives in the spiritual world? How do we manifest anything? This video addresses how to manifest and what the important things are to have as goals so we can get to the right direction.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E71 - 16m - Jun 6, 2024
  • Build yourself up so giving feels more joyful than receiving - 24.06.05

    Build yourself up so giving feels more joyful than receiving - 24.06.05

    Have the goal to build yourself up so you can have relationships with people where giving feels more joyful than receiving. And accept yourself for where you are right now, where you need to receive in order to feel stable. But have the clear goal of wanting to be of service to others as you build yourself up, otherwise it is easy to stay stuck in the rut of needing to receiving and thus not having as deeply fulfilling relationships as you can have.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E70 - 9m - Jun 5, 2024
  • Keep at it relentlessly even if it takes many decades - 24.06.04

    Keep at it relentlessly even if it takes many decades - 24.06.04

    Even if you've done an immense amount of work on yourself over many decades, and you feel like there is something wrong with you or nothing ever works for you, keep trusting that the right thing will click at the right time.

    Examples I have given:

    I didn't manage to make any anchor point stick where I was able to use an anchor point to bring myself back to a state of strength. Until 7 years later, it just came to me and it worked out perfectly.

    Also, I used to have the identity that I am a lazy person. It took decades, and finally I was able to overcome it.

    Keep at it. Relentlessly.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    S2E69 - 17m - Jun 4, 2024
  • Two different ways to plan our lives - 24.06.03

    Two different ways to plan our lives - 24.06.03

    There are two ways I have to plan my life. One is to have daily habit tasks that fill a lot of my day, and then fill the rest of the day with whatever feels right in the moment. What is the most difficult task I can do right now that I have the courage to do?

    The second way is to have a timetable. I'll do this from this time to this time, then this, then this. But the idea is to not feel bad if all of it doesn't work out. This effort is just to give structure to the day.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E68 - 10m - Jun 3, 2024
  • Imagine - what if - scenarios to shift out of victim mode - 24.06.01

    Imagine - what if - scenarios to shift out of victim mode - 24.06.01

    When you're feeling victim - nothing ever works for me, etc, try to imagine - what is the best case solution for this problem? What if that solution works out? What would (think of the person you admire the most) do in this situation? Borrow their identity for a moment if the answer isn't coming from your own identity.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E67 - 6m - Jun 1, 2024
  • Actively look for how the pain is helping you release your fears - 24.05.31

    Actively look for how the pain is helping you release your fears - 24.05.31

    When you're in the throws of pain, look for a moment of clarity where you can actually feel this pain helping you release the underlying fear.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E66 - 7m - May 31, 2024
  • Are you anxious attachment style, if so, watch this - 24.05.23

    Are you anxious attachment style, if so, watch this - 24.05.23

    This is a guide for the anxious attachment styles to understand when they are seeking approval from an avoidant, and how to catch yourself doing that and break that cycle. It is also a guide for how an avoidant can work towards being more secure, and what a secure person looks like.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E65 - 17m - May 23, 2024
  • Respect people by understanding their quirks have nothing to do with you - 24.05.20

    Respect people by understanding their quirks have nothing to do with you - 24.05.22

    When we understand, truly understand, that the actions of other people have nothing to do with you, and you are able to put your ego aside, then you can unlock respecting people at the highest levels, no matter what they do. This is an insanely powerful concept that will completely change your relationships.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E64 - 15m - May 22, 2024
  • Relentlessly - Remember this word - 24.05.20

    Relentlessly - Remember this word - 24.05.20

    Whatever it is you're trying to do, remember this word relentlessly. Go after it, whether it is trying to control your mind by engaging it in a specific thing that you want or removing the thoughts you don't want, whether it is your health, whether it is trying to learn a new skill or business, go after it relentlessly.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E63 - 9m - May 20, 2024
  • Boundaries - Bryon Katie - Loving what is - 24.05.18

    Boundaries - Bryon Katie - Loving what is - 24.05.18

    How to set boundaries in a very effective way, without getting angry and without reacting or being judgmental. Pull out the deepest kindness from within your heart and build relationships through boundaries instead of breaking them or building resentment. This is an example from Byron Katie's book 'Loving what is', and I applied it to two incidents of my life and shared those. I have felt I'm very good with boundaries, and she took this to a whole new deeper level.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E62 - 11m - May 18, 2024
  • Identity the limits of your limiting beliefs to shift them - 24.05.17

    Identity the limits of your limiting beliefs to shift them - 24.05.17

    When we have limiting beliefs, we usually have specific limits to what we think we can do. If we identify what our limits are, we can choose to extend those limits and do a lot more. Along with increasing our limits, we can understand that our actions are in our control and not the results. We can then choose to keep acting anyways even if the results don't show up at the time we believe it must. Even if no results ever show up but we die trying, we will feel much better because we are doing what is in our control rather than laying in bed depressed, doing nothing. Increasing our limits will help us buy time while we shift our identity to be the person who keeps acting and pivoting no matter what. Most likely, we will achieve things far beyond our imagination.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E61 - 12m - May 17, 2024
  • Limiting belief - I'm not growing fast enough - 24.05.16

    Limiting belief - I'm not growing fast enough - 24.05.16

    Addictions and comparisons can come in the guise of seemingly positive behaviors. Be careful and keep giving yourself breaks if you feel you might be getting addicted.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E60 - 6m - May 16, 2024
  • Befriending the wild mind - 24.05.15

    Befriending the wild mind - 24.05.15

    This is a deepening conversation of how when the mind keeps wanting to say - but nothing ever works for me! You befriend the mind and talk to it gently but firmly and redirect the attention on next steps instead of lamenting the past.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    S2E59 - 10m - May 16, 2024
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The Power Of Emotion