The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

Season 2 | Episode 74
11m | Jun 10, 2024

The power of ruminating - 24.06.10

Think about and ruminate on things you want - this might be one of the most common cliches you've ever heard. But there's immense strength in it.

If you're not able to think about the things you want, maybe you're not as passionate about it as you may think you are.

Or you may just need an immense amount of practice to do so.

Put that immense amount of energy into ruminating about things you want, and see your life shift from a disempowered state of being into an empowered state of being, and see yourself able to solve problems and understand deeply things that escaped you despite the immense amount of thought you put into it earlier. When you raise your level you'll be able to see the big picture of the problem much more easily. Raise your level by thinking about the good and sacred things in your life, by being grateful.

This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.

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The Power Of Emotion