Keep at it relentlessly even if it takes many decades - 24.06.04

Season 2 | Episode 69
17m | Jun 4, 2024

Keep at it relentlessly even if it takes many decades - 24.06.04

Even if you've done an immense amount of work on yourself over many decades, and you feel like there is something wrong with you or nothing ever works for you, keep trusting that the right thing will click at the right time.

Examples I have given:

I didn't manage to make any anchor point stick where I was able to use an anchor point to bring myself back to a state of strength. Until 7 years later, it just came to me and it worked out perfectly.

Also, I used to have the identity that I am a lazy person. It took decades, and finally I was able to overcome it.

Keep at it. Relentlessly.

This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.

This is my page to sign up for coaching.

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The Power Of Emotion