Two different ways to plan our lives - 24.06.03

Season 2 | Episode 68
10m | Jun 3, 2024

Two different ways to plan our lives - 24.06.03

There are two ways I have to plan my life. One is to have daily habit tasks that fill a lot of my day, and then fill the rest of the day with whatever feels right in the moment. What is the most difficult task I can do right now that I have the courage to do?

The second way is to have a timetable. I'll do this from this time to this time, then this, then this. But the idea is to not feel bad if all of it doesn't work out. This effort is just to give structure to the day.

This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.

This is my page to sign up for coaching.

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The Power Of Emotion