What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

Season 2 | Episode 78
16m | Jun 14, 2024

What identity have you been trying to achieve things as - 24.06.14

If, to give an extreme example, you say you've been trying to shift things for 50 years and you've not been able to shift it and you're feeling dejected, the question is, what is the identity you've been trying to shift things as? As the person who says, I am not the kind of person things shift for, or I'm not the kind of person who can have good health or good whatever? Or as the person who believes, things happen for me. I am empowered by God or the universe or whatever you believe in, to make things happen? Do you focus on results or progress? It is progress over perfection.

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The Power Of Emotion