Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

Season 2 | Episode 76
15m | Jun 12, 2024

Raise your vibration instead of jumping to action - 24.06.12

When you want to solve a problem, say you want to wake up early, one way is to set alarms and be disciplined. The better way is to raise your vibration instead of just jumping to action. Why do you want to wake up early? To exercise maybe? To read something uplifting? Then watch videos throughout the day about why exercise is important. Immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want. Then waking up early will be much easier.

Or, do you want to know what your life purpose is? Do you want to know what you should be doing today? Do you want your higher power to help you with what to do today? Then immerse yourself in your connection with the higher power, or God, or Krishna, whatever you believe in. Spend your days immersing yourself in prayer, not with the intention of achieving something, but just to build that connection. The answers will automatically come, the miracles will naturally flow. Use your mind to immerse yourself in the vibration you want instead of the vibrations of the negative thoughts you don't want.

This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.

This is my page to sign up for coaching.

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The Power Of Emotion