Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

Season 2 | Episode 75
9m | Jun 11, 2024

Being aware of being gaslighted - 24.06.11

Many times we take on what other people say we can or cannot do. Sometimes we take it on because we believe them, sometimes we fight back with them, they may even apologize, but somehow it penetrates into us and weakens us. Sometimes people may end relationships by ghosting us or ending abruptly without telling us why, and we may be left wondering what we did wrong, and we may take on that there is something wrong with us.

If we become aware that the person is putting us down, either by limiting us and telling us we can't do this or that, even if they come across as very polished and kind, but subtly they make us feel like we are incapable of all kinds of things, or by simply ghosting us, then we can stay away from the person, at least until we have enough shields up that we feel confident that they cannot penetrate us. We can understand that their actions stem from their own insecurities and have nothing to do with us, and we can protect ourselves by staying away while still completely forgiving them and wishing them the best of everything.

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