• 70. Goodbye Joyous to Be. And thank you!

    Thank you for this beautiful journey! I'll see you when I see you!

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 29m - Apr 10, 2024
  • 69. Manifesting is about the energy, not the practices. And it’s about you trusting yourself more than any other coach or teacher

    Hi loves! In this episode I shared with you a few ideas that’s been on my mind about manifesting, about the fact that the energy is more important than any specific practice, and that it’s so so important at all times to listen to your heart so you could clearly know which ideas and practices are for you and which aren’t. Like I like to say — trust yourself more than you trust me (or any other teacher you choose to learn from). Nothing outside of you will make you powerful if inside you feel broken, you know.


    Link for donations - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    Tags: Reverse engineering, know-it-all coaching, you are your own expert, listen to your heart, inner guidance, Abraham Hicks, trust yourself, manifestation

    S1 - 35m - Mar 1, 2024
  • 68. Your thoughts keep you (in the illusion of being) trapped

    Hi loves! In this episode I’m sharing with you a few ideas about mindset — what to do with it, how to change it and how to accept that we all have to work on it. So, if you’re feeling trapped, this one is for you. If you want something you’re pretty sure is impossible or very hard to achieve — it’s for you. And if you just wanted a few kind reminders that you create your own reality with your powerful mind — it’s for you.


    Link for donations - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    Tags: Universe has your back, build faith, feeling trapped, feeling stuck, power of thoughts, inspiring message, inspiring podcasts, law of attraction, power of your mind

    S1 - 23m - Feb 24, 2024
  • 67. My daily routine that keeps me sane

    Hey loves! I recorded a very spontaneous video with a few cool ideas that I felt inspired to share with you today. And I'm adding the audio here too, because that's what I do! lol

    Video is here - https://youtu.be/X0-7MflIQr0



    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    Tags: alignment, self acceptance, morning routine, morning practice, spiritual practice, self-care, morning pages, mental health

    S1 - 18m - Feb 6, 2024
  • 66. There's really no point in making decisions until you align with your desire

    Hi guys! In this episode I shared with you my recent insights about what happens when you align with your desire and what happens when you don't. It's like there are two different people! The you who's aligned and the you who isn't! And it's like these two versions of you have different interests. The questions is what do you want to create in your life - your dreams coming true or your past?


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    Tags: law of attraction, manifestation, alignment, self trust, self acceptance, trusting yourself, dreams coming true, dreams do come true, abraham hicks, co-creation

    S1 - 23m - Jan 10, 2024
  • 65. It's NOT irresponsible to rely on your spirit guides every step of the way | Collective reading

    Hi guys! I recorded a new collective reading for us… two weeks ago lol, and I’m posting it just now, first of all because life happened and these two weeks were pretty busy, and second of all because after I recorded it and came back to my conscious mind, I began doubting (this happens to me sometimes) if this reading made any sense, so I decided to listen to it before publishing… and, well, that’s when the body to weeks started.

    I listened to it today though and omg it’s SUCH A GOOD READING!!! I only doubt my readings when my intuition goes fully online and my conscious mind switches off, and when it comes back on it doubts everything that happened when it was off, haha, and it’s ok. I’m glad I listened to the reading again, because it’s so good!

    It’s about trusting your intuition and letting it lead the way, it’s about that our desires are help from the highest power, and it’s about that it’s not childish at all to give up trying to figure your life out on your own and rely more on your inner guidance in your everyday life.


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 40m - Dec 5, 2023
  • 64. You’ve got to trust that you’re doing enough

    This episode turned out to be kinda sorta my answer to a question “what if your manifestation doesn’t work”. I talked about self-love, I talked about trust, and I talked about the power or the present moment where all the magic is. Enjoy!


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 18m - Nov 2, 2023
  • 63. Trust yourself. Your body, your intuition, your cycles

    Hey guys! In this short episode I'm just feeling chatty and sharing with you what's on my mind aka three ideas that are most alive for me atm. And they all are about the importance of trusting yourself, trusting your body, trusting your seasons of productivity and of rest, trusting that after one always comes the other, trusting your intuition. All the things.

    So, make yourself a nice cup of tea and enjoy listening! Love you!


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 27m - Oct 23, 2023
  • 62. Validate your resistance. It shows you what your values are | Collective reading

    Hey muffins! Today's collective reading is so so good! We talked about desires and how sometimes we predict outcomes and then get scared of what we want, not realizing that we just PREDICT outcomes, and then we are scared of what we IMAGINED instead of taking control back and changing what we choose to be the outcome, you know. We also talked about what it means when we feel like our desires contradict each other, how hard it can be to not take on other people's values and be honest with ourselves, how important it is to pay attention to our resistance, because we often subconsciously suppress it and want to push forward, thinking it'll all get fixed by itself as soon as we get THERE (wherever this may be), but we are holding ourselves back, because we simply don't pay attention to what the resistance is all about in the first place. And this is just a part of the whole reading, there are so many good messages in it, I'm gonna listen to it again myself to fully receive! Enjoy!


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 35m - Oct 16, 2023
  • 61. Learning to accept your multifaceted self, that was never meant to fit into any box. Channeled wisdom

    Hey loves! So yesterday I was doing a reading for myself, and the channeled message I received was so good that I felt like sharing it with you here on the podcast.

    It was about how our human mind is constantly trying to put ourselves into a box, to finally be able to understand ourselves,

    and about how we never fit into any box,

    and it’s about accepting the multifacetedness in ourselves, and finding our sense of safety in the Universe, in the Source energy, that gets us even when our own mind doesn’t.

    It’s many things and it’s so beautiful, and I can’t wait for you to hear it this message!


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 38m - Oct 6, 2023
  • 60. Be gentle with yourself. Kind reminders, values, and my version of a habit tracker

    Hey loves! In today's episode I talk about the importance of being gentle with ourselves. I shared my experience with habit trackers and how I use one now, I also shared some news on my new project and how it's simultaneously exciting and freaking scary for me, and I again talk a little bit about the duality and how to accept it in ourselves.

    This ended up being a cozy, lovely chit-chat-like episode, so make tea, get comfy and enjoy listening!


    Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 44m - Oct 5, 2023
  • 59. Trust, let go and fill your cup | Collective reading

    Hey loves, I wanted to record a short and lovely collective reading for us as leaders and creatives, and it turned out to be about transformation, shedding, trusting and taking care of ourselves. And I love this for us. Take it as a little love-note to you from the loving Universe.

    Take care!


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks


    Tags: collective tarot reading, going through a transformation, letting go

    S1 - 17m - Sep 24, 2023
  • 58. Don’t put your dreams into a "Someday" box

    Hey loves! When I began recording the podcast, I wanted to do all the things, haha, share three ideas of the week and do a collective reading, but when I started recording, I realized there was one biggest thing that I wanted to remind you and myself about — that your dream, no matter how big, is NOT the final destination. There’s always something next, and you don’t allow yourself to tap into that next juicy vision when you don’t allow yourself to align with your big dream now (there can be different and very valid reasons for you to not align with it now, but no matter how valid, they are still limitations of your mind, you know).

    Abraham Hicks say “your biggest creation in this lifetime is YOU”. And I want us all to GET that already!!! Lol 

    Anyway, I talk more about this on this ep. Enjoy!


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 41m - Sep 24, 2023
  • 57. Accepting the duality in ourselves and others. Things are not just black and white... fortunately

    *you guys, only after I recorded the episode, I checked the dictionary and realized there is a big difference between the word "duality" and the word "duplicity", and OF COURSE I was talking about the duality, haha. Well, what can I say, english is not my first language, you live and learn, forgive me.


    Hi loves! Today's collective reading was NOT what I expected it to be at all, haha, but it was SO good.

    Earlier today I was asking for guidance and answers about some topics that are being discussed in my world lately, and some people who are having very strong opinions on what is bad and what is good, what is good and what is evil, what is from and of God and what isn't, what people SHOULD and shouldn't do. And I didn't like these discussions, they didn't resonate with me at all, but I got confused since all these judgmental things have been said by the people I respected. I asked my guides to clarify this for me... and then, a few hours later I was recording a collective reading for Joyous to Be and I didn't set any specific intentions, I just asked "What do we need to know today?"

    And well, I am happy to let you know that apparently what we all needed today was a conversation about the duality, about acceptance of it in ourselves and others, about unconditional love and seeing the world beyond just black and white, which seems simplistic but actually cause more trouble to those who choose to see the world that way. You'd think this would make their lives easier, but actually it makes it heavier, more complicated and overwhelming.

    So in the new episode I'll be talking about it more. Shadow work, practices to help us connect with our inner child and understand our triggers, and once we learn how to love, accept and work with the duality within ourselves, we get better at recognizing and accepting it in others. And we teach others to accept it in themselves and the world by our own example. This turned out to be a beautiful conversation full of love, kindness and wisdom.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 53m - Sep 11, 2023
  • 56. Embracing the duality. You both lost smth and gained smth. You’ve got things to both grieve and celebrate. And it’s ok

    *you guys, only after I recorded the episode, I checked the dictionary and realized there is a big difference between the word "duality" and the word "duplicity", and OF COURSE I was talking about the duality, haha. Well, what can I say, english is not my first language, you live and learn, forgive me.


    Hey loves! Today’s episode is so many things but mostly it’s about holding yourself and loving yourself when you’re going through death and rebirth. It doesn’t matter if it someone you love, a part of you, a part of your life that didn’t work for you the way you wanted, or anything else. It’s about grieving AND being open to see the bigger picture at the same time. It’s about victim mentality and that there’s nothing wrong with feeling like a victim when you’re going through something painful. And it’s about the capacity and capability to be present with the part of you that is hurting and at the same time to understand there are other parts of you that are ready to expand. There are my stories and a collective reading. It’s such a good episode.


    Amy's video "30 Short Rules To Become A Better Artist" - https://youtu.be/dnBWXqyqjfU?si=TUoqqCLQ101u97hU

    My blogpost "You are NOT too much!" - https://joyoustobe.wordpress.com/2023/09/04/september-4th-2023-youre-not-too-much/

    And the episode I mentioned with my story is 49. "The humanness of not believing your own calling. Confessions of a bilingual channeler (personal story)"


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 1h 11m - Sep 4, 2023
  • 55. When you are completely honest with yourself, you usually know what choice you want to make. But it's ok to be a human about it

    Hey loves! Today's episode turned out to be all about making a choice or making a decision that we may obsess about, so if it resonates, this episode will be helpful. I was sharing my recent examples of where I had a hard time making a decision because it felt like a matter of life and death and it was paralyzing me, and then I did a collective channeling/reading and our spirit team offered us a few practices to help us solve this and maybe look at it differently.

    You know, oftentimes we DO know what's right for us and we DO know what choice to make, if we are COMPLETELY honest with ourselves, but we resist it, we get scared, or... well, we're not completely honest with ourselves.

    Oh gosh, I'm writing this and thinking "well, if you put it like THAT, that if I am COMPLETELY honest with myself, then... yeah, I think I know what choice I am willing to make, BUT I can't right now, it's too scary, it's too big, I'm not sure I want to, what if I regret it...", you see what I mean?

    And you know what, let's be gentle with ourselves. It's ok to give ourselves time and support. And I talk more on this in today's episode.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 51m - Aug 29, 2023
  • 54. Allow yourself to be who you want to be, don’t wait for permission from the Universe

    Hey loves! Today’s reading is a beautiful reminder that we change ourselves first and then the Universe responds to who we are.

    Look into your “if only”-s, where do you expect your reality to change first, so you could allow yourself to be who you want to be? Those conditions are your limitations and this kind of thinking is keeping you entrapped. Let yourself be free from the limitations. And watch what happens next.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 32m - Aug 25, 2023
  • 53. Chit-chat about self-love, morning pages, my complicated relationship with sleep (and my cat, haha) + collective reading about that manifestation is 20% inspired action and 80% energy aligning work

    Hey cupcakes! In today’s episode there’s a little bit of chit-chat, a little bit of cool ideas I felt like sharing and a collective reading too. Because I felt called to do it as I was talking, even though I didn’t plan this.

    I have mixed feelings about this because I thought that my thoughts and channeled messages should be separate on this podcast. Although why and who said they should, if on my channeling session there’s a mix of both and I, myself, as a human, am a mix of both lol. I trust that this episode turned out to be what it was meant to be. Enjoy!

    P.S. I know the title is crazy long, and in case there's not enough space for it in the title box, it's called "Chit-chat about self-love, morning pages, my complicated relationship with sleep (and my cat, haha) + collective reading about that manifestation is 20% inspired action and 80% energy aligning work", I spent some time thinking about making it shorter but I love it this way, and I'm keeping it. Sorry not sorry


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 58m - Aug 24, 2023
  • 52. Your desire wants you too. Relax and receive | Collective Reading

    Hi guys, today's reading is about that it's not your effort that moves mountains, and neither it is your overthinking. I know that but sometimes still find ourselves in this trap, don't we? Our energy, our intention, our alignment are so much more important and so much more powerful. Keep your heart open and let the Universe help you.


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 29m - Aug 21, 2023
  • 51. The one about feeling the emotions, channeling your next level self and working with positive affirmations. And P.S. Affirmations freaking WORK!!

    Hey lovely people! Today's episode was recorded in may 2022 and I never got to editing it until now, so I guess now is the perfect time for it! Here I share with you three ideas that I loved from that week when I was recording it:

    -how important it is to not resist your emotions but accept them and accept your emoting self (you know what, from my experience of working with many people in the past few years, and from my personal experience, I know that we humans are scared of actually feeling our emotions because we, for some reason, think that it'll be so painful it'll kill us, when in reality the opposite is the truth, avoiding our big emotions is what killing us inside, and I wanna talk about it!);

    -how to channel and embody your next level self (a nice little practice to integrate into our daily life);

    -how to work with positive affirmations (because they FREAKIN work ok? I'll be sharing my experience and some cool ideas I found on this topic).

    It's so good!


    LINK FOR DONATIONS - https://boosty.to/dashatalks/donate

    All the links - https://shor.by/joyoustobe

    My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@DashaThinks

    My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

    Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks

    S1 - 43m - Aug 18, 2023
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Joyous to be