53. Chit-chat about self-love, morning pages, my complicated relationship with sleep (and my cat, haha) + collective reading about that manifestation is 20% inspired action and 80% energy aligning work

Season 1
58m | Aug 24, 2023

Hey cupcakes! In today’s episode there’s a little bit of chit-chat, a little bit of cool ideas I felt like sharing and a collective reading too. Because I felt called to do it as I was talking, even though I didn’t plan this.

I have mixed feelings about this because I thought that my thoughts and channeled messages should be separate on this podcast. Although why and who said they should, if on my channeling session there’s a mix of both and I, myself, as a human, am a mix of both lol. I trust that this episode turned out to be what it was meant to be. Enjoy!

P.S. I know the title is crazy long, and in case there's not enough space for it in the title box, it's called "Chit-chat about self-love, morning pages, my complicated relationship with sleep (and my cat, haha) + collective reading about that manifestation is 20% inspired action and 80% energy aligning work", I spent some time thinking about making it shorter but I love it this way, and I'm keeping it. Sorry not sorry



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Joyous to be