57. Accepting the duality in ourselves and others. Things are not just black and white... fortunately

Season 1
53m | Sep 11, 2023

*you guys, only after I recorded the episode, I checked the dictionary and realized there is a big difference between the word "duality" and the word "duplicity", and OF COURSE I was talking about the duality, haha. Well, what can I say, english is not my first language, you live and learn, forgive me.


Hi loves! Today's collective reading was NOT what I expected it to be at all, haha, but it was SO good.

Earlier today I was asking for guidance and answers about some topics that are being discussed in my world lately, and some people who are having very strong opinions on what is bad and what is good, what is good and what is evil, what is from and of God and what isn't, what people SHOULD and shouldn't do. And I didn't like these discussions, they didn't resonate with me at all, but I got confused since all these judgmental things have been said by the people I respected. I asked my guides to clarify this for me... and then, a few hours later I was recording a collective reading for Joyous to Be and I didn't set any specific intentions, I just asked "What do we need to know today?"

And well, I am happy to let you know that apparently what we all needed today was a conversation about the duality, about acceptance of it in ourselves and others, about unconditional love and seeing the world beyond just black and white, which seems simplistic but actually cause more trouble to those who choose to see the world that way. You'd think this would make their lives easier, but actually it makes it heavier, more complicated and overwhelming.

So in the new episode I'll be talking about it more. Shadow work, practices to help us connect with our inner child and understand our triggers, and once we learn how to love, accept and work with the duality within ourselves, we get better at recognizing and accepting it in others. And we teach others to accept it in themselves and the world by our own example. This turned out to be a beautiful conversation full of love, kindness and wisdom.



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Joyous to be