56. Embracing the duality. You both lost smth and gained smth. You’ve got things to both grieve and celebrate. And it’s ok

Season 1
1h 11m | Sep 4, 2023

*you guys, only after I recorded the episode, I checked the dictionary and realized there is a big difference between the word "duality" and the word "duplicity", and OF COURSE I was talking about the duality, haha. Well, what can I say, english is not my first language, you live and learn, forgive me.


Hey loves! Today’s episode is so many things but mostly it’s about holding yourself and loving yourself when you’re going through death and rebirth. It doesn’t matter if it someone you love, a part of you, a part of your life that didn’t work for you the way you wanted, or anything else. It’s about grieving AND being open to see the bigger picture at the same time. It’s about victim mentality and that there’s nothing wrong with feeling like a victim when you’re going through something painful. And it’s about the capacity and capability to be present with the part of you that is hurting and at the same time to understand there are other parts of you that are ready to expand. There are my stories and a collective reading. It’s such a good episode.


Amy's video "30 Short Rules To Become A Better Artist" -

My blogpost "You are NOT too much!" -

And the episode I mentioned with my story is 49. "The humanness of not believing your own calling. Confessions of a bilingual channeler (personal story)"



All the links -

My youtube channel -

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Twitch channel -

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Joyous to be