• the ritual of closing cycle two | s.02 ep.08

    What a journey it has been! Over the past year, we've poured our hearts into creating, recording, and publishing all the episodes of our second season. It's been an incredibly insightful ride that has strengthened and softened us in equal measure. Along the way, we've bolstered our bond with more safety, trust, and acceptance, while shedding the weight of expectations on ourselves and our podcast.

    In this episode, join us—Anna and Marlene—as we reflect on our growth, celebrate our victories, and share the lessons we've learned along the way. Through this episode, we uncover that Anna's need for structure provides her with a sense of safety and togetherness, while Marlene's desire for flow stems from a longing to be accepted and to feel fully alive as her authentic self. What has this second cycle brought for you? What have you learnt about yourself and your relationships? We’d love to invite you to go through the reflection question side by side with us. 

     So, tune in and experience the magic of being held in Sisterhood


    Chapter 1: where did we grow? Individually and together (02:45)

    Chapter 2: what fruits did we bear throughout this season? what came to life? (11:50)

    Chapter 3: what died and decomposed? (22:00)

    Chapter 4: where did we feel nourished and grounded? (33:10)

    Chapter 5: where did we not feel nourished? where did we feel ungrounded? (50:50)

    Chapter 6: what and how do we want to seed moving forward? (01:12)


    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    1h 13m - Feb 22, 2024
  • winter: embracing uncertainty in reflective silence | s.02 ep.07

    “We go into the uncertainty to clear away the fog because underneath it we already know and the fog itself is filled with all of those fears. Beyond the uncertainty is the deep knowing.”

    Winter has descended upon us, casting its darkest, quietest, and coldest veil over the world. It's the time when we yearn to snuggle up indoors with a cozy blanket, a crackling fire, and a warm cup of cocoa. Yet, more often than not, we find ourselves sitting in the discomfort of the cold and darkness. In the realm of sisterhood, winter represents a season of pause—a moment to breathe after being triggered. It's an opportunity to turn inward, reflect, and release our preconceived notions about our sisterly relationships. It's a time to embrace what feels true - sometimes an uncomfortable realisation to wake up to. 

    Join us in this episode as we explore the concept of relational winter, akin to the hibernation mode, and delve into the transformative power of embracing uncertainty.


    Chapter 1: painting the picture of winter (03:39)

    Chapter 2: winter in relationships (07:00)

    Chapter 3: why we tend to push winter away (13:43)

    Chapter 4: do we need closure? (28:55)

    Chapter 5: consciously embracing nature's rhythms (35:50)

    Chapter 6: conclusion of this episode and prompts for the soul (39:00)




    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E7 - 44m - Jan 30, 2024
  • autumn: unleashing the healing potential in sister-to-sister relationships | s.02 ep.06

    “Autumn is the season of triggers and counter-triggers but it is also the season of safety, of stability, of routine where a relationship actually starts happening”

    As the weather grows colder, our natural inclination is to retreat into the warmth of our homes. The freshness of spring and the excitement of summer have faded, and we find ourselves fully committed to this sisterhood, allowing a sense of routine to gradually unfold. During this season of committed stability, our nervous systems relax, providing the ideal environment for old attachment wounds to resurface for them to be seen and acknowledged. 

    ​​Join us in this episode as we explore a conscious approach to holding space for triggers. By doing so, we embark on a journey to heal these wounded aspects within ourselves, our sisters, and the collective consciousness.


    Chapter 1: Nature’s autumn (02:08)

    Chapter 2: Autumn in sisterhood: the season of stability and triggers (05:18)

    Chapter 3: how to be with triggers in a way that elevates us? (13:02)

    Chapter 4: attachment styles and sisterhood (34:18)

    Chapter 5: A ritual for triggers & shaking off the triggers through the body (50:28)




    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm: https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro Music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover: Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E6 - 58m - Jan 8, 2024
  • summer: embracing the fullness without attaching to it | s.02 ep.05

    “The day is long and there is time for everything and we want to do it all.”

    Summer arrives, and as temperatures rise, so do our spirits. It's a season that many eagerly anticipate, a time when life's vibrancy takes center stage. Yet even amidst the scorching sun, we sometimes seek the shade to find respite from its intensity. In the realm of sisterhood, summer represents pure bliss. It's an opportunity to relish the profound connections we've cultivated while learning the art of non-attachment—letting go of attachments, projections, and expectations.

    Join us as we navigate the summer waves with intentionality, learning to appreciate relationships for what they are, rather than what we wish them to be.


    Chapter 1: what is summer (3:50)

    Chapter 2: how to enjoy the lived experience of summer in its fullness: speaking what is, appreciation and nourishing (5:13)

    Chapter 3: how to detach from summer: releasing the labels, releasing expectations and projections, presencing jealousy and envy, coming back to wholeness (22:58)

    Chapter 4: Soul Work Practice - coming into presence and gratitude (39:06) 

    Chapter 5: Embodiment Practice - gratitude (46:29)




    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm: https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music: Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover: Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E5 - 56m - Dec 11, 2023
  • spring: building the foundation for a sacred sisterhood relationship | s.02 ep.04

    “Do you see what matters to me and may I see what matters to you?” 

    The spring season, a time of renewed energy and beginnings, welcomes us with its unpredictability: where we find ourselves putting on our jacket to take it off the next instant. In the realm of sisterhood, spring stands for a phase of exploration - an exploration of the “you”, the “me” and the beautiful intersection of “us”. It's a time when we get to know what truly matters to each of these three unique beings. 

    Come and join us as we invite the vibrant energy of spring to flow through us and engage in a conversation about the art of constructing an intentional, safe and sacred foundation for sister-to-sister relationships. 


    Chapter 1: Nature’s spring (2:18)

    Chapter 2: the initiation of relationships (4:18)

    Chapter 3: Sharing values: I see you and you see me (6:18)

    Chapter 4: Intentionality in sisterhood through communication (17:18)

    Chapter 5: Re-arriving at spring (22:18)

    Chapter 6: Questions of the radical alignment work (31:18)

    Chapter 7: What are values? Embodiment practice (37:18)




    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E4 - 45m - Nov 20, 2023
  • the cyclical nature of sisterhood | s.02 ep.03

    "nature beautifully shows us that its not stagnant, that it evolves that there are processes continuously infused within each other. There is growth expansion and death and that creates the cyclicality of that experience"

    What happens to our relationships when we embrace the idea that, like everything else in the natural world, they are living beings subject to continuous cycles? 

    Join us in this episode as we explore sisterhood through the lens of nature. Together, we'll examine the ebb and flow. What it means to be in flow and how it looks to be stagnant within a relationships. We'll also offer a glimpse of what's in store for you in the upcoming episodes of this season.


    Chapter 1: observing nature’s cycles (1:18)

    Chapter 2: relationships in movement, movement in relationships (12:18)

    Chapter 3: embracing fluidity and stagnation (14:18)

    Chapter 4: A Sneak Peek into Upcoming Episodes: Cycles and Seasons (21:24)

    Chapter 5: Soulwork (30:08)

    Chapter 6: Embodiment Practice: embracing your natural cycles (31:53)




    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E3 - 37m - Oct 30, 2023
  • when we call a sister “sister” | s.02 ep.02

    “I trust that this relationship in itself knows more than I know“

    When we open our minds and challenge the beliefs we hold about "you," "I," "us," and the term "sisterhood," we unearth the truth that resides beneath the surface of our egos. It's from this place of authenticity that we construct the bedrock of any relationship we deem sacred.

    Join us in this episode as we guide you through a tool for introspection, allowing you to examine your thoughts and delve into the four elements that form the foundations of a sacred sisterhood - commitment, intentionality, truth and compassion.


    Chapter 1: Questioning our Beliefs about Sisterhood (03:45)

    Chapter 2: The Four Foundations of a Sacred Sisterhood (31:38)

    Chapter 3: Cultivating Safety through Commitment (33:00)

    Chapter 4: The Power of Intentionality for Growth and Healing (38:15)

    Chapter 5: Trusting the Inner Truth (44:15)

    Chapter 6: Transforming in Compassion (52:15)

    Chapter 7: Embodiment Practice (1:01:00)



    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintention.studio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E2 - 1h 8m - Oct 9, 2023
  • we are back with cycle two, every three weeks | s.02 trailer

    Welcome to a brand new cycle of the held in Sisterhood Podcast, a series where we embark on a profound exploration of the nature of sisterhood and delve into the changing seasons of relationships. We are Anna and Marlene and we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Together, let's uncover the truths about sisterhood—ours and yours alike.

    In this season, we'll navigate the intricate tapestry of sisterly bonds, sharing insights, stories, and wisdom that can inspire and empower you in your own journey of sisterhood.

    So, whether you're a sister, have a sister, or simply yearn to understand the beautiful complexities of this unique connection, this podcast is for you. Tune in, and let's discover the magic of sisterhood together.


    Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/

    Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E1 - 4m - Sep 17, 2023
  • the roots and faces of Sisterhood | s.02 ep.01

    “The more I’ve been in togetherness with women the stronger and more successful I’ve become.

    Throughout various periods of human history and across diverse cultures and locations, women have continually sought togetherness. Why is that? What drives women to gather, and how has this innate desire shaped the various manifestations of sisterhood?

    Listen, as we explore our examination of sisterhood and elucidate why it is intricately ensconced in the female biology. Discover how this concept has evolved, carrying different connotations across cultures and eras. We'll delve into topics such as the red tents, Celtic traditions, sisterhood within the Black community, the Lean-In movement, and much more.

    Chapter 1: The Neurobiology of Sisterhood (03:25)

    Chapter 2: The many Faces of Sisterhood (23:15)

    Chapter 3: Gender Identification - Embracing our Differences (39:15)

    Chapter 4: Embodiment Practice (49:15)


    🍯 Soulwork: email anna@heldinsisterhood.com or signup for our newsletter 

    Tend and befriend theory by Shelley E. Taylor

    Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez


    🌳 Follow & Connect with Us

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://withintention.studio/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/

    💕 Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S2E1 - 55m - Sep 17, 2023
  • holiday special - deep rest | ep.07

    In the northern hemisphere, it is time of deepest darkness. The 21st of December marks the longest night and shortest day. We explore in this holiday special what it means to move into darkest and embrace it by going inwards, slowing down and resting. Especially at this particular moment of duality where we can experience the call towards resting and yet, need to be in holiday restlessness. In this holiday special, while still in production of season 02, we are called to share our experiences and inquiry around the topic of exhaustion, tiredness and deep rest. Living in our culture calls us to be in joy, in celebration, in constant giving and taking to reach a form of fullness. More so, everything opposite of light is disapproved and avoided - the ugly, the dark, the empty, the dying … 

    Come and join this conversation, in the comfort of your day or evening, a cup of tea and lots of nothingness. If you feel called, test out our ways of bringing more rest into your day to day. 


    👋 Keep in touch

    You can subscribe to our held in Sisterhood newsletter for new episodes, learn about special projects and sisterhood gatherings.

    Connect & be with Us

    Together with Marlene

    Follow on Instagram: work with wisdom

    Connect on Facebook: Marlene Zehnter

    Together with Anna

    Follow on Instagram: with intention studio

    Cool Stuff: studio

    Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E8 - 51m - Dec 23, 2022
  • the ritual of closing cycle one | ep. 06

    End of a cycle. A conscious closure includes reflection and learning. Its purpose is to acknowledge what was and to fertilise what will be: a birth of something new, a new cycle, new beginnings, possibilities. In this episode, as we close cycle one of held in Sisterhood podcast, we hold space for reflection and speak to the space of transition, the unknown that asks us to not need to do. We invite our listeners in this episode to move together with us through acceptance, reflection and gratitude and learn how to consciously close a chapter.

    Whether one is at the end of a job, relationship, place of living, approaching the cycle with attentiveness honors what was and does not discredit it to the mere feeling of end, which often absorbs the present moment. We are trained to jump into the next thing, to immediately take action, without enjoying this space of transition. From this pause in the unknown new creations can surface from unexpected grounds. 

    The next episode dates are unclear but our commitment to expand and grow through and with held in Sisterhood is certain. There will be more episodes, we assure you! And it will be fresh and raptured with our rawness of being held in sisterhood. Stay tuned for cycle two!

    📗 References 

    Reflection questions for closing a cycle 

    • What was present for each of us during this process?
    • What have each of us learnt?
    • What's the next step of expansion for each and together?
    • This is the growth that we are initiating and being held here in this space for it?
    • What are we grateful for ? 


    👋 Keep in touch

    You can subscribe to our held in Sisterhood newsletter for new episodes, learn about special projects and sisterhood gatherings. 

    Connect & be with Us 

    Together with Marlene

    Follow on Instagram: work with wisdom

    Connect on Facebook: Marlene Zehnter

    Together with Anna

    Monthly Femme Embodiment Practice: Voice of Your Body

    Follow on Instagram: with intention studio

    Cool Stuff: studio

    🙏 Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E6 - 57m - Sep 6, 2022
  • when a sister enters a partnership | ep. 05

    When a sister enters a partnership, do the relationships become too crowded? Does it hold true that there has to be a choice between a sister and partner? In this episode, we explore what happens when a sister opens up to a romantic partnership. We uncover the lack of role models of how to be in sisterhood AND in partnerships in our society. This narrative is upheld by the fear of separation and loss. Throughout this episode, we open up to a new and higher perspective of the vitality of relationships and never truly being at a loss or separation. 

    The concept of sisterhood to us is the medicine for humanity to heal, grow, and be the mirror of potential to each other. Relationships as with everything in life are in constant interconnected transformation. As we enter partnerships, the dynamics with our friends and sisters will shift and a new connection is born. You do not have to approve of your sister's new partner. But you do get to choose how you build connections and with every relation, there’s an opportunity to grow and heal.  

    📗 References  

    Esther Perel: https://www.estherperel.com

    TED on fidelity: https://bit.ly/3b7Qiuc  


    👋 Keep in touch

    You can subscribe to our held in Sisterhood newsletter for new episodes, learn about special projects and sisterhood gatherings. 

    Connect & be with Us 

    Together with Marlene

    Program for the Femmepreneur: Blissful Business

    Follow on Instagram: work with wisdom

    Connect on Facebook: Marlene Zehnter

    Together with Anna

    Monthly Femme Embodiment Practice: Voice of Your Body

    Follow on Instagram: with intention studio

    Cool Stuff: studio

    Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E6 - 53m - Jul 31, 2022
  • with fear of rejection in business | ep. 04

    Sisterhood is not only about being in conversation with each other. Sisterhood also makes room for our wounds to be seen, heard and understood together. In this episode, Marlene reaches out to Anna with the need of being seen in her fear of receiving “no”s from potential clients. It’s a real life example of how a wound can be shared, embraced with compassion and transformed in the space of sisterhood. We make room for a lot of breathing and pauses and invite you to do that with us.

    The concept of sisterhood to us is the medicine for humanity to heal, grow, and move through our own fears of success and worthiness. In one way or another, in this job or another, you have likely felt the fear of being rejected for who you are. All of you. And most of the time you hadn’t told anyone for the stigma of shame and weakness tied to it. But what if you did? What if you were held by a sister in this way? 

    👋 Keep in touch:

    You can subscribe to our held in Sisterhood newsletter for new episodes, learn about special projects and sisterhood gatherings.


    Connect & be with Us 

    Together with Marlene

    Program for the Femmepreneur: Blissful Business

    Follow on Instagram: work with wisdom

    Together with Anna

    Monthly Femme Embodiment Practice: Voice of Your Body

    Follow on Instagram: with intention studio

    Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E5 - 1h 0m - Jul 10, 2022
  • with and within business | ep. 03

    Sisterhood is not limited to our personal connections with other women, it includes the relationships at our workplaces and can be the basis for a flourishing inclusive team, nurturing leadership collaborations, and ultimately a prosperous business. In this episode, we share our own experiences within the workplace, the presumptions that we’ve lived out of in the past when working with women, and the embodiment of a new way of being in business and collaborations.

    The concept of sisterhood to us is the medicine for humanity to heal, grow, and be the mirror of potential to each other. The majority of our workplaces, virtual or physical, uphold a dominantly patriarchal approach where there is no space for emotions such as fear or insecurity. The result? Sisterhood wounds like comparison, combat, and isolation are consistently endorsed. By healing those wounds through consciously relating with each other, we can shift the way we “do business.” 


    Follow & Connect with Us 

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm: https://linktr.ee/with_intention_studio

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/ 

    Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E4 - 40m - Jun 26, 2022
  • how to hold space for yourself | ep. 02

    Deep held sisterhood can only happen when you are the sister to yourself, when you can hold your own experience from within. In this episode, we explore what that means as we talk introspectively about our own journeys. We share steps that helped us hold ourselves when we’re triggered by the outer environment. 

    The concept of sisterhood to us is the medicine for humanity to heal, grow, and be the wholeness that we are. A part of human existence is to get triggered and feel anger, sadness, or fear. With ourselves and with each other we can create the space to witness and see our triggers as guides of our inner growth and self-nourishment.



    Follow & Connect with Us 

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/work_with_wisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://linktr.ee/with_intention_studio

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/ 

    Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E3 - 47m - May 29, 2022
  • why "held in sisterhood"? | ep. 01

    In this episode, we speak about “held in sisterhood” - as a concept, a belief and a methodology that connects us to ourselves and other beings. The episode speaks to what that means to us, looking at the parts “holding/ being held” and “sisterhood” and feeling into it as a whole. Lastly, we unravel why we choose to share this with you in a format of a dialogue. 

    Most of our wounds originate in relationships which means they can heal through that interrelational space between beings. As we expand and make room to hold others and ourselves in love, acceptance and belief, we can see each other for all which we are and all which we are becoming.

    Welcome to the first episode with many more to come biweekly!


    Follow & Connect with Us 

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/workwithwisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://linktr.ee/with_intention_studio

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/ 

    Special thanks

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E1 - 39m - May 1, 2022
  • whose side are you on? | ep. 00

    This is a very special episode, as we explore our thoughts and feelings regarding the war in Ukraine. Yup, we’re going right in there. Why? Because it felt alive for us to ask ourselves the big question “which side are you on? This is also a pre-launch episode we felt called to share now with the sensitivity of the world situation. Join us as we move through the discomforts, the doubts, the pains and the tears that we felt while talking about this subject in a space of non-judgmentalism. 

    The concept of sisterhood to us is the medicine for humanity to heal, to grow, to come back home. This includes holding space for the variety of opinions between us and within us. Maybe it is not about picking a side at all but about coming home within ourselves to find our own truth and be loved and connected despite and because of it?  


    Follow & Connect with Us 

    Drop into Marlene's realm: https://linktr.ee/workwithwisdom

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/work_with_wisdom/

    Drop into Anna's realm : https://linktr.ee/with_intention_studio

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/withintentionstudio/ 

    Special thanks 

    Intro & Outro music : Rose by Ayla Schafer

    Artwork and Podcast cover : Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

    S1E1 - 1h 3m - Apr 29, 2022
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held in Sisterhood