summer: embracing the fullness without attaching to it | s.02 ep.05

Season 2 | Episode 5
56m | Dec 11, 2023

“The day is long and there is time for everything and we want to do it all.”

Summer arrives, and as temperatures rise, so do our spirits. It's a season that many eagerly anticipate, a time when life's vibrancy takes center stage. Yet even amidst the scorching sun, we sometimes seek the shade to find respite from its intensity. In the realm of sisterhood, summer represents pure bliss. It's an opportunity to relish the profound connections we've cultivated while learning the art of non-attachment—letting go of attachments, projections, and expectations.

Join us as we navigate the summer waves with intentionality, learning to appreciate relationships for what they are, rather than what we wish them to be.


Chapter 1: what is summer (3:50)

Chapter 2: how to enjoy the lived experience of summer in its fullness: speaking what is, appreciation and nourishing (5:13)

Chapter 3: how to detach from summer: releasing the labels, releasing expectations and projections, presencing jealousy and envy, coming back to wholeness (22:58)

Chapter 4: Soul Work Practice - coming into presence and gratitude (39:06) 

Chapter 5: Embodiment Practice - gratitude (46:29)




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💕 Special thanks

Intro & Outro music: Rose by Ayla Schafer

Artwork and Podcast cover: Martha Chahary & Marlene Zehnter

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held in Sisterhood