• SS.5 Sustainability Series | Education: How did I become a Laotu? - A journey towards Environmentalism, Rural Development and more

    In our fifth and last episode of 360 sustainability series, we are honored to host Hans Zhou, a Program Manager at Laotu. Laotu is a social enterprise that promotes a new sustainable development scheme for China and the world with a mission to transform public perception about rural areas and development and advocate for policy change, consumer education and community-based conservation.

    With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Analysis and Classics, Hans graduated cum laude from Pomona College, CA, and is a Doris Duke Conservation scholar with the University of Washington. Having worked on K-12 environmental education for several non-profit organizations in the US, Hans is going to share with us his stories advocating environmental justice and promoting sustainable development in China with his current role in Laotu.

    在360 可持续发展系列的第五期,也是最后一期节目中,我们邀请到了来自社会企业 - 老土,的项目经理周聿昕Hans。老土是一家致力于通过连接城乡来改善中国农村生态和经济、传承和激活传统乡土文化的公益性组织。


    45m - Sep 6, 2021
  • SS.4 Sustainability Series | Building: Green Buildings For the Future

    In our fourth episode of 360 sustainability series, we welcome Dr. Huang Yi Chun, General Manager and Technical Director from Environmental Markets Solutions, Inc. (EMSI). EMSI is an international leader in providing energy efficient, green and sustainable services for building and community. It is targeting at providing energy related solutions throughout the building’s lifecycle and has offices in the U.S and China

    Receiving a master's degree of architecture from the National University of Singapore and a Ph.D. in building performance diagnostics from Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Huang has worked as an assistant professor at NUS before joining EMSI. We are honored to invite him to share about his rich experience working in the green building industry!

    360 可持续发展系列的第四期节目,我们邀请到了来自EMSI的总经理和技术总监,黄逸钧先生。EMSI是一家为新建建筑提供绿色和可持续发展设计咨询以及为既有建筑提供节能解决方案的国际性领先公司。在中国和美国提供了众多典型建筑项目的绿色设计咨询服务,并于21世纪初开始在中国推广绿色建筑的理念和LEEDTM认证体系,EMSI几乎囊括的中国LEED认证领域的众多第一。

    黄逸钧拥有新加坡国立大学建筑学硕士学位以及卡内基梅隆大学的建筑性能诊断理学的博士学位。黄博士在加入 EMSI 之前曾在新加坡国立大学担任助理教授。我们很荣幸邀请到他来跟我们分享其在绿色建筑行业的丰富经验!

    49m - Aug 15, 2021
  • SS.3 Sustainability Series | Food: My Career as a Green Foodie

    In the third episode of our 360 sustainability series, we have UB Qiu with us. She is the Partnership Development Executive at Green Monday, a Hong Kong based social venture with the mission to shift the public towards sustainable living. UB has a range of experiences trying different things with sustainability. She majored in environmental policy in college and spent her senior year interning at different NGOs and think tanks doing climate policy research in the DC. After that she's back in China in 2017, where she started her career in ESG consulting and sustainability consulting at one of the big four accounting firms. She moved on to a listed American manufacturing company, doing in house sustainability work for two and a half years, where she changed to her current position at Green Monday. Let us hear her stories about her passion in sustainability!

    在360度可持续系列的第三期节目中,我们有幸邀请到来自Green Monday 的UB Qiu。Green Monday 是一家总部位于香港,屡获殊荣的多元化社会企业,透过推动素食低碳生活,致力延缓地球暖化、解决粮食危机、公共健康及动物福利问题。UB 在探索可持续性发展的领域拥有一系列丰富有趣的经验。她在留美的大学期间主修环境政策,并在不同的非政府组织和智库实习、在华盛顿从事气候政策研究。之后于 2017 年回到中国,在四大会计师事务所之一从事 ESG 咨询和可持续发展咨询的职业。随后她到一家上市的美国制造业公司从事可持续发展工作,在那里工作两年半后如今在 Green Monday 从事伙伴拓展经理的职位。让我们听听她的故事以及她对可持续发展的热枕!

    49m - Jul 22, 2021
  • SS.2 Sustainability Series | Renewable Energy: Essential Step Towards Carbon Neutrality

    In the second episode of "360 Sustainability Series", we have Mr. William Chang from Sembcorp. Sembcorp is a leading energy and urban solutions provider, driven by its purpose to do good and play its part in building a sustainable future. Headquartered in Singapore, Sembcorp leverages its sector expertise and global track record to deliver innovative solutions that support the energy transition and sustainable development. By focusing on growing its renewables and integrated urban solutions businesses, it aims to transform its portfolio towards a greener future and be a leading provider of sustainable solutions.

    William joined Sembcorp group in 1999, currently holds the position of Senior Vice President of Joint Ventures and government relationships in Sembcorp China. He also oversees Sembcorp's thermal power business in China. Prior to working in China, William has worked in the Middle East, Europe, UK, and United Arab Emirates. In this episode, William shares his vast experiences in the energy market, and explores the future of sustainable energy.


    William于 1999 年加入胜科集团,目前担任胜科中国的高级副总裁。在来到中国工作前,William曾在中东、欧洲、英国和阿拉伯联合酋长国工作过。在这期节目中,William分享了他在能源市场的丰富经验,并探索可持续能源的未来。

    24m - Jul 15, 2021
  • SS.1 Sustainability Series | Fashion - Sustainability is the New Sexy

    The first episode of our "360 Sustainability Series" features Regina Zeng from Plug and Play - the world's largest early stage investor, accelerator, and corporate innovation. Companies such as Google, PayPal, and Dropbox, have all received early stage investment from Plug and Play. In 2015, Plug and Play set up its office in China.

    Regina is a Venture Manager at Plug and Play China (Shanghai), she invests in sustainable fashion, and helps start-ups succeed. She is connected with some of the world's most inspirational entrepreneurs. Let's hear what she has to say about the industry!

    我们的“360可持续发展系列“第一期节目邀请了来自Pug and Play中国的Regina. Plug and Play总部位于美国硅谷,是全球成立最早、规模最大的科技创业加速器,专注于打造全球化科技创新生态平台。其曾投资的明星项目包括Google, PayPal, Dropbox。2015年开始,Plug and Play 在中国设立公司拓展业务。

    Regina 是 Plug and Play 中国(上海)的风险投资经理,她专注的领域包括于可持续时尚行业,并帮助初创企业取得成功。让我们听听她对可持续发展即新风尚的看法!

    24m - Jul 4, 2021
  • EP.6 Reality Collective | How I survived China's finance world - cultural intelligence, openness and lots of white wine

    Reality Collective | 闲聊会

    EP.6 How I survived China's finance world - cultural intelligence, openness and lots of white wine

    China has one of the most unique and innovative financial systems in the world with its own set of rules and eco-system. While the fast-growing industry poses a wealth of attractions and opportunities, gaining access and excelling in its environment can be an elusive task for foreign banks. How do foreign banking professionals cope with the demands of their challenging careers in China and engage with the local community with cultural intelligence? Our episode invites Mr. Gary Phua to answer these questions from his first-hand experience. 

    Mr Phua is a Senior Vice President in Global Business Development at a renowned foreign bank in China. He supports the bank’s regional business by providing advice on cross-border banking solutions within China and ASEAN region. He is fluent in the local language and deals with unusual cultural encounters with ease, such as business drinking with his Chinese clients. He also met the love of his life in China and they raise 13 cats in their apartment in Shanghai.




    第二天早上,从宿醉中醒过来的Mr Phua不仅仅收获了头痛,也在酒桌上见识到了中国市场的部分特色。无论是北方人的好客与豪放,还是南方人的以茶代酒小酌怡情,对他来说都是全新的文化体验,也是金融外的另一个战场。进军国内金融圈,是事业;加上喝酒、旅游和13个可爱的猫咪(主子),这叫做生活。

    21m - Jun 22, 2021
  • EP.5 Cultural Collective | 留学 Myth buster: 我在中国上大学

    “听说你们外国人上北大都不用考?” … “你来中国上学,会讲中文吗?”…“听说学姐在加州大校做网红?”… “男友是老外,你肯定很开放吧?” —— 四面八方的留学生们顶着重重刻板化印象,在陌生而复杂的环境中硬着头皮读书。他们一边需要融入当地社会,一边需要回答国内亲人的各种奇葩疑问 ,有时还要顶着舆论压力,澄清自己绝对没有天天party…我们采访了在中国和美国上大学的三名留学生,聊一聊自己真实的生活和对两地留学生活的对比和思考。

    In this episode, we interviewed two Singaporean students from Chinese universities to discuss their experience together with a local peer, who is also studying abroad. The students share their honest opinions on the campus culture, social norms, and stereotypes against international students in China and abroad. Our episode hopes to raise awareness against unfounded prejudice and biases against international students of various nationalities and backgrounds, and make campus environments conducive for cross-cultural communication and understanding. ​

    27m - Jun 14, 2021
  • EP.4 Professional Collective | Building the Alibaba of Southeast Asia, A Interview With Chen Chow Yeoh

    Mr. Chen Chow Yeoh is currently the Co-founder of Fave, Southeast Asia’s leading merchant digital platform founded in 2016. Most of us may know Fave by its vouchers and deals platform. Today, besides distributing coupons for merchants and issuing cashback rewards to customers, Fave is also tapping into new verticals such as financial services and transforming its platform into a “merchant super app". Its mobile payment service, FavePay, is listed among the five most actively used e-wallet platforms in both Singapore and Malaysia. Before starting Fave, Mr. Yeoh was in Groupon Asia Pacific, including Groupon Malaysia and Taiwan. Prior to Groupon, he was a product manager at JobStreet.com and a management consultant at Accenture. Mr. Yeoh was also a graduate of Cornell University and an Eisenhower Fellow. In our episode, Yeoh shares his journey in fave, his vision for Southeast Asia's e-payment scene, and advice to young entrepreneurs.

    Chen Chow Yeoh目前是Fave的联合创始人。他毕业于是奈尔大学,曾因为创新精神荣获艾森豪威尔杰出人物奖。在创办Fave之前,他曾在Groupon亚太区工作,也是JobStreet.com的产品经理和埃森哲(Accenture)的管理顾问。Fave是一个成立于2016年的, 在东南亚区域领先的商业数字平台。最初,很多客户对Fave的印象来自它发放的各种优惠券。如今,除了向商家发放优惠券和向顾客发放返现奖励外,Fave还在开发新的垂直领域:如金融服务等,目标是转变为一个“商家超级程序” (merchant super app)。今天Fave已经在东南亚取得了显著的成就,其移动支付服务FavePay是新加坡和马来西亚使用最活跃的五个电子钱包平台之一。在我们的节目中,Yeoh 分享了自己的创业经历和和对年轻创业者的建议。


    28m - Jun 6, 2021
  • EP.3 Knowledge Collective | Anatomy of China’s innovation ecosystem: the STAR Market and IP exchange

    Knowledge Collective | Anatomy of China’s innovation ecosystem: the STAR Market and IP exchange

    Dr. Jili Chung is a cross-culture, cross-disciplinary legal professional. He worked in international cities for global companies, including Goldman as its Executive Director, and Apple’s strategic partner as its General Counsel, leading the legal/IP department of 100 professionals from diversified regions/countries. With his 15-years’ working experience in Greater China, Dr. Chung has dedicated himself to IP innovative strategies, and enthusiastic about exploring the values of ancient Chinese culture through IP mining and technology innovation.

    In this webinar, Dr. Chung will explore China’s innovation ecosystem from the unique perspective offered by its STAR Market and the strategic insights obtainable from it. Furthermore, the history and the current functioning of China’s IP exchange will be discussed. Finally, Dr. Chung will introduce some IP-related business models that are booming in China.


    The content of this podcast episode is adapted from the webinar "Anatomy of China’s innovation ecosystem: the STAR Market and IP exchange", organized by European Guanxi and ICtiger. Sinopore Collective is proud to be a media partner of this event. For more information on the original webinar and our partner organizers, see https://www.europeanguanxi.com/event-details/anatomy-of-chinas-innovation-ecosystem-the-star-market-and-ip-exchange.

    22m - May 26, 2021
  • EP.2 Reality Collective | Shanghai From 1995-2021, Through the Eyes of A Singaporean

    Reality Collective | 闲谈会

    Henry is among the early batch of Singaporean entrepreneurs who moved to China following the Reform and Opening. He first moved to Shanghai when he worked for an MNC after his uni in 1995. And 10 years later, in 2005, Henry set up his own company doing international trading with European and American companies. He later sold his company after 10 years and went back to corporate life. He’s now working for a European MNC as a managing director in the greater China region. Henry is also currently serving as a member of Singcham Shanghai executive committee.

    从”外汇券“到电子支付,从牛车遍地到高楼林立,上海乃至中国在过去三十年创造了人类历史上罕见的经济奇迹。一起在这时代洪流中前奔的不仅仅是亿万个中国人,亦有许许多多的”老外“- 来自新加坡的Henry Cheng正是其中之一。宛若商界的”外交官“,Henry多年来致力于增进中国与世界市场的对接。是什么吸引他来到中国?他又是怎样在飞速的发展中抓住机会?且听Henry细细道来。

    37m - May 17, 2021
  • EP.1 Professional Collective | 条条弯路通罗马,学长在互联网大厂的打怪升级之路

    Professional Collective | 新职慧

    从中国三线小城市到新加坡互联网大厂,刘晨曦学长一路弯弯绕绕,走出了独属于自己的花路。辩手、数据分析师、华文协会主席、大厂工作人员- 这些毫不相干甚至跨界的身份同时聚集在了他的身上。谁说通往罗马的只有一条路?谁说通向罗马的路道道笔直?拒绝被定义,拒绝被归类 - 晨曦学长一步步创造出了自己的“罗马路”。

    33m - Apr 22, 2021
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