SS.4 Sustainability Series | Building: Green Buildings For the Future

49m | Aug 15, 2021

In our fourth episode of 360 sustainability series, we welcome Dr. Huang Yi Chun, General Manager and Technical Director from Environmental Markets Solutions, Inc. (EMSI). EMSI is an international leader in providing energy efficient, green and sustainable services for building and community. It is targeting at providing energy related solutions throughout the building’s lifecycle and has offices in the U.S and China

Receiving a master's degree of architecture from the National University of Singapore and a Ph.D. in building performance diagnostics from Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Huang has worked as an assistant professor at NUS before joining EMSI. We are honored to invite him to share about his rich experience working in the green building industry!

360 可持续发展系列的第四期节目,我们邀请到了来自EMSI的总经理和技术总监,黄逸钧先生。EMSI是一家为新建建筑提供绿色和可持续发展设计咨询以及为既有建筑提供节能解决方案的国际性领先公司。在中国和美国提供了众多典型建筑项目的绿色设计咨询服务,并于21世纪初开始在中国推广绿色建筑的理念和LEEDTM认证体系,EMSI几乎囊括的中国LEED认证领域的众多第一。

黄逸钧拥有新加坡国立大学建筑学硕士学位以及卡内基梅隆大学的建筑性能诊断理学的博士学位。黄博士在加入 EMSI 之前曾在新加坡国立大学担任助理教授。我们很荣幸邀请到他来跟我们分享其在绿色建筑行业的丰富经验!

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The Sinopore Collective | 新青烩