EP.6 Reality Collective | How I survived China's finance world - cultural intelligence, openness and lots of white wine

21m | Jun 22, 2021

Reality Collective | 闲聊会

EP.6 How I survived China's finance world - cultural intelligence, openness and lots of white wine

China has one of the most unique and innovative financial systems in the world with its own set of rules and eco-system. While the fast-growing industry poses a wealth of attractions and opportunities, gaining access and excelling in its environment can be an elusive task for foreign banks. How do foreign banking professionals cope with the demands of their challenging careers in China and engage with the local community with cultural intelligence? Our episode invites Mr. Gary Phua to answer these questions from his first-hand experience. 

Mr Phua is a Senior Vice President in Global Business Development at a renowned foreign bank in China. He supports the bank’s regional business by providing advice on cross-border banking solutions within China and ASEAN region. He is fluent in the local language and deals with unusual cultural encounters with ease, such as business drinking with his Chinese clients. He also met the love of his life in China and they raise 13 cats in their apartment in Shanghai.




第二天早上,从宿醉中醒过来的Mr Phua不仅仅收获了头痛,也在酒桌上见识到了中国市场的部分特色。无论是北方人的好客与豪放,还是南方人的以茶代酒小酌怡情,对他来说都是全新的文化体验,也是金融外的另一个战场。进军国内金融圈,是事业;加上喝酒、旅游和13个可爱的猫咪(主子),这叫做生活。

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The Sinopore Collective | 新青烩