• S5 EP84: Akia Campbell - God's Kindness Inspired Me to Shift

    Akia is a Woman of Faith in Christ, who started off with a mustard seed of faith when she took her first major step in 2015. Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Akia moved to Houston, Texas, in February 2015. Not knowing that her life would be forever changed and transformed for God’s Glory. She is a daughter, aunt, sister, and friend to many. She has walked in the paths of accounting, personal development, life coaching, and various forms of leadership. She is a soon to be published author of her first book The Preparation. As of March 2020, Akia resides in Atlanta, Georgia. 

    In this episode, Akia shares her story of experiencing God’s kindness in a season of abandonment and how that attribute of God has helped her transform and make major life shifts. You will learn from Akia that:

    • A mustard seed of faith takes you to your blessing
    • You are capable of moving from the ‘job years’ to ‘jubilee years’
    • There is power in our “yes” to the Lord especially during those ‘job years’
    • Your job years of stripping creates spaces for God’s pruning and purification of your heart, mind, soul
    • God’s kindness is choosing us and clothing us in righteousness
    • Kindness is selfless love, an opportunity to be spirit-led
    • Kindness that is spirit-led often moves us out of our comfort zone
    • Assess your story in the presence of the Holy Spirit
    • Meet Jesus daily before you meet others; this way you pour from a full cup within your spirit and soul

    Questions to ponder on:

    • How has a spirit-led kindness from another person impacted your life?
    • In moments of discomfort, how can you activate kindness towards others?
    • In what ways is God asking you to show kindness today?

    Kindness that is spirit-led positions our hearts to help others and ask questions later. We are quick to obey the prompting even when we are being inconvenienced. Because your whole being is rooted in Christ, you believe that He who has called you to this fruit of Kindness and all other Fruit of the Spirit is faithful, and He will do it. God is your great Provider, sovereign. Show kindness to others even when you don’t understand. 

    You can find Akia here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamakiac

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org 

    S5E84 - 44m - Jul 24, 2024
  • S5 EP83: This is Your Next Level Kindness

    Here are three thoughts from today:

    - A daily practice of self-reflection will lead your heart to explore how you express goodness and generosity to others in your communities. Kindness is about that goodness, that love expressed. We experience God’s goodness, He wants us to pay it forward.

    - There is a difference between being kind and being nice. Also, kindness that places an expected response from the receiver is not a genuine Fruit of the Spirit. And we must be cautious of our heart’s posture when we are offering to do things for people.

    - Being kind in friendship is a cherished act of love and we need more of this. Friends that can lay aside their agendas and be there with you and for you. To have a friend like this you need to be a friend like this. The goal is to look to Jesus to teach you how to be that friend and you just be. No expectations, just transformation.

    Here are some coaching questions to ponder on about your kindness:

    1. Who has been kind to me lately? How did their kindness make my heart feel?
    2. Who is God drawing my heart to show kindness to?
    3. How can I be more attentive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings to show kindness to people I do not know? How do I show such kindness?

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E83 - 58m - Jul 10, 2024
  • S5 EP82: Shinny Sutherland - This Love is Patient

    Shinny describes herself as “one-half” of This Love Works ministry. Married to ​Karlton for 17 years, Shinny and her hubby Karlton are your Start Again specialists serving couples for the past 7 years. After trying to do marriage their own way, living with unmet expectations and failing miserably, they were introduced to a community that would provide them with the tools that ultimately saved their marriage. Shinny is a mother to two children, a high schooler and a Navy Sailor. Showing her kids what a healthy marriage looks like is a core mission. Together, Shinny and her husband Karlton have learned that their marriage is a reflection of Christ and His bride. Some keywords that makes Shinny standout as a godly woman would be intentional, responsible, and obedience.

    In this episode, Shinny’ shares her story of cultivating patience and finding healthy ways of managing and responding to life situations . You will learn from Shinny that:

    • Patience is a peaceful godly character.
    • Dangerous prayers humble our hearts in the presence of God.
    • Forgiveness is part of your journey to cultivating a heart of patience.
    • Patience requires understanding…lots of it and God is the only one who gives understanding [Read Psalm 119].
    • It is important that every godly woman knows who she is and who she has been.
    • Know your emotional indicators, responses, reactions that slowly draws your heart away from the Lord.
    • The fruit of patience can be paired with peace, humility, forgiveness, self-control, the habit of being quick to listen.
    • Refrain from this ungodly habit: complaining.

    God’s love is patient and you can be a patient godly woman. Remember, when God is in the situation, and you allow Him to take over, trust that He has truly taken over. That is a love that is patient with you. 

    You can find Shinny and her amazing ministry at https://www.thisloveforever.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/this_loveworks/

    Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/thisloveworks/

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org 

    S5E82 - 1h 11m - Jun 26, 2024
  • S5 EP81: Waiting On and For the Lord - Fruit of Patience

    Here are three thoughts from this episode:

    1. Patience is a virtue, and most importantly, it is a characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit. You have the Spirit of God in you; therefore, you are a new creation, your old ways have passed away. You have every spiritual capacity to develop a heart of patience. 
    2. Developing or cultivating a heart of patience requires time. Become more cognizant of your behaviors and habits as well as your surroundings. Self-reflection is great practice to engage in often. You can do this through journaling and audio essays where you verbally record your day and the Fruit of the Spirit you felt challenged by. 
    3. Bearing the fruit of patience is a daily practice of allowing the Lord to lead and guide you. Remember, if you disregard the Lord’s guidance, you are disobeying Him and that in itself is a sin. His command is that you wait on Him and wait for Him. Do just that in prayer and with joy and watch what happens in time. 

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org 

    S5E81 - 1h 7m - Jun 12, 2024
  • S5 EP80: Guest Shade' Her Place of Inner Peace

    ​Shade’ is an author, a motivational speaker and mentor passionately committed to helping people by motivating them to believe and live again no matter how life may have dragged them down. She believes that even when life knocks us down, we still need to dig deep within, and search out what will inspire, that would move you from that deep, dark place to where you are supposed to be. She inspires using the scriptures as the backbone to all her inspiration. Shade' knows first hand what it feels like to be knocked down by life's challenges and she also knows that understanding the power of the word and positive thinking is the main key that can change every situation. She understands that it takes courage to get back up again after life has dragged you down. Shade's life passion is to work to encourage and inspire others to live again and enjoy life.

    In this episode, Shade’ shares her story and journey to finding inner peace through one constant practice - prayer. You will learn from Shade’ that:

    • Your place of prayer is a place of peace (Read Isaiah 51:10)
    • Peace is that inner knowing that God is there for you
    • When you are tired and overwhelmed, peace can be far from your heart but when you pray, prayer stills your heart in the presence of God
    • When your mind is running many miles an hour, pause, yield your heart to the Lord
    • You walk in perfect peace by being still, silent, and taking a reset
    • Your reset is being still and knowing
    • Where there is trust, there is peace

    Questions to ponder on:

    • How do you walk in perfect peace?
    • What does being out of peace look like to you?
    • Where there is trust, there is peace. What does your heart say about this when the Word says “trust in the Lord with all your heart…”

    You can find Shade’ and her amazing ministry at https://www.shadesinspirationcorner.com/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shadesinspirationcorner/channel/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shades-Inspiration-Corner-643787539002399

    Podcast: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/YnMkdpPePxb 

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org 

    S5E80 - 1h 7m - May 22, 2024
  • S5EP 79: The Oasis of Serenity - Fruit of Peace

    Thoughts from this teaching on peace:

    • Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. If you call yourself a “Child of God”, being a peacemaker is your mandate. It is in your spiritual DNA and must be part of everything you say and do. The Holy Spirit guides you and teaches you so you are not peacemaking in your own volition and strength, rather you obey what the Spirit tells you to do and how to do it. Peacemakers obey the will of God.

    • Peacemakers are confident, courageous, vulnerable, honest, humble. They embrace grace and truth. They value people and do not resolve conflict out of fear. Peacemakers approach problems with love, they are congruent with self and others, have a gentle and kind hearted approach. Peacemakers are proactive and intentional with cultivation of relationships, they listen more and speak less and they operate from a place of humility.

    • Peacekeepers avoid conflict, speak more and listen less, they please people and neglect self. Peacekeepers yearn for a life of peace but avoid difficult conversations, they hold things in their hearts, they are reactive and passive. They operate from a place of fear and defensiveness.

    • You already have peace. It is free! It is a fruit of the Spirit and you get to cultivate it daily; however, you cannot cultivate this on your own. You need to remain connected to the Vine so that you hear and obey what God’s will is for your situation. Obedience to the will of God is the secret to inward peace in your situation. So, the path to inward peace does not cost or bring financial burden, it brings peace to the mind and heart.

    • To know the difference between Holy Spirit peace and fake peace, look to your heart and how you portray other virtues: humility, patience, faith, trust, hope, gentleness (that part). Your peace can be disrupted and that is part of the realities of life. This is why you need your roots firmly planted in the One you believe in - Jesus. Allow His word to permeate your heart instead of the world’s ways, accept his teachings and abide in his presence even when you do not understand ‘why’ life is the way it is. He will always teach and show you exactly what you need when you need it.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E79 - 1h 20m - May 8, 2024
  • S5 EP78: Phyllis Breech - Journey of Joyful Healing

    Phyllis Breech is a Speaker, Author, Nonprofit, Business Strategist & High-Performance Executive Coach. She launched her firm, Software Applications Technology, in 1995. Her team has been developing custom applications, digital marketing, and web design, including various online marketing services for their clients for over 30 years.

    From a different perspective, Phyllis has triumphed over depression and being stuck in fear for many years. She has gone from days not being able to get out of bed to standing firmly in the light of who she is, where fear and pain are no longer the struggles… Read more about Phyllis here https://impactonelife.com/phyllis-breech/ 

    In this episode, Phyllis encourages us to open our hearts and encounter the true joy of Jesus. Phyllis shares her life story to impact ‘one life’. Simple. You will learn from Phyllis that:

    • Joy is clinging to the hem of Jesus’s garment.
    • Joy is a place of rest and solitude.
    • Joy is the inward knowing that produces an outward being and doing.
    • Believe that the Greater One inside you fuels you.
    • Joy concatenates with hope. Hope signals and activates joy in your heart.
    • Be intentional about cultivating joy.
    • You always have access to encounter God’s presence.

    Questions to ponder on:

    • What makes you dance everyday?
    • What lies are you ruminating on?
    • How deep is your joy? How deep is your hope?

    Remember, when your mind is filled with lies about who you are, whose you are, erase those lies with the Truth. 

    You can find Phyllis and her amazing ministry at https://impactonelife.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachphyllisbreech/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachphyllisbreech/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachphyllisbreech

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:

    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E78 - 53m - Apr 24, 2024
  • S5 EP77: All Joy No Stress - Fruit of Joy

    For truths in this episode, “Joy Is…”:

    • Joy is hope in the dark
    • Joy is gladness of heart
    • Joy is being assured
    • Joy is agreement
    • Joy is understanding
    • Joy is acceptance
    • Joy is contentment in and with the past, present, now, and future happenings
    • Joy is knowing that you are safe, secure, accepted
    • Joy is acknowledgment of you unwavering reliance
    • Joy is a deep admiration and reverence for God
    • Joy is belief in the greater
    • Joy is the emotion you choose when hope comes
    • Joy is best produced in the midst of discipline and suffering
    • Joy is Jesus

    When hope dims, joy dims as well so beware of your killjoys and embrace your joy activators. Killjoys can be anything or anyone purposefully trying to snuff out the God in you - do not let it, do not let them. If you are in the depth of depression, there is no hope, reach out and begin a journey of restoring your hope and joy. So, get rid of your killjoys - your idols. Your joy burst is a repentant heart obediently walking in step with Jesus; as you heal, you sprinkle your joy dust onto others around you. 

    Listen to Episode 55: Joy Unlimited -

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E77 - 52m - Apr 10, 2024
  • S5 EP76: Renea Lomotey - From Unlearning to Relearning Love

    I sat down with my dearest sister and friend, Renea to unpack her journey of bearing the fruit of love, not just any love, the divine love. Renea’s testimony of embracing redemptive love and forgiving the unforgivable will leave you speechless and in awe of the power of God’s love.

    In this episode:

    • You do not have to perform to be loved
    • You can have all the gifts you want but your character determines the outcome and impact of yoru gifts
    • Look for love in all the right places
    • True transformation and healing comes from a deep relationship with Jesus where you are forever connected - Abide
    • Do not confuse the responsibilities that you do for love as what must be done to receive love
    • Know the difference between healthy and unhealthy love

    Connect with guest Renea Lomotey

    Instagram| homesbyrenea

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with the ministry:

    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E76 - 54m - Mar 27, 2024
  • S5 EP75: Cultivate Divine Love - Fruit of Love
    • Love is defined as walking in obedience to God’s commands. Love is defined as God - God is love. God’s design for love in humanity is that we love Him first so that we can learn from Him how to love ourselves and others. If we do not learn to open our hearts to God and desire His love, moving from a mechanical, transactional relationship to a more intimate, transformational relationship, we will not be fully open to ourselves and to others. We will miss God every time. The type of love we get from the Spirit is agape love, every other kind we express or think we express is counterfeit - Philia, Eros, Ludic etc

    • The truth about love is that, loving others the way Christ wants us to is risky and can be messy. That is why it is risky and messy love. We cannot choose and do it in our own natural humanness. We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance and we must obey Him. If we see Jesus as our Lord and we obey Him, we can forgive, and we can forget, and we can extend grace onto others. Now that is the right ego - you caught that? If your EGO is of the Spirit, you Extend Grace Onto others.

    • Cultivating love is getting back to the attributes of love and allowing God to show you areas of your life where you need change. 1 Corinthians 13 can be your love test. Test yourself by simply asking - am I kind? Am I patient? If you are brave, ask people around you. Don’t be defensive, a true disciple who wants to grow will welcome the feedback and ask God to show her or him the path towards change.

    Do you want to follow along with me this season?

    Sign up for our Newsletter at www.chiefjoyactivator.com or www.godlywomanandcompany.org and you will receive the link to complete your Healing Heart Habits Reflections for each podcast episode.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E75 - 49m - Mar 20, 2024
  • S5 EP74B: Intro to the Fruit of the Spirit PT2
    • The Fruit of the Spirit is interconnected to all the Graces of the christian faith as we see in 2 Peter 1:5-7. This interconnectedness is how we can tell a real fruit of the Spirit from a fake fruit of the Spirit. The fake one often comes from our natural personality traits. A disciple of Jesus, whose heart has been nurtured by the Holy Spirit, does not rely only on their personality but also looks deep into the heart to hear what the Spirit desires.

    • Learn the Word of God and allow your heart to be taught. Teaching requires an active engaged mind willing to take in information and practice what is taught. This way, in moments when you need to show grace, the characteristics of love and kindness can be shown.

    • Do all you can to remain attached to the vine. The enemy is cunning and he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. To weather the storms of life and overcome the mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational hurdles, we must walk with Jesus daily. Not just reading the word, but committing it to memory and repeating what we have read so often throughout the day that it becomes a part of you. If you have to sit with a verse for a whole week, do that… I do this dear sister! 

    Do you want to follow along with me this season?

    Sign up for our Newsletter at www.chiefjoyactivator.com or www.godlywomanandcompany.org and you will receive the link to complete your Healing Heart Habits Reflections for each podcast episode.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E74 - 45m - Mar 20, 2024
  • S5 EP74: Intro to the Fruit of the Spirit PT 1

    In this Part 1 of the Introduction to the Season 5 series, I teach about "Who is the Fruit of the Spirit".

    • The Fruit of the Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit who advocates for us daily. Any mental, emotional, relational struggle we are experiencing in life must be brought into the Holy Spirit’s presence; invite Him to teach you because that’s what Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance all that we have learned from Him.

    • Which takes me to thought number two, you must learn the Word of God and allow your heart to be taught. Teaching requires an active engaged mind willing to take in information and practice what is taught. This way, in moments when you need to show grace, the characteristics of love and kindness can be shown.

    • Thought number three is you must do all you can to remain attached to the vine. The enemy is cunning and he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. To weather the storms of life and overcome the mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational hurdles, we must walk with Jesus daily. Not just reading the word, but committing it to memory and repeating what we have read so often throughout the day that it becomes a part of you. If you have to sit with a verse for a whole week, do that… I do this dear sister! 

    Do you want to follow along with me this season?

    Sign up for our Newsletter at www.chiefjoyactivator.com or www.godlywomanandcompany.org and you will receive the link to complete your Healing Heart Habits Reflections for each podcast episode.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S5E73 - 44m - Mar 20, 2024
  • S5 EP73: Season 5 Opening

    Yessss! We are back for season 5! This is the season of 'remaining' when everyone is busy searching. In this bonus episode, I open season 5, share ministry updates and some personal updates too.

    When I took these past few months to rest and receive perspective through prayer and solitude, I realized that my primary aim is to enjoy Jesus and glorify Him forever. How I glorify the Lord is cultivating the gift seed He has planted in my heart. I need to take each seed and nurture it, cultivate it and make sure I steward my giftings well. 

    From writing, to leading, to healing, to faith, I must use these gifts well and multiply them for His Kingdom. I am so happy to be back doing exactly what rests well in my heart. We kickoff season five exploring life in the Spirit - specifically the Fruit of the Spirit. I will teach on the fruit and also invite guests to explore the various characteristics of the fruit with me.

    Excited for what's coming up so much that I am doing a podcast dump! Enjoy!

    S5E73 - 28m - Mar 20, 2024
  • S5 EP72: Rev. Julia Oji - In 2024 Live in Peace and Be Calm

    "The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make it happen". Isaiah 37:32b

    To start off the year 2024, Rev. Julia Oji joins Kate on the virtual couch for a much needed heart preparation as we start the New Year. A few words to note from their conversation:

    • Be passionate about the Lord and His commitment to you
    • You must approach God's will with an obedient teachable heart
    • Remember whatever you are called to accomplish in this New Year, it is the passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies that will make this calling happen.
    • Never lose your zeal, never lose your faith in the process
    • Out of the process, you are refined
    • Trust God's process and hold on to His promises in the challenges as well as in the triumph.
    • Hold your peace and be calm in the face of calamities, mockeries and troubles and pressures.
    • Every attack on you, remember this is God's personal battle. He will fight for you!
    • When you encounter seasons of drought, remember and go back to God
    • As you listen, believe in your heart that your year in 2024 will be amazing!

    Contact Rev. Julia Oji on Facebook and Instagram | Revjuliaoji

    Contact Us| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    Contact Host| www.chiefjoyactivator.com

    S5E72 - 44m - Jan 4, 2024
  • S4 EP71: 2023 Closing... 100 Reasons to Be Encouraged

    Sharing lessons from 2023 rounding up encouragements for you and your heart. It has been a year of faithful work in ministry as well as personal healing and growth. God will position you, prepare you, propel you and plan you where you need to bloom. Matthew 5:8 is one scripture that should remind you of what you need to pursue. If you want to see God, go after purity of heart - pursue Healing and wHoliness. You will see God and in doing so, you will see you.

    Enjoy and thank you for your love and support!

    Always in my heart,


    S4E71 - 53m - Dec 28, 2023
  • S4 EP70: Cultivate a Pure Heart - HT Series PT 10

    Psalm 51:10... repeat this: "Dear God, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."

    Ezekiel 36:26... repeat this: "Dear God, please give me a new heart and a new spirit. Put within me that heart of flesh and remove this heart of stone."

    So the BIG question: are you ready to have this transformed heart and renewed mind?

    Today you can choose to move from:

    Pain to purpose

    Lost to found

    Confusion to peace

    Brokenness to wholeness

    Loneliness to thriving

    Failure to focused

    Ashamed to adored

    Staleness to thriving

    Cultivate is your heart set on being nurtured by the Holy Spirit as you pursue Jesus. Cultivating is like agriculture: the fruit you eat today did not just appear. It was cultivated - nurtured, time spent, pruned.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S4E70 - 38m - Dec 21, 2023
  • S4 EP69: Shaunte Prevot - Level Up Your Generational Blessings

    Shaunte Prevot is a mom of five beautiful children, a wife of twelve years and a daughter of God. She loves date nights and family nights are a treasure in her heart. I sat down with my good friend to explore aspects of her life and the journey of womanhood. She is a new Author and you can find more about her children’s book “Goodbye Fear, God is With Me” on Amazon. Shaunte is passionate about racial reconciliation.

    She believes that Racial Reconciliation starts with US. Loving each other and what makes us different. We’re purposefully made up of an array of colors as Christ intended, all stemming from dirt. God saw everything he made and said it was very good. ALL of us are made in the image of Christ (Genesis 1:26-27). As I challenge myself I also challenge you to speak up and stand out for racial reconciliation in our land. May you be bold and courageous as you speak up and stand with Jesus! Let’s get back to the beginning together.

    Here are a few nuggets from our conversation:

    • Be intentional with your words and in seeing your loved ones
    • See difficult seasons in parenthood as seasons
    • When you begin to see Jesus for yourself, your relationships change
    • Your relationship with God is a growing journey
    • Pursue God with your heart, seek His face, spend time with Him
    • You notice a shift in your struggles the more you surrender to Jesus
    • Be prepared to let go of ungodly friendships so as to create space for godly relationships
    • Humility is a powerful trait of a godly woman
    • God sees and knows more about your seasons than you do - trust Him
    • To train godly children, you must allow yourself to be trained by the Holy Spirit
    • Train up: this is an intentional purpose assigned to you by the Lord
    • Think generational blessings as you partner with the Holy Spirit to break generational curses

    Connect with Guest:

    Shaunte Prevot

    IG| shaunteprevot

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com 

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org 

    S4E69 - 1h 2m - Dec 14, 2023
  • S4 EP68: Unleash the Power of Agreement - HT Series Part 9

    The kingdom of God can often be seen as an upside down Kingdom. We see in Hebrews that agreement with God leads to understanding, not understanding God leads to agreement.

    Because of their faith -

    - Abel was commended as righteous. Agreement establishes our righteousness with God. You are in alignment. You are in obedience and poised to put that faith into action.

    - Enoch gained eternal life for agreeing with God. You have peace about your life and where you are going. You simply believe, you accept God as He is from His Word.

    - Noah moved in fear toward God’s will not away from God. He gained righteousness and power. You may be afraid or in fear of your healing journey, your transition, your life change, your heart transformation. Move anyway, move in fear toward God.

    Listenand learn the complete list of these faithful leaders of God.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S4E68 - 1h 2m - Dec 7, 2023
  • S4 EP67: The Holy Spirit is Not Powerful Unless - PT8 HT Series

    Continuing on the Heart Transformation series, we are learning about the human will and God’s will. This episode was a learning moment for me and I hope as you listen you take some time to journal all the coaching questions I ask. The human will is the most powerful force on earth and without our permission, the Holy Spirit remains untapped.

    Three thoughts for today:

    • The human will is the most powerful force on earth. The human will is tucked within the mind which is tucked within the soul which is a part of the heart. The human will is the ultimate faculty that actively causes us to do. The human will can be misguided by life experiences, traumas and unpleasant happenings. The human will denies us of the pleasures of walking in holiness because of selfish desires and sin nature. The human will causes us to break our promises and covenants where our will to do is easily affected by our desires for self.

    • To align the human will with the will of God, everything must be set in our hearts - the desire, the motive, the will. Our minds must be renewed on God’s Word constantly enough for our hearts to desire only God’s Truth. If our will is conflicted between the world and God, we will not be able to fully experience obedience in Christ. Our hearts must delight only in the Lord, and verbally confess our desire to obey Him only. The more we confess our sins and profess our desires, our minds renew and that seeps into our hearts. We must allow God’s timing to always be more profound in our waiting than our own timeline. If you are waiting, He knows you need it.

    • Changing a habit does not start with changing a behavior. Changing a habit starts with knowing why you want to change the habit. Knowing your motives and motivations is very important. This first step must be driven deeply into your mind and heart canals to the point of desiring the why. When your heart is settled on the why, you are in agreement with what God is telling you to do, change. Your will to do will shift things as priorities and you will easily begin to accomplish God’s will. The key is to believe with your heart and agree with God.

    Connect with Kate:

    Instagram| chiefjoyactivator

    Website: www.chiefjoyactivator.com

    Connect with us:


    Instagram| godlywomanandcompany

    Instagram| choosetolivefreepodcast

    Website| www.godlywomanandcompany.org

    S4E67 - 1h 0m - Nov 30, 2023
  • S4 EP 66 Bonus: Be an Intentional Partner with the Holy Spirit

    In this bonus episode, I encourage you to be an intentional partner with the Holy Spirit concerning your mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and growth. I also share two gifts with you. The first is a Life Vision Worksheet. Download this FREE gift from my website resources tab and between today and December 31st, 2023 curate a quiet time for yourself and complete the heart work. The second gift is in this podcast episode. As you listen, I hope you take note of the three reflection questions.

    S4E66 - 18m - Nov 23, 2023
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Choose to Live FREE! with Kate A. Coker-Daisie