• Poor Jesus...He can't seem to stop Kundalini

    I was in the Revival in Toronto for 9 months. I was living in a pastor's retreat in Buffalo NY and we went up to the Toronto Airport Fellowship four to five times a week for 9 months. We went to 2 services a day. I was in over 300 services. Each one lasting five to six hours. I was there in the middle of this world wide revival and what I can tell you is that it was not Kundalini. 

    If you weren't there you can't possibly know what you are talking about. The people making the hit piece videos about people making animal noises are lying to you. They are only showing you a small part of what really went on there. What about the 30 to 50 healings and deliverance testimonies that I heard in each service. That's about 15,000 personal testimonies that I personally heard myself. One was more glorious than the next. Is Kundalini healing and delivering people. How about the 50 to 100 million people that were born again from this move of God. How about all of the healed marriages and ministers who had their vision restored. If you want to get the whole story...listen to this and the messages I will be delivering from now on. It's go time.  

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    1h 56m - May 24, 2024
  • The Doctrine Of Preservation And The Supernatural Bible Changes

    This is a foundational deep dive 1 hour overview of the doctrine of preservation in the light of the Mandela effect 

    Does the bible itself give us permission to believe that it could be supernaturally changed? 

    Does the fact that it's changing mean that God is a liar?

    The answer of course is yes it's changing and no he's not a liar. 

    Find out how all that is possible in this important message

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    1h 38m - May 20, 2024
  • Confirming The Supernatural Bible Changes With Miracles

    All Through the Bible, God has demonstrated that he confirmed his word with signs following. To state this succinctly, the Bible gives numerous examples of how doctrinal disputes were resolved. It wasn't to schedule a debate, it was to schedule a showdown. The doctrine of this showdown was we both are going to agree to work a miracle. If you try to work a miracle and nothing happens and then I try to work the same miracle and it does happen, then that is proof that my doctrine is right and your doctrine is wrong. That is proof that God agrees with me and not you.

    Who won the debate between Elijah and the prophets of Baal?

    Now you may have some doctrine to counteract my doctrine, but if you were to suggest that my doctrine about the doctrine being confirmed by a miracle is not good doctrine then I would challenge you to a power demonstration contest like Paul did in 1st Corinthians 4 where he says the kingdom of God is not in word but is in power. There were people talking smack about him, and he didn't challenge them to a debate. 

    What does "the kingdom of God is not in word but in power mean?

    And so what God has impressed upon me is that he is going to confirm our message that the Bible is supernaturally changing with miracles.

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    2h 35m - May 10, 2024
  • God Is Disproving The So Called “Doctrine Of Preservation” by Removing His Word From The Earth

    This podcast will show that if the doctrine of preservation is unfounded and based on presumption and utilizes scriptures that are being mishandled then there's no biblical reason why the Bible couldn't be changing. It turns out that's exactly what's happening.

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    2h 15m - Apr 26, 2024
  • Tearing Down The High Place of The False Doctrine Of Preservation

    It turns out that the doctrine of the preservation of scripture is not as much of a Doctrine as we have all been led to believe. 

    It's based on a lot of presumption and wishful thinking and scriptures that are either being mishandled, taken out of context or purposely presented in a way that is untruthful to advance a pet doctrine. 

    This is an atom bomb message that you do not want to miss in light of the supernatural Bible changes 

    Because the so-called doctrine of preservation is the primary defense against the suggestion that the Bible is being supernaturally changed. 

    If it's determined that the doctrine of preservation is unfounded then there is no argument against the Bible being supernaturally changed and the testimony of hundreds of thousands or millions of Christians will be entered into the court of public opinion. 

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    2h 36m - Apr 22, 2024
  • Your Doctrine Is Wrong! The Bible Can Change - Sorry about your problems

    A review of all “Bible can’t change” proof texts

    The Doctrine of preservation in the light of the Mandela Effect

    Contextual analysis, hermeneutics, root meanings

    We’re just biblically illiterate charlatans trying our best

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    2h 13m - Apr 15, 2024
  • My Bible is supernaturally changing and it’s still being preserved….How is that possible?

    The majority of the Christian church has made an idol out of the Bible and has attempted to turn the Bible into something that it was never meant to be. In many cases it's because they have an agenda to avoid the responsibility of demonstrating the gospel instead of just teaching the Bible all the time 

    This overview will pull back the veil on God's behavior since the time of Adam and Eve. What we see from God's choices is that he prefers the revelation of himself not to be perfect, orderly, flawless and everything in a row for us. He communicates in dreams and visions in parables and in mysticism and he's purposely aloof and invisible because it's the glory of God to conceal a matter. Find out why the doctrine of preservation is not what we've been led to believe.

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    2h 15m - Apr 11, 2024
  • Do Not Trust In Princes

    Most truthers are relying on their wits and their resources to navigate the coming storm. But the acceleration of information because of AI, unbridled tyranny, economic collapse, censorship, engineered famine, engineered earthquakes, social chaos and persecution are going to render your own resources insufficient.

    This message chronicles the author's supernatural encounters and highlights the importance of your ability to hear the voice of God. Find out what you have to do to be able to hear from God because you're going to need it

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    1h 59m - Apr 5, 2024
  • Why God Allowed Satan To Supernaturally Change The Bible

    At the core of the debate as to whether or not the Bible is being supernaturally changed is the question of why God would allow it. Not did he allow it but why would he allow it 

    Join myself and my returning guest Mark Maesano as we delve into the scriptures to discover the possible reasons behind why God would allow Satan to supernaturally change the scriptures to fulfill His purposes and plans for His bride. You don't want to miss this one.

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    2h 7m - Mar 31, 2024
  • The Idolatry Of Bible Worship

    This message will possibly be one of the most important messages you will ever hear if you are a Christian. Most of us have been led to embrace a wrong emphasis on the Bible and it has led us down a path that God is now rescuing us from by allowing the supernatural Bible changes.  

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    2h 1m - Mar 31, 2024
  • Simulation or Biblical Simulation

    The Simulation Theory is just another attempt to get mankind to deny the existence of God. The monkey to the man picture and the spinning ball earth are similar attempts. This detailed analysis of the Simulation Theory narrative will give you all of the details you need to know which narrative is more rational.

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    1h 58m - Mar 28, 2024
  • The Personal Ramifications Of The Supernatural Bible Changes

    If you're a truther and a conspiracy theorist…. this talk will help you greatly to understand the journey that you're on.

    Even if you don't believe the Mandela effect is real or if you do believe the Mandela effect is real but you don't believe it's affecting the Bible, this talk will be of a great benefit for you as we explore the consequences to a person that begins to discover that things are not as we've been told our entire life.

    Most of your friends and family aren’t going on this journey with you, so you will have to decide how you are going to respond to that. Stay with me as we explore the personal ramifications of the supernatural Bible changes.


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    1h 38m - Feb 14, 2024
  • Take The Mandela Effect Bible Quiz

    This Bible quiz contains over 50 examples of scriptures from the King James Bible which I believe have been supernaturally changed to fulfill end times prophecy. 

    Join me as I walk you through an in-depth analysis that will provide you with the biblical permission to embrace the evidence that you need to consider this. And then I will walk you through a fill in the blanks quiz that maybe the most important interaction that you've had in your entire Christian life next to bowing your knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ. 

    You are about to take the Mandela Effect Bible Quiz

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    1h 38m - Feb 12, 2024
  • The Pervasive Fallacy That Everyone’s A Shill

    The Pervasive Fallacy That Everyone’s A Shill

    In this podcast I challenge the common refrain of many truthers as they label just about anyone that they disagree with or anyone that occupies any type of position of power as a shill

    If you check back with me a year from now, I may have a very different view of things

    But right now, what I am discerning is that there is a false narrative that's being propagated in the truther community that is a form of cynicism which is a disempowering core belief that essentially the opposite of faith in God. It is cynicism masquerading as discernment.

    At the core of this issue is the presumption that the only thing that we get from God from here on out is death and destruction and judgment

    But Abraham was able to push back the timetable of the Judgment of Sodom by approaching God and asking him some questions. He said would you judge Sodom him if they were 50 righteous men. And the Bible seems to tell us that God agreed with his argument and extended the amount of time before the Judgment would take place

    My supposition is that the rampant use of the idea that someone is a shill is causing many to pull the covers of their heads and give up on any attempts to engage the enemy or to follow their destiny

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    1h 35m - Feb 10, 2024
  • A Comprehensive Biblical Analysis Of The Supernatural Bible Changes

    This is a second in-depth biblical analysis regarding the Mandela effect and the possibility that this phenomenon is affecting the very words on the pages of all Bibles everywhere

    This is a comprehensive detailed theological study specifically targeting pastors, church leaders, influencers, Bible School presidents and learned men and women of God who are adamantly opposing the suggestion that their Bible could be subject to some form of external attack like the Mandela effect

    Unfortunately, in most cases, the responses from church leaders is more akin to Peter objecting to Jesus going to the Cross than any type of researched response. It is a knee-jerk reaction based on human sentiment not on sound theological principles.

    It is agreeing with the status quo and a handful of scriptures that are being misapplied to suggest that the scriptures can't change when in fact, these promises only tells us that the word of God will not change.

    When these content experts are asked how to explain that the entire world remembers things like “Judge not less to be judged” which has never existed, they respond by saying that the entire world is confused by misquotes from pop culture. Or they might suggest that 50 years ago, one man misquoted it and it went through the whole world like the telephone game.

    This Hail Mary, superficial attempt to explain what is clearly an unexplainable phenomenon is an embarrassing and reprehensible attempt to sidestep the obvious.

    If the Bible is supernaturally changing then we are most certainly observing the fulfillment of the scripture that warns that in the last days the very elect could be deceived.

    This detailed biblical analysis will seek to provide foundational theological evidence to give the believer the confidence that they need to accept this phenomenon and know that God's character and his divine infinite perfections are not compromised in any way.

    God is the one who has called for this judgment in Amos 8:11 so it is ill-advised that anyone would suggest that they are smarter than God by saying God wouldn't allow this because it would be so terrible. The fact that this is upsetting is not proof that it's not happening. It’s the judgement of God…it’s supposed to be upsetting. And I spelled judgement with (2) ees because that’s how most people remember it. Yes….words are spelled differently as well because of this phenomenon.

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    1h 3m - Feb 8, 2024
  • The Bible Is Supernaturally Changing To Fulfill End Times Prophesy

    One of the most significant events in the entire church age is taking place and the majority of Christians and church leaders are completely unaware that it is happening

    The Bible is being supernaturally changed to fulfill end times prophecy

    It is a sign and wonder and as a result it defies description and logic, so do not base your decision on your ability to understand how it could be happening

    This comprehensive overview specifically designed for church leaders and pastors will give a scholarly treatment of this most important and stunning event

    The Bible does not teach that the scriptures could not be changed they only teach that the word of God cannot be changed and they are not the same

    Other principles such as inaccessibility and the fact that scripture changes scripture will be introduced to relieve the Christian of their concern that this type of thing would be impossible

    At the end you'll be given a quiz that is based on variety of examples of passages that seem to have been changed.... Don't take my word for it see for yourself

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    1h 19m - Feb 8, 2024
  • The Sins Of Conspiracy Theorists

    For many of us....there is a trail of dead bodies behind us. Broken relationships, divorce, lifelong friends that have told us that we are nuts and they are forced to break fellowship with us. We are perceived as obsessed but we see it differently. My research has shown that it is the Normie that pulls the rip cord on the relationship, not the Truther. However, in this episode, we will explore some of the missteps that Truthers may make as they wend their way towards the exit door of the matrix. Congratulations! Escaping is an "every man for himself " type of activity. So if you didn't get it just right, don't be too hard on yourself. This process is always going to be messy.... so be encouraged......you are not alone.....we are glad you are with us!


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    1h 19m - Feb 7, 2024
  • Normies Need To Apologize

    The Normie fits the dictionary definition of delusion because they believe what’s wrong and they are resistant to facts. Many Normies have told me that they don't know and don't want to know. Not wanting to know is the very demonstration of delusion. If I say I don't want to know, I am saying that I'm resistant to facts. The Truther is willing to engage in critical thinking, have their views challenged and be shown how they are deceived. Therefore, the Normie owes the Truther an apology because whatever sins the Truther may commit, one thing we are not is delusional.

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    1h 50m - Feb 7, 2024
  • Help! I Have More Than 10 Rabbit Holes In My Portfolio

    OK...so you found out some things...but now it's getting out of hand. Your spouse and friends have been tolerating your nonsense up until now....but they are starting to get fed up with your crazy conspiracy theories. You are trying to keep things to yourself so you don't blow up your relationships but these topics are so mind blowing that they just keep slipping out in conversation. The gap between the two parties keeps growing larger and larger. This is the inevitable chasm that will grow between the Truther and the Normie. The more rabbit holes you have in your portfolio....the worse it gets. Sorry about your problems....my wife finally divorced me after 24 years of marriage and my kids all think I'm nuts.

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    2h 2m - Feb 5, 2024
  • Dad! ...... I Wish You Were Normal

    It may not have been a child that told you this. But if you have been a truther for any length of time...then you have heard this idea in its many forms. "You are obsessed"...."You can't believe everything you see on the internet"..."You are paranoid....why don't you just enjoy life."..."You care more about your information than you do me"...."I wish you were normal."

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    1h 38m - Feb 2, 2024
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