A Comprehensive Biblical Analysis Of The Supernatural Bible Changes

1h 3m | Feb 8, 2024

This is a second in-depth biblical analysis regarding the Mandela effect and the possibility that this phenomenon is affecting the very words on the pages of all Bibles everywhere

This is a comprehensive detailed theological study specifically targeting pastors, church leaders, influencers, Bible School presidents and learned men and women of God who are adamantly opposing the suggestion that their Bible could be subject to some form of external attack like the Mandela effect

Unfortunately, in most cases, the responses from church leaders is more akin to Peter objecting to Jesus going to the Cross than any type of researched response. It is a knee-jerk reaction based on human sentiment not on sound theological principles.

It is agreeing with the status quo and a handful of scriptures that are being misapplied to suggest that the scriptures can't change when in fact, these promises only tells us that the word of God will not change.

When these content experts are asked how to explain that the entire world remembers things like “Judge not less to be judged” which has never existed, they respond by saying that the entire world is confused by misquotes from pop culture. Or they might suggest that 50 years ago, one man misquoted it and it went through the whole world like the telephone game.

This Hail Mary, superficial attempt to explain what is clearly an unexplainable phenomenon is an embarrassing and reprehensible attempt to sidestep the obvious.

If the Bible is supernaturally changing then we are most certainly observing the fulfillment of the scripture that warns that in the last days the very elect could be deceived.

This detailed biblical analysis will seek to provide foundational theological evidence to give the believer the confidence that they need to accept this phenomenon and know that God's character and his divine infinite perfections are not compromised in any way.

God is the one who has called for this judgment in Amos 8:11 so it is ill-advised that anyone would suggest that they are smarter than God by saying God wouldn't allow this because it would be so terrible. The fact that this is upsetting is not proof that it's not happening. It’s the judgement of God…it’s supposed to be upsetting. And I spelled judgement with (2) ees because that’s how most people remember it. Yes….words are spelled differently as well because of this phenomenon.

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