The Pervasive Fallacy That Everyone’s A Shill

1h 35m | Feb 10, 2024

The Pervasive Fallacy That Everyone’s A Shill

In this podcast I challenge the common refrain of many truthers as they label just about anyone that they disagree with or anyone that occupies any type of position of power as a shill

If you check back with me a year from now, I may have a very different view of things

But right now, what I am discerning is that there is a false narrative that's being propagated in the truther community that is a form of cynicism which is a disempowering core belief that essentially the opposite of faith in God. It is cynicism masquerading as discernment.

At the core of this issue is the presumption that the only thing that we get from God from here on out is death and destruction and judgment

But Abraham was able to push back the timetable of the Judgment of Sodom by approaching God and asking him some questions. He said would you judge Sodom him if they were 50 righteous men. And the Bible seems to tell us that God agreed with his argument and extended the amount of time before the Judgment would take place

My supposition is that the rampant use of the idea that someone is a shill is causing many to pull the covers of their heads and give up on any attempts to engage the enemy or to follow their destiny

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