• Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aligning with Multidimensional Energies: The Power of Andara Stones with Sandy Song Joy

    Find Sandy Here: https://www.youtube.com/@sandeerah8888

    Connect with Gwen and Download Free Soul Play Here: linktr.ee/gwenjuvenal

    In this episode of the "Welcome to Channeling" podcast, Gwen Juvenal hosts Sandy Song Joy, an energy healer and channeler known for her deep connection with multidimensional energies and crystals. The episode explores various aspects of spiritual and energetic practices, focusing on the Andara stone and its profound impact on Sandy’s spiritual journey.

    Crystals and Their Energies: Sandy introduces the Andara stone, explaining its unique properties and how it connects with individuals based on their vibrational match. She shares a personal story of how the stone chose to stay with her, emphasizing that these stones often come and go based on the vibrational alignment of their keepers. Sandy describes the Andara stone as having a fifth-dimensional energy, not tied to a physical place but to an energetic space, and explains its connection to whales, dolphins, and the inner earth.

    Exercises and Techniques:

    1. Energetic Hand Connection: Early in the episode, Gwen invites Sandy to participate in an exercise where they reach out energetically to connect through their hands, feeling each other's heart energy. This exercise aims to establish an energetic bond and enhance mutual understanding and empathy.
    2. Heart and Throat Chakra Focus: Gwen discusses the sensation of energy in her throat and heart, expressing a desire to be free and express love. This sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the chakras, particularly focusing on opening and aligning these energy centers.
    3. Breathing Technique: Sandy leads a guided breathing exercise to help align the chakras and bring the body into a state of zero-point energy. The technique involves deep inhalations from the lower abdomen to the solar plexus, holding the breath briefly, and then exhaling longer than the inhalation. This process is repeated three times to clear and balance the energy centers.
    4. Meditation and Channeling: Sandy channels the energy of the Andara stone, inviting listeners to sit with them and participate in a breathing and visualization meditation. This meditation is designed to open Gwen's heart space and integrate higher dimensional energies into her being. Sandy encourages listeners to feel the energy and allow it to spread throughout their body, facilitating healing and alignment.

    Initiation Process: Throughout the episode, Sandy speaks about the initiation process that she and others experience when working with high-vibrational stones like the Andara. She explains that being in the presence of these stones can trigger significant spiritual transformations and initiations, which often involve intense energy shifts and the opening of new energetic pathways.

    Sandy shares that she has gone through numerous initiations, describing them as epic in proportion and essential for her spiritual development. She explains that these initiations often bring about new ways of understanding and interacting with energy, leading to greater alignment with one's higher self and multidimensional aspects.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Multidimensional Energies: The episode highlights the importance of recognizing and working with multidimensional energies for spiritual growth.
    • Crystal Energies: Understanding that crystals like the Andara stone can significantly impact one's vibrational state and spiritual journey.
    • Chakra Alignment: The exercises and techniques shared in the episode emphasize the importance of aligning and opening the chakras to facilitate healing and spiritual connection.
    • Patience and Openness: Gwen's reflections on her energetic experiences underscore the need for patience and openness to fully integrate new energies and healing processes.

    The episode concludes with Gwen and Sandy feeling a deep sense of connection and alignment, with Gwen expressing gratitude for the healing and insights gained during their conversation.

    #SpiritualHealing #EnergyAlignment #AndaraStones #ChakraHealing #MultidimensionalBeing #HigherSelf #ChannelingPodcast #EnergyHealing #SpiritualJourney #Crystals #Andara

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    1h 13m - Jun 28, 2024
  • Season 2 - Episode 13 - Letters to David: Claudia Milligan's Journey of Spiritual Connection and Healing

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    In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal hosts Claudia Milligan, who shares her profound journey of spiritual connection and healing following the death of her son, David. Claudia reveals how she began intuitive writing as a way to communicate with David after his passing. This process started about 30 years ago and has evolved significantly over time, helping her connect deeply with her son in the afterlife.

    Claudia talks about the initial skepticism and the logical background she came from, which made it challenging to accept the spiritual experiences she was having. However, with the encouragement from friends and a pivotal experience with a Reiki medium, she embraced this new way of communicating. Claudia describes the development of her book "Letters to David," which chronicles her writings to and from her son, offering hope and guidance to others who have lost loved ones.

    Throughout the episode, Gwen and Claudia discuss the importance of being open to unconventional methods of healing and communication. Claudia emphasizes that such connections are accessible to everyone, not just a select few. She shares insights about the patience required in this journey and how it often involves unlearning societal norms and embracing a more intuitive, heart-centered approach.

    Claudia also performs a channeling session, connecting with an energy she refers to as "She," which provides healing and wisdom. The episode concludes with reflections on the power of belief and perseverance in spiritual practices, encouraging listeners to stay open to the signs and connections from beyond.

    Connect To Claudia Here:



    Popular Hashtags

    #SpiritualHealing #Channeling #GriefRecovery #IntuitiveWriting #AfterlifeConnection #LettersToDavid #Reiki #SpiritualJourney #HealingEnergy #Mindfulness

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    58m - Jun 25, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 12 - Unconditional Love and Neuro Art: A Journey with Cat Gollata

    Connect with Cat Gollata Here!:

    FAQ with registration link: NeuroArt with Cat FAQ

    Just registration: https://forms.gle/AyDNN33UfygjuG61A

    Session booking link!


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    In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal welcomes Cat Gollata, a specialist in brain spotting and neuro art, to discuss her journey and expertise in these healing modalities. The episode begins with Cat emphasizing the importance of unconditional love, highlighting how much of our lives are built on conditions, which she believes is a central aspect of the 3D experience. Cat encourages listeners to acknowledge the binary system of light and dark that we navigate and to stand in their power by finding their place within that spectrum.

    Gwen shares her own journey of discovering and connecting with Cat through the supportive community at Side Chicks, a platform where individuals explore and develop their abilities in a non-competitive, nurturing environment. Gwen expresses her appreciation for the lack of competition and the strong sense of support she felt upon joining Side Chicks, noting how these connections have been significant in her life.

    Cat recounts her personal healing journey, which began with the emergence of repressed memories. She found solace and transformation through a brain spotting practitioner, who guided her through processing trauma and understanding her experiences. This process not only helped Cat heal from her past but also allowed her to blossom into a more empowered and self-aware individual. Inspired by her own transformation, Cat pursued training in brain spotting and later discovered neuro art, integrating these practices into her work.

    Neuro art, as Cat describes, is a meditative practice that involves creating art with intention, allowing the subconscious to communicate through creative expression. She explains that both masculine and feminine creative energies need to be balanced for holistic healing. Through her sessions, Cat has witnessed how quickly people can experience breakthroughs, understanding their autonomy and ability to make conscious decisions.

    A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to discussing the experience of brain spotting. Cat explains how this technique involves identifying and processing emotional pain stored in the brain. Gwen, who has also engaged in brain spotting, shares her reflections on the profound impact it has had on her. She describes brain spotting as a deeply introspective practice that has helped her access and heal parts of herself that were previously hidden. Gwen appreciates how brain spotting facilitates a direct connection with the subconscious, allowing for a clearer understanding and release of past traumas.

    The conversation also explores the importance of compassion, community support, and the recognition of one's unique path. Cat and Gwen discuss the challenges of connecting with others, particularly when triggers arise, and the necessity of setting boundaries. They emphasize that true connection and community involve accepting and loving others unconditionally, even when there are disagreements or misalignments.

    Cat illustrates these points with an example from her practice, where she uses neuro art to help individuals meditate and receive messages from their subconscious. She shares a personal experience of creating a piece of neuro art on black paper, guided by intuition and messages from her source, which taught her the importance of discernment in relationships and interactions.

    The episode concludes with a heartfelt discussion on the nature of human connections, the roles people play in each other's lives, and the continuous process of self-discovery and growth. Cat's message is clear: healing and personal growth require compassion, support, and an unwavering commitment to understanding and embracing one's unique journey.

    #WelcomeToChanneling #NeuroArt #BrainSpotting #HealingJourney #UnconditionalLove #Neurodivergent #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualHealing #CommunitySupport #PersonalGrowth

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    1h 13m - Jun 23, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 11- Getting Out of Your Own Way In order to Channel with Hypnotherapist Peter Dennis

    Link to Free Soul Play Meditation:


    Contact Peter Dennis Here:


    In this insightful episode of "Welcome To Channeling," host Gwen Juvenal welcomes Peter Dennis, a renowned hypnotherapist, to discuss the profound and multifaceted world of channeling. The episode begins with Peter introducing the fundamental themes of separation and limitation that humans often grapple with, despite the underlying truth of unity and interconnectedness. Peter elaborates on the illusion of separation that permeates human consciousness and the gradual awakening process that helps individuals recognize their intrinsic unity with all existence.

    Gwen and Peter delve deeply into the practice of channeling, distinguishing between conscious and trans channeling. Conscious channeling involves the channeler being fully aware and actively translating messages from higher dimensions, while trans channeling sees the channeler enter a more profound, often unconscious, state where higher beings directly communicate through them. They explore the evolutionary journey of a channeler, noting how individuals may shift between these states as they deepen their practice.

    A significant portion of the conversation addresses the challenges faced by channelers in conveying messages from higher realms. These messages are often filtered through the channeler's vocabulary and personal experiences, which can limit the purity of the transmission. Gwen shares her transformative experiences with channeling, describing it as an overwhelming and profound sensation of love and presence. She recounts how officially embracing her channeling abilities opened her up to an immense amount of love and guidance from higher beings.

    The discussion also touches on societal perceptions of extraterrestrial beings, influenced heavily by media portrayals that often evoke fear. Peter reassures listeners by sharing his extensive experience, noting that he has never encountered dark energies in his work with over 100 individuals. He emphasizes the protective role of Archangel Michael, who ensures that only beings of light are present during channeling sessions.

    Gwen and Peter highlight the importance of discernment in channeling and in everyday life. They stress that, in an era rife with misinformation, it is crucial to evaluate messages and intentions critically. This discernment extends to messages received from higher beings, as even these entities can have their limitations. Peter shares practical advice on developing self-love, inspired by a message from Jesus, underscoring the necessity of loving oneself to truly love others.

    The episode concludes with a powerful analogy comparing humans to sparks from a bonfire, illustrating the divine essence within each person. This analogy underscores the unity of all beings and the shared divine source. Gwen and Peter encourage listeners to embrace their divine nature, the interconnectedness of all life, and the abundance that comes from accepting all aspects of their consciousness.

    Through this episode, Gwen and Peter aim to demystify the practice of channeling, offering listeners practical insights and heartfelt encouragement to explore their spiritual potential and deepen their connection to the divine.

    #Channeling #SpiritualAwakening #Consciousness #TransChanneling #HigherSelf #SpiritualGrowth #EnergyHealing #Oneness #DivineNature #Abundance

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    1h 16m - Jun 19, 2024
  • Season 2 - Episode 10 - Embracing Mediumship and Creativity with Phyllis Okon

    In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal hosts Phyllis Okon, a prolific author and medium. The discussion delves into Phyllis's journey into mediumship, sparked by personal loss and a need for connection. Initially skeptical, Phyllis was encouraged by multiple mediums to explore her own abilities, which she cultivated through extensive study and practice during the pandemic.

    Phyllis shares her extensive writing career, which includes publishing 83 books across various genres, and how her creativity intertwined with her mediumship practice. The episode highlights Phyllis's method of combining her historical and cultural knowledge with her readings, offering a unique perspective on family histories and cultural backgrounds.

    The conversation also touches on the practical aspects of mediumship, including Phyllis's educational efforts. She has authored two instructional books, "Mediumship Made Easy" and "Expanding Mediumship," based on her teaching curriculum. The episode concludes with Phyllis expressing gratitude for the support of her family and encouraging listeners to explore their own mediumistic abilities.

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    #Mediumship #SpiritualJourney #CreativeMind #ChannelingPodcast #PhyllisOkon #SpiritualGrowth #PodcastEpisode #AuthorLife #CulturalMediumship

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    1h 11m - Jun 16, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 9 - Unlock Your Intuition: A Deep Dive into Tarot With Jenna Matlin

    In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," host Gwen Juvenal has a profound conversation with Jenna Matlin, a psychic medium and tarot expert, and the award-winning author of Will You Give Me a Reading?. Jenna’s book goes beyond standard tarot guides, focusing on how to become a proficient tarot reader by holding space for others, developing psychic techniques, and addressing reading challenges.

    The Spiritual Component of Tarot

    Jenna explains the spiritual overlay of tarot, which involves grand archetypes, guides, and spiritual beings embodied in the cards. She emphasizes the importance of experience and intuition in discerning these elements, making tarot a tool for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

    Challenges Faced by Intuitive Individuals

    Jenna shares her personal experiences with societal skepticism towards intuitive abilities, often discouraged by both religious and scientific communities. She underscores the importance of inner belief and confidence in navigating these challenges.

    Historical Reverence for Intuition

    The conversation touches on the historical context of intuitive gifts, noting their celebration in many indigenous and classical cultures. Jenna argues that modern skepticism is a recent phenomenon, encouraging listeners to honor and develop their intuitive gifts.

    The Role of Tarot in Personal Growth

    Jenna delves into how tarot offers insights into various life aspects, helping individuals understand their past, present, and future. She emphasizes that tarot is not just about prediction but about gaining a deeper understanding of oneself.

    Advanced Techniques and Applications of Tarot

    Jenna shares advanced techniques, such as future life readings and cyclical understandings of time. She explains that tarot can reveal different parts of an individual, providing a nuanced understanding of their spiritual journey.

    Challenges in Tarot Reading

    Discussing common challenges, Jenna highlights the importance of interpreting cards faithfully, even when messages are hard to accept. She stresses the need to overcome personal biases for clear readings.

    The Transformative Power of Tarot

    The episode illustrates tarot’s transformative power in helping individuals gain clarity, heal, and find direction. Jenna shares anecdotes of tarot’s impact on her clients, showing how it facilitates a deeper connection with inner wisdom.

    Empowering Others Through Tarot

    Jenna’s approach is rooted in the belief that everyone has intuitive abilities that can be nurtured. Her book and practice aim to inspire confidence and provide tools for individuals to harness their gifts and help others.

    Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    This episode is a rich exploration of tarot’s spiritual and intuitive dimensions, offering valuable guidance for both beginners and experienced readers. It emphasizes embracing intuitive abilities, navigating societal challenges, and using tarot for personal and spiritual growth.

    Connect with Jenna Matlin Here:


    #TarotReading #PsychicMedium #IntuitiveGrowth #SpiritualJourney #Channeling #JennaMatlin #TarotCommunity #PersonalDevelopment #SpiritualAwakening #MysticChat

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    1h 13m - Jun 13, 2024
  • Season 2 - Episode 8 - Overcoming Adversity with Spirit Guides: The Journey of Ashley Brothers

    In this episode of the "Welcome To Channeling" podcast, host Gwen Juvenal interviews Ashley Brothers, a healer, shaman and spiritual teacher. Ashley shares her extraordinary experiences of overcoming severe health challenges, including a near-fatal incident involving her mother's diabetic coma while she was still in the womb. She describes her early spiritual awareness, which included pre-birth memories and interactions with guides. Ashley discusses the importance of having not just spirit guides but a spirit teacher who can provide profound lessons, such as medical mediumship and quantum healing.

    Throughout the interview, Ashley emphasizes the significance of building deep relationships with one's guides and the importance of stepping into one's power rather than merely taking orders from spiritual entities. She recounts how her guides have supported her through severe health crises, including guiding her to detect a life-threatening medical error post-surgery.

    The conversation also touches on the concept of gratitude and manifestation, suggesting that embodying a state of gratitude can align one's reality with their desires. Gwen and Ashley conclude with a channeling session where Gwen’s guides reflect on living in alignment with one's true self and the interconnectedness of all beings.

    Connect with Ashley Brothers Here:


    #SpiritualHealing #Channeling #MedicalMediumship #QuantumHealing #SpiritualGuides #OvercomingAdversity #Podcast #HealingJourney #AshleyBrothers #SpiritualAwareness #GwenJuvenal #Shaman #HotMuffinMedia

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    1h 16m - Jun 10, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 7- Nurturing Spiritual Gifts: Unveiling The Art of Decoding Your Spiritual Essence With Angie Greenfield

    Gwen Juvenal hosts Angie Greenfield, a psychic medium, and spiritual coach, on the podcast "Welcome To Channeling." Angie shares her journey of discovering her spiritual gifts since childhood, emphasizing the importance of understanding and accepting one's abilities. She discusses her course, "The Art of Decoding Your Gifts," designed to help individuals uncover their unique talents. They delve into practical exercises like grounding techniques and intuitive practices to connect with one's inner guidance. The conversation highlights the significance of starting small and creating a safe space to explore spirituality without fear or judgment. Angie emphasizes the value of non-negotiable practices, such as prayer and meditation, in nurturing and amplifying spiritual abilities. Through personal anecdotes and insights, they encourage listeners to embrace their gifts and embark on their spiritual journey with confidence and authenticity. Gwen Juvenal emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for oneself, drawing an analogy to how parents childproof their homes for a baby learning to walk. She suggests that individuals should provide themselves with a sense of safety and grounding, even if it means keeping certain practices private. Gwen encourages finding one or two supportive individuals who have gone through similar experiences to offer encouragement and validation.

    She introduces the concept of the "kernel," describing it as a space of magnification where one's intent and desired growth can be nurtured. Juvenal compares this to making room in a garage for bicycles, emphasizing the importance of creating space for personal growth.

    Gwen and Angie Greenfield discuss non-negotiable practices, including prayer and meditation. They highlight the transformative power of simple practices, such as prayer, in creating a peaceful energetic space and fostering personal growth. Angie emphasizes the importance of voice and sound in healing, suggesting that the resonance of one's own voice can facilitate emotional release and spiritual connection.

    In a channeled message, Gwen Juvenal receives guidance about Angie’s journey, being encouraged to embrace her identity as a "shooting star" and to continue expanding her experiences. The message emphasizes the importance of family bonding and suggests spending time near the ocean as a means of connection and education. Juvenal's guides affirm her mission of spreading joy and celebration while encouraging her to explore new facets of her identity.

    Connect With Angie Here:




    #SpiritualJourney #Intuition #PsychicMedium #InnerGuidance #SpiritualGifts #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualGrowth #Mindfulness #Acceptance #Empowerment #AngieGreenfield #GwenJuvenal #WelcomeToChanneling #SoulPlay #HotMuffinMedia

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    1h 3m - Jun 7, 2024
  • Season 2 Episode 6 - Unveiling 3 Quantum Enfoldings: Opening New Earth

    In this captivating episode of Welcome To Channeling, Gwen Juvenal and Chris Lebaron embark on a profound exploration of three distinct quantum unfoldings of the physical realm, all aimed at ushering in the dawn of New Earth. Chris Lebaron, alongside his partner, is an adept in Quantum Human Design, devoted to assisting individuals and collectives in discovering their innate expressions to foster authentic human synergy in action and experience.

    Chris shares his personal journey of encountering Human Design, a pivotal moment that enabled him to shed actions incongruent with his true essence, paving the way for genuine success aligned with his design. Through Human Design, he not only found a partner who complements his being but together, they forged a harmonious synergy in their endeavors.

    Gwen and Chris delve into three profound unfoldings that have unfolded in Chris’s life through revelation: The Voice of the Past (What Has Been), The Present or Now (What Is), and The Future (What Is To Come). Chris illuminates how each unfolding possesses its own unique language, emphasizing that through Human Design, individuals tap into their authentic language.

    The episode culminates in a powerful moment of channeling, as both Chris and Gwen extend an invitation to viewers to embrace the essence of New Earth, emphasizing that the New Earth is not a distant reality but an intrinsic part of each individual's being.

    Contact Chris LeBaron


    #QuantumUnfoldings #NewEarth #HumanDesign #Channeling #Synergy #SelfDiscovery #IChing #Taoism #Tao #GeneKeys #Language #GroupSynergy #Quantum #TheNow #WhatWillBe #Control #Ease #QuantumHumanDesign #Astrology

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
    2h 18m - May 2, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 5 - Embracing the Bad Boy Archetype: A Romance Writer's Journey of Self-Expression and Empowerment

    "I Love Me a Good Bad Boy!" is one of Kristi Avalon’s favorite sentiments! In this episode of “Welcome To Channeling,” Gwen Juvenal and Kristi Avalon, a renowned romance writer, delve into the question of why Bad Boys are so alluring and what benefits they provide for us. Both discuss Kristi's voyage of self-discovery, empowerment, and the themes encapsulated in her latest work, "The Billionaires Dare." Reflecting on their first Bad Boy crushes from movies and literature, including iconic figures like Han Solo and Indiana Jones, River Phoenix, and Satan from "Paradise Lost," they explore the allure and complexity of the Bad Boy archetype. Utilizing the innovative Big Mind Process, they give voice to this archetype, allowing for deeper introspection and understanding.

    Throughout the discussion, Kristi's internal struggle between societal expectations and her authentic self, represented by the Controller and the Good Girl persona, unfolds. By embracing the Bad Boy archetype in her writing, Kristi champions self-confidence, boundary-setting, and rebellion against societal norms. The Controller serves as a conduit for Kristi's interaction with her inner Bad Boy, empowering her to reject conformity, embark on solo adventures, and nurture her personal growth and independence.

    The podcast culminates in a transformative channeling session led by Gwen, where spiritual guides offer profound insights and reflections on love and self-expression. Encouraging listeners to honor their true selves and cultivate meaningful connections, the session underscores the transformative potential of embracing the shadows in order to experience true wholeness.

    Key Points:

    Kristi's journey of self-expression and empowerment is intertwined with her exploration of the Bad Boy archetype, allowing her to challenge societal norms and express her authenticity through her writing.

    The Controller symbolizes Kristi's adherence to societal expectations, while the Bad Boy archetype embodies rebellion, self-confidence, and boundary-setting, facilitating Kristi's personal growth and independence.

    Through the innovative Big Mind Process, Kristi navigates the complexities of her internal dialogue, fostering a deeper understanding of her desires and motivations.

    The channeling session offers profound insights from spiritual guides, emphasizing the transformative power of love and self-expression within the framework of the Big Mind Process.

    Find Kristi Here: https://kristiavalon.com/

    #RomanceWriter #SelfExploration #Empowerment #TheBillionairesDare #GoodGirl #InnerVoice #Authenticity #SocietalNorms #Boundaries #EmbracingIdentity #BadBoy #SelfExpression #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualGuidance #BigMindProcess #Channeling #Romance #WelcomeToChanneling #Podcast #GwenJuvenal #KristiAvalon #RomanceNovel #BigMind 

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    55m - Mar 22, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 4 -You Are A Dragon!: Soul Play with Katara Sky

    Katara Sky is a Lightwarrior on a mission to better the world. She works with fellow Lightworkers and soul family to Amplify Energy & Light and Elevate Consciousness together. As a healer, teacher, cosmic weaver and activator, Katara shares her work through 1 : 1 and group coaching, shamanic practices, light language, qigong / energy training and energy transmissions.

    You can connect with her here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/awakeningdragons/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/awakeningdragons

    Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/awakening-dragons

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@awakeningdragons



    Join Gwen Juvenal as she extends a warm invitation to Katara Sky, the creative force behind the beloved podcast "Awakening Dragons," and an esteemed light worker, for a profound conversation. Together, they embark on an illuminating journey.

    After an introduction, where both Gwen and Katara share insights on spiritual names, Katara expertly leads Gwen into the realm of Soul Play. Here, they explore the transformative power of dragon energy, delve into the depths of shadow work, and bask in the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth's energy. Through engaging discussions and energetic practices, Katara guides Gwen in allowing emotions to expand and be illuminated by the light. They touch upon themes of forgiveness, self-love, and the multidimensional realms, emphasizing each individual's unique language and ways of connecting with their inner essence.

    Drawing cards of trust and abundance, they reflect on the inherent wealth of resources within us to navigate life's challenges with resilience. Gwen channels a poignant message from her guides, offering encouragement surrounding the opportunities in relationships for Katara, while Katara imparts wisdom on trust and discernment for those embarking on the path of channeling.

    Join Katara and Gwen as they unravel the mysteries of the soul, embracing the magic found in light, shadow, and the vastness of multidimensional realms.


    #AwakeningDragons #SpiritualJourney #LightWorker #ShadowWork #MultidimensionalRealms #SelfLove #Forgiveness #Trust #Channeling #EnergyHealing #PodcastDiscussion

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    1h 8m - Mar 8, 2024
  • SEASON 2 - EPISODE 3 - Emergence of the Emerald Dragon: A Journey into New Earth

    Embark on a mesmerizing journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening with Gwen Juvenal and Sandee Raw in their insightful podcast episode. In this captivating discussion, the hosts share their profound experiences with the mystical presence of a green dragon, delving into the realms of heart-centered energy and universal connections. As they explore the expansiveness of the third eye and the power of channeling, listeners are invited to witness a unique blend of laughter, song, and profound insights.

    Join the hosts as they discuss the importance of being mindful about the energies we bring into our lives and the protective qualities of the heart center. The conversation seamlessly weaves through themes of ascension, telepathy, and the evolving ways in which individuals connect with their spiritual paths. The hosts reflect on the bifurcation between those seeking tangible proof and those trusting in faith and experience, leading to a beautiful realization of nourishment along the spiritual journey.

    Tune in for a magical experience as Gwen and Sandee create an atmosphere of joy, laughter, and connection, leaving listeners inspired to recognize the nourishment in their own lives. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual explorer or a curious listener, this episode of "Welcome to Channeling" promises an unforgettable exploration into the realms of energy, presence, and the enchanting green dragon.

    #EmeraldDragon #NewEarthJourney #SoulPlay #DragonEnergy #SacredSpace #DimensionalExpansion #BirthOfNewEarth #PlasmaApocalypse #DivineConnection #YearOfTheDragon2024

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    1h 11m - Jan 13, 2024
  • Season 2- Episode 2- Channeling Relationships: Navigating Life's Changes

    In this episode, your host, Gwen Juvenal, engages in a heartfelt conversation with her close friends, Tristan and Julie Arendal, exploring the intricacies of relationships amidst life's unpredictable transitions.

    They share their personal experiences and insights, from coping with a loved one's health challenges to embracing the evolution of self-worth and vulnerability. Through a candid discussion, they explore the transformative power of self-acceptance, open communication, and the importance of embracing change.

    Gwen’s guides encourage her to step into the world of dating and self-discovery with newfound confidence. Together, they discuss the value of authenticity, self-love, and nurturing connections that align with their unique paths.

    Julie Arundel



    #ChannelingRelationships #PersonalGrowth #SelfDiscovery #AuthenticConnections #NavigatingChange #SpiritualJourney #TransformativeConversations #SelfAcceptance #OpenCommunication #HumanExperience

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    1h 10m - Oct 3, 2023
  • Season 2- Episode 1-Dreaming Out Loud: Owning What Dream is, Day Dreaming, the Dream of Now, and Night Time Dreaming

    Welcome to the exciting season 2 premiere of "Welcome To Channeling!" In this episode, host Gwen Juvenal dives deep into the world of dreams and channeling. Join Gwen as she opens up to her spirit guides, introduces more of them to you and explores the power of daydreaming, and shares practical exercises to help you tap into your dream world's creative potential. Discover the profound connection between dreams, light, and choice, and learn how to rewrite your story and embrace a new reality through channeling. Gwen's guides offer insights into navigating the dream realm, expanding possibilities, and nurturing relationships. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as we explore the limitless potential of your dreams.

    #ChannelingDreams #UnlockingPotential #DreamExploration #SpiritualJourney #SelfDiscovery #DreamRealm #InfinitePossibilities #InnerPower #WelcomeToChanneling #Season2Premiere

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
    51m - Sep 18, 2023
  • Reviewing This Season- Answer the Question To Receive a Free Session

    Gwen Juvenal Reviews each episode of the Season and invited you to write to her about which one is your favorite and be entered into a drawing for a free session of Soul Play with her.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
    41m - Sep 11, 2023
  • Season 1- Episode 24 - Creative Conversations with Matthew Morrison: Exploring Poetry, Unicorns, and Life's Complexity

    Matthew Morrison's Podcast, "Crazy Day"


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    In this episode of “Welcome to Channeling,” where art, imagination, and the intricacies of life converge, Gwen invites friend and fellow podcaster Matthew Morrison on to catch up, as they embark on a journey through the realms of poetry, the whimsical world of unicorns, and the depths of life's complexity. 

    They engage in candid and thought-provoking discussions, and Matthew shares his love and the inspiration from poet Andrea Gibson. Through their conversations, they delve into the beauty found within the pain, the joy discovered amid life's challenges, and the power of art and creativity to illuminate our experiences. 

    From creating spontaneous poems together to pondering the many types of unicorns, they explore the playful and profound aspects of existence. Whether you're a poetry enthusiast, a unicorn aficionado, or simply someone seeking insight into life's enigmatic nature, this podcast offers a unique blend of inspiration and introspection. 

    Join us as we celebrate the magic in everyday conversations, where poetry, unicorns, and life's complexity intertwine. 

    #CreativeConversations #PoetryPodcast #UnicornWorld #LifeComplexity #ArtAndImagination #MatthewMorrison #CrazyDayPodcast #AndreaGibson 

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    52m - Sep 7, 2023
  • Season 1- Episode 23- Gwen and Manpreet Bawa Get Into Channeling: Questions and Channeled Message From The Guides

    Manpreet Bawa


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    In this episode of "Welcome To Channeling," hosts Manpreet Bawa and Gwen Juvenal dive deep into the profound concept of channeling and the innate ability we all possess to connect with higher wisdom and consciousness. They explore the essence of oneness and the importance of shedding fear and skepticism to fully embrace the power of channeling. Gwen opens up about her personal experiences and the transformative impact it has had on her life. 

    The episode also features a groundbreaking moment where Manpreet channels his own insights and questions, leading to a heartwarming message from Gwen's guides. They provide valuable guidance on how to trust the channeling process, activate one's unique gifts, and tap into the flow of consciousness. 

    Join Manpreet and Gwen on this enlightening journey as they inspire listeners to step into their authenticity, unlock their inner wisdom, and co-create a world filled with love, light, and unity. 

    #Channeling #Oneness #TrustTheFlow #InnerWisdom #Sovereignty #SpiritualJourney #HigherConsciousness #PersonalTransformation #LoveAndLight #Awakening #GuidanceFromWithin

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    1h 5m - Sep 4, 2023
  • Season 1- Episode 22- Sacred Play With Anastasia Paveloff: Art Creation as an Expression of Thankfulness and Integration in Sacred Play

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    In this episode of "Welcome To Channeling," join host Gwen Juvenal, with guest Anastasia Paveloff on a profound journey into the depths of imagination and creativity. Drawing inspiration from dream tending and the power of dreams, Gwen and Anastasia delve into the sacred space of the inner world, where artistry and healing intertwine. 

    Our guest, Gwen opens up about her transformative experience of entering into this space for several days, venturing through the realms of psyche and imagination. Through dream tending with Anastasia, Gwen discovers a powerful gesture named "Rise," unleashing a golden energy within her. Together, they explore the balance between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine, uncovering the interconnectedness of all things. 

    Join us as we witness the beauty of imagination and the richness of creativity, which flows through the veins of life itself. Experience the magic of art and conversation, as Anastasia and Gwen share their authentic vulnerability, inviting you to embrace your true self and step into your unique artistry. 

    Whether you're an artist, dreamer, or seeker of truth, this episode will inspire you to tap into the boundless well of creativity that lies within, guiding you on a transformative and awe-inspiring journey. 

    #WelcomeToChanneling #InnerJourney #Transformation #SoulfulConversations #UnleashYourCreativity #PodcastEpisode #ArtisticExpression #DreamRealm #MagicalEncounters #SpiritualAwakening Hashtags: #Podcast #Channeling #Imagination #Creativity #DreamTending #Artistry #HealingJourney #SacredSpace #InnerWorlds #PowerofDreams

    In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal and Anastasia Paveloff embark on a profound journey into the realms of sacred play and multidimensional realities. They share their experiences and insights from a space of deep inner exploration, inviting you to join them in this transformative process. By providing an example of how one may prepare and enter into the sacred play of embracing artistic expression as a part of the process of opening to your larger self, processing this new information that is opened to ourselves and integrating it into your life. 

    Grab your paints or materials to enter into this artistic play and join us. 

    Gwen and Anastasia emphasize the importance of grounding and breathwork as they guide you through a meditation to center yourself in the present moment. Within this sacred space, they explore themes of sacrifice, transformation, and the unique expressions of love that connect us all. 

    Discover how creative expression and physical movement can unlock hidden intelligence and facilitate profound shifts in your life. Whether you're an artist, a writer, or simply someone seeking to explore the magic within, this episode offers a powerful invitation to embrace your authentic self.

    #SacredPlay #MultidimensionalReality #ChannelingPodcast #CreativeExpression #GroundingMeditation #TheSacredSpheres #AnastasiaPaveloff #PlayTime #DreamTending #Guides

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    53m - Sep 1, 2023
  • Season 1- Episode 21 - Ignite Your Day: Morning Practices for Channeling Your Higher Self

    Welcome to another episode of "Welcome To Channeling.” In this episode, we explore the essence of morning practices that serve as gateways to connecting with our higher selves, bringing about clarity, purpose, and an invigorated outlook on life. Mornings are a precious time to establish awareness and open up to the vast reservoir of energy and wisdom that resides within us. 

    Our mornings are ripe for the infusion of fresh intelligence and the awakening of our inner spark. These practices are integral to cultivating self-awareness, appreciating our gifts, and embracing our world. 

    Gwen shares various examples of morning practices. Each practice is a unique invitation to connect with our inner selves, fostering a harmonious blend of self-love and universal wisdom. 

    But what truly makes this episode special is our live demonstration with Sandee Raw and Grace Bjarnson. We guide them through a morning practice that serves as a sneak peek into the techniques outlined in the upcoming book, "The Garden," slated for release in the fall of 2023. By experiencing the practice firsthand, our guests illustrate how it can enhance their mornings, fostering a sense of unity, introspection, and empowerment. 

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    #WelcomeToChanneling #MorningPractices #HigherSelfConnection #IgniteYourDay #TheGardenBook #InnerSpark #NewIntelligence #PodcastWisdom 

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    31m - Sep 1, 2023
  • Season 1- Episode 20- Gwen & Manpreet Bawa Talk About Balancing Identity and Authenticity

    Manpreet Bawa


    In this second episode with Gwen chatting with Manpreet Bawa, they explore the intricate dynamics between the desire for uniqueness and the struggle for acceptance. Manpreet shares his personal journey from seeking external validation to embracing his authentic self, discussing the challenges he faced while navigating the fine line between being somebody and being nobody. They delve into the concept of safety, the need to prove oneself, and the powerful practice of asking profound questions. This episode offers listeners a profound insight into the transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance, reminding us that we can find peace in embracing both our individuality and our interconnectedness. 

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    #AuthenticityJourney #EmbraceYourUniqueness #SelfDiscoveryPath #BalancingIdentity #SpiritualInsights 

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    32m - Aug 28, 2023
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