Season 2 - Episode 13 - Letters to David: Claudia Milligan's Journey of Spiritual Connection and Healing

58m | Jun 25, 2024

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In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal hosts Claudia Milligan, who shares her profound journey of spiritual connection and healing following the death of her son, David. Claudia reveals how she began intuitive writing as a way to communicate with David after his passing. This process started about 30 years ago and has evolved significantly over time, helping her connect deeply with her son in the afterlife.

Claudia talks about the initial skepticism and the logical background she came from, which made it challenging to accept the spiritual experiences she was having. However, with the encouragement from friends and a pivotal experience with a Reiki medium, she embraced this new way of communicating. Claudia describes the development of her book "Letters to David," which chronicles her writings to and from her son, offering hope and guidance to others who have lost loved ones.

Throughout the episode, Gwen and Claudia discuss the importance of being open to unconventional methods of healing and communication. Claudia emphasizes that such connections are accessible to everyone, not just a select few. She shares insights about the patience required in this journey and how it often involves unlearning societal norms and embracing a more intuitive, heart-centered approach.

Claudia also performs a channeling session, connecting with an energy she refers to as "She," which provides healing and wisdom. The episode concludes with reflections on the power of belief and perseverance in spiritual practices, encouraging listeners to stay open to the signs and connections from beyond.

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