Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aligning with Multidimensional Energies: The Power of Andara Stones with Sandy Song Joy

1h 13m | Jun 28, 2024

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In this episode of the "Welcome to Channeling" podcast, Gwen Juvenal hosts Sandy Song Joy, an energy healer and channeler known for her deep connection with multidimensional energies and crystals. The episode explores various aspects of spiritual and energetic practices, focusing on the Andara stone and its profound impact on Sandy’s spiritual journey.

Crystals and Their Energies: Sandy introduces the Andara stone, explaining its unique properties and how it connects with individuals based on their vibrational match. She shares a personal story of how the stone chose to stay with her, emphasizing that these stones often come and go based on the vibrational alignment of their keepers. Sandy describes the Andara stone as having a fifth-dimensional energy, not tied to a physical place but to an energetic space, and explains its connection to whales, dolphins, and the inner earth.

Exercises and Techniques:

  1. Energetic Hand Connection: Early in the episode, Gwen invites Sandy to participate in an exercise where they reach out energetically to connect through their hands, feeling each other's heart energy. This exercise aims to establish an energetic bond and enhance mutual understanding and empathy.
  2. Heart and Throat Chakra Focus: Gwen discusses the sensation of energy in her throat and heart, expressing a desire to be free and express love. This sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the chakras, particularly focusing on opening and aligning these energy centers.
  3. Breathing Technique: Sandy leads a guided breathing exercise to help align the chakras and bring the body into a state of zero-point energy. The technique involves deep inhalations from the lower abdomen to the solar plexus, holding the breath briefly, and then exhaling longer than the inhalation. This process is repeated three times to clear and balance the energy centers.
  4. Meditation and Channeling: Sandy channels the energy of the Andara stone, inviting listeners to sit with them and participate in a breathing and visualization meditation. This meditation is designed to open Gwen's heart space and integrate higher dimensional energies into her being. Sandy encourages listeners to feel the energy and allow it to spread throughout their body, facilitating healing and alignment.

Initiation Process: Throughout the episode, Sandy speaks about the initiation process that she and others experience when working with high-vibrational stones like the Andara. She explains that being in the presence of these stones can trigger significant spiritual transformations and initiations, which often involve intense energy shifts and the opening of new energetic pathways.

Sandy shares that she has gone through numerous initiations, describing them as epic in proportion and essential for her spiritual development. She explains that these initiations often bring about new ways of understanding and interacting with energy, leading to greater alignment with one's higher self and multidimensional aspects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Multidimensional Energies: The episode highlights the importance of recognizing and working with multidimensional energies for spiritual growth.
  • Crystal Energies: Understanding that crystals like the Andara stone can significantly impact one's vibrational state and spiritual journey.
  • Chakra Alignment: The exercises and techniques shared in the episode emphasize the importance of aligning and opening the chakras to facilitate healing and spiritual connection.
  • Patience and Openness: Gwen's reflections on her energetic experiences underscore the need for patience and openness to fully integrate new energies and healing processes.

The episode concludes with Gwen and Sandy feeling a deep sense of connection and alignment, with Gwen expressing gratitude for the healing and insights gained during their conversation.

#SpiritualHealing #EnergyAlignment #AndaraStones #ChakraHealing #MultidimensionalBeing #HigherSelf #ChannelingPodcast #EnergyHealing #SpiritualJourney #Crystals #Andara

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