Season 2- Episode 9 - Unlock Your Intuition: A Deep Dive into Tarot With Jenna Matlin

1h 13m | Jun 13, 2024

In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," host Gwen Juvenal has a profound conversation with Jenna Matlin, a psychic medium and tarot expert, and the award-winning author of Will You Give Me a Reading?. Jenna’s book goes beyond standard tarot guides, focusing on how to become a proficient tarot reader by holding space for others, developing psychic techniques, and addressing reading challenges.

The Spiritual Component of Tarot

Jenna explains the spiritual overlay of tarot, which involves grand archetypes, guides, and spiritual beings embodied in the cards. She emphasizes the importance of experience and intuition in discerning these elements, making tarot a tool for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

Challenges Faced by Intuitive Individuals

Jenna shares her personal experiences with societal skepticism towards intuitive abilities, often discouraged by both religious and scientific communities. She underscores the importance of inner belief and confidence in navigating these challenges.

Historical Reverence for Intuition

The conversation touches on the historical context of intuitive gifts, noting their celebration in many indigenous and classical cultures. Jenna argues that modern skepticism is a recent phenomenon, encouraging listeners to honor and develop their intuitive gifts.

The Role of Tarot in Personal Growth

Jenna delves into how tarot offers insights into various life aspects, helping individuals understand their past, present, and future. She emphasizes that tarot is not just about prediction but about gaining a deeper understanding of oneself.

Advanced Techniques and Applications of Tarot

Jenna shares advanced techniques, such as future life readings and cyclical understandings of time. She explains that tarot can reveal different parts of an individual, providing a nuanced understanding of their spiritual journey.

Challenges in Tarot Reading

Discussing common challenges, Jenna highlights the importance of interpreting cards faithfully, even when messages are hard to accept. She stresses the need to overcome personal biases for clear readings.

The Transformative Power of Tarot

The episode illustrates tarot’s transformative power in helping individuals gain clarity, heal, and find direction. Jenna shares anecdotes of tarot’s impact on her clients, showing how it facilitates a deeper connection with inner wisdom.

Empowering Others Through Tarot

Jenna’s approach is rooted in the belief that everyone has intuitive abilities that can be nurtured. Her book and practice aim to inspire confidence and provide tools for individuals to harness their gifts and help others.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

This episode is a rich exploration of tarot’s spiritual and intuitive dimensions, offering valuable guidance for both beginners and experienced readers. It emphasizes embracing intuitive abilities, navigating societal challenges, and using tarot for personal and spiritual growth.

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