• 66 - Overcoming PCOS and Reclaiming Happiness: with Toshita Ambegaonkar

    Toshita Ambegaonkar struggled with PCOS and diabetes for a large chunk of her younger years. 2020 brought about a realisation that led to a journey of physical and mental transformation.

    In this episode, she shares her learnings from the process, and her approach towards taking charge of her health and reclaiming the happiness that had since long evaded her.


    • Change things gradually instead of drastically altering your way of eating or exercising.
    • Irrespective of what anyone says or what you see on social media, figure out what works for YOU and follow through with the process. Don't compare your journey with anyone else's.
    • Set aside one day every week for preparing meals. Stick with determination to the routines you create for yourself.

    Connect with Toshita on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tosh_amb/

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    24m - Jun 23, 2024
  • 65 - The Most Important Skill to Lose Weight Permanently

    The one core skill you need to build, to achieve sustainable results 🚀

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    6m - Jan 3, 2023
  • 64 - Building Resilience & Rising From the Ashes: with Prerona Misra

    Prerona Misra discovered what she was capable of during the worst phase of her life. She took it upon herself to become the person who could care for her young ailing daughter, rising from the ashes like a glowing phoenix.

    In this episode, she shares her story of resilience and her approach towards losing over 30 kgs while juggling work, family, unforeseen obstacles and everything in between.


    • If you stick to the process and keep at it, things will get easier over time and results will be inevitable.
    • When you go through tough times, you grow through them. Obstacles equip you with the tools to handle challenges.
    • If you are a mother, taking care of yourself shouldn't be an afterthought. The health and well-being of your family depends on it. You can't pour from an empty cup.

    Connect with Prerona on Instagram: @mom_wholifts

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    47m - Dec 28, 2022
  • 63 - Why Your Fitness Idols Have Low Self Esteem and How You Can Escape the Same Fate

    In this episode you'll learn the most common errors that lead people to experience self esteem issues despite having achieved the body of their dreams. And how you can avoid falling into the same trap.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    25m - Dec 24, 2022
  • 62 - Why 12-Week Transformations Are Misleading & a Waste of Your Time

    What's the reality behind before-after pictures? And is it even possible to expect drastic results in such a time frame?

    What can you realistically achieve in a 12-week period?

    Learn all of the above and more in this episode.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    17m - Dec 16, 2022
  • 61 - Losing More Kilograms vs Losing Kilograms Permanently: Is There a Difference in the Approach?

    Is a weight loss strategy that's optimised solely around scale weight reduction different from one that's focused on permanent outcomes? What are the key differences and which strategy should you follow?

    Find out.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    14m - Dec 5, 2022
  • 60 - Master the Art of Altering Body Composition Through Principle Based Learning

    Tired of losing and regaining the same weight? Or unable to drop even a single kilogram despite having tried every diet out there?

    If you answered yes to either of the above questions, and want to know how you can fix this problem once and for all.

    Then this episode is for you. Tune in.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    18m - Nov 26, 2022
  • 59 - Going Through Beginner's Hell: Will the Process Ever Get Easy?

    Is trying to get and stay in shape always going to be an uphill battle or is there an endgame to all of this? Find out.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    17m - Nov 25, 2022
  • 58 - How to Optimise Non-Measurables for Weight Loss: Thinking Beyond Scales & Portion Sizes

    If you don't measure it, you can't manage it. That's 100% correct. But many things that determine weight loss success can't be measured.

    What are these? And how can you optimise them to align with your goals? Find out.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    24m - Nov 14, 2022
  • 57 - "I'm Like That Only": Are Your Self-Beliefs Actually Serving You?

    "I'm a foodie."

    "I'm lazy."

    "I'm a stress-eater."

    Do the above sound like things you say on a regular basis? Then this episode is for you.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    20m - Nov 4, 2022
  • 56 - Designing Your Routines to Align With Your Personal Strengths.

    Human beings navigate the world using different maps of reality. Is your diet and exercise routine aligned with your natural way of functioning?

    Or are you trying too hard to adopt someone else's way of functioning as your own?

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    20m - Nov 1, 2022
  • 55 - Want to Lose Weight Successfully? Stop Talking About It With Your Friends.

    It's not your words but your actions that reflect your priorities. Moreover talking about your weight loss goals is probably doing you more harm than good.

    Find out why and what you can do about it.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    19m - Oct 25, 2022
  • 54 - You Can't Do Everything— Spreading Yourself Thin is Killing Your Weight Loss Progress

    You can't optimise for all areas of your life at the same time. What is important for you at the moment?

    Have you figured that out?

    And are you going full throttle to build momentum towards those outcomes?

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    20m - Oct 5, 2022
  • 53 - Why You Keep Making Bad Diet & Exercise Decisions. And What You Can Do About It.

    The social media fitness gurus want you to listen to your body's signals but it's clearly not working for you. You "think" you know what you should be doing but you're still at the same place you were last year.

    If the above sounds like you. Listening to this episode will help.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    19m - Sep 17, 2022
  • 52 - What to Eat at a Restaurant While on a Weight Loss Diet

    Eating out at restaurants without sabotaging your weight loss progress is a skill that takes time to develop. Here are the most important guidelines to keep in mind to make things easier for yourself.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    23m - Sep 7, 2022
  • 51 - Why Can't I Lose Weight Despite All Effort?

    Have you tried all diets, methods and weight loss tools out there but nothing seems to work for you?

    I got you. The problem's probably not what you think it is.

    Perhaps you just need to approach things from a different place.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    16m - Aug 27, 2022
  • 50 - Paying with Time Equity vs Financial Equity to Achieve Weight Loss Results

    In order to achieve weight loss results, you must be willing to invest your resources in the process. But are you investing what you have more of or what you have less of?

    And are you doing it effectively? Find out.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    18m - Aug 22, 2022
  • 49 - Breaking Through Psychological Barriers: with Sourav Tiwary

    Sourav Tiwary went from obese kid to runner and long-distance cyclist while losing over 60 kgs. All of this while he works in a high performance job and runs a community for people on similar weight loss journeys.

    In this episode, he shares his learnings about how he managed to overcome his psychological barriers to experience growth.


    • Share your goals with the people in your life so they can support you better.
    • Before you start your weight loss journey, dig deep and find your why. Create a vision for your dream outcome.
    • Diet and nutrition matters most when it comes to achieving sustainable weight loss results.

    Connect with Sourav on Instagram: @souravtiwary

    Drop Sourav a text on WhatsApp: wa.me/919082231543

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    1h 13m - Aug 14, 2022
  • 48 - Why You Need Frequent and Regular Feedback to Lose Weight Successfully

    There is no learning without feedback. The reason you lose weight but can't keep it off is similar to why lottery winners can't seem to stay rich for long.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    16m - Aug 8, 2022
  • 47 - Five Fatal Flaws that Hold You Back from Losing Weight Successfully

    Feel like you're never able lose weight successfully and keep it off? You probably have one of these 5 fatal flaws holding you back.

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workdayphysique

    Book a free consultation: https://forms.gle/7LoP4Pag4KAwvhuRA

    18m - Jul 24, 2022
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Workday Physique | Weight Loss & Fitness Psychology