Health Update: Harmful Genetic Material Found in “Safe and Effective” Choices

17m | Feb 4, 2024

A few years after most of the world’s population has been endlessly prompted and even forced to make “Safe and Effective” choices, the science is coming out showing the dangers and harmful effects of this new foreign genetic material and what it’s doing to the body at a cellular level.

In this important update, Dr. McCollum dives into what’s happening to the body as it goes on creating unhealthy, misfolded proteins ad infinitum. He also investigates a list of toxic ingredients that have been found in these “Safe and Effective” concoctions, and what you can do to begin detoxifying your body from them.

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KEYWORDS: Health and Wellness - Functional Medicine Doctor - McCollum Family Chiropractic - SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technologies - Best-Selling Author -  Health Rebels - Non-Invasive Therapy - Natural Healing Doctor - Detoxification - Cellular Regeneration - Stem Cell Technology - Ketogenic Diet - Fasting - Health Centers of the Future - McCollum Family Chiropractic - McCollum Wellness Radio

FDA DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to be used as personal medical advice in order to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, even if it does. This information is presented for educational purposes only and is best used in cooperation with your natural healing doctor. Always do your own research and consult with your doctor before making any changes to your current medication intake to find out what is best for you.

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