• Breaking Free | Anxiety | Gary Thompson


    33m - Jul 14, 2024
  • Breaking Free | Grief | Jason Laffan


    31m - Jul 7, 2024
  • Breaking Free | Doubt | John Pearell


    33m - Jun 30, 2024
  • Breaking Free | Anger | Gary Thompson


    33m - Jun 23, 2024
  • Breaking Free | Mental Health Challenge | Scoot Moore

    Mental Health Challenge

    37m - Jun 16, 2024
  • Breaking Free | Discovering Hope and Healing in Everyday Life

    Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the series 'Breaking Free.' In this series we explore the struggles we all face and the hope found in faith and action. From dealing with anger and doubt to finding freedom from addiction and anxiety, this series offers practical insights and encouragement for anyone seeking liberation in their everyday life. Don't miss out on this transformative exploration of finding hope and healing!

    28m - Jun 9, 2024
  • Missionary Call | Partnering in the Gospel Work in Nanaimo | Cameron Moore

    Join us in this heartfelt missionary call as Cam and Christa share their journey to Nanaimo, Canada, where they aim to spread the light of Christ in a community hungry for the gospel. Discover their vision, challenges, and the urgent need for support in this inspiring message from the heart.

    47m - Jun 2, 2024
  • Messy Church | Stumbling Blocks | 1 Corinthians 8-9 | Gary Thompson

    In this message Pastor Kurt continues our study of 1 Corinthians, exploring living a life that glorifies God through unity, love, and humility.

    Key Points:

    How knowledge alone can lead to pride, but love builds up the community.

    The importance of considering others' consciences and avoiding actions that may cause them to stumble.

    Practical applications of these principles in our daily lives, such as alcohol consumption, dress, language, and entertainment.

    Key principles for exercising Christian liberty, including prioritizing edification, unity, and humility.

    The ultimate goal of doing everything for the glory of God, as highlighted in 1 Corinthians 10:31.

    We also reflect on Jesus' prayer for unity in John 17, emphasizing that our unity and love as a church reflect God's glory to the world.

    Join us as we take inventory of our lives, seeking to act in ways that build up others and glorify God in all we do. Let's strive to live not just for our own liberty, but for the edification and unity of the church, inspired by the gospel and the example of Jesus Christ.

    33m - May 19, 2024
  • Messy Church | Singleness and Marriage | 1 Corinthians 7

    We tackle the complexities of relationships in the light of faith. Drawing insights from the writings of Paul to the Corinthian church, we explore the dynamics of marriage, singleness, and how to honor God in every season of life.

    Pastor Gary addresses common questions and challenges faced by individuals and couples, offering practical advice rooted in biblical wisdom. From the importance of mutual respect and intimacy in marriage to the value of singleness in wholeheartedly serving the kingdom of God, this sermon provides guidance for navigating diverse relational landscapes.

    Whether you're married, single, divorced, or seeking clarity on your relational journey, this message offers encouragement and direction. Join us as we learn how to prioritize God's glory in our relationships and embrace His best for our lives.

    #contentment #marriage #singlelife #1corinthians #relationships #trustingod #spiritualguidance #faithful #purpose #sermon

    26m - May 12, 2024
  • Jesus Changes My Destiny | Gary Thompson

    Jesus Changes My Destiny

    24m - Apr 21, 2024
  • Jesus Changes my Identity | Michell Thompson

    Jesus Changes my Identity

    26m - Apr 14, 2024
  • Jesus Changes my Philosophy | Gary Thompson

    Jesus Changes my Philosophy

    34m - Apr 7, 2024
  • Easter 2024 | Gary Thompson

    Easter 2024

    23m - Mar 31, 2024
  • The Impact of Going | Missions Month 2024 | Gary Thompson

    Join us for a powerful sermon by Pastor Gary as he shares an inspiring message about the transformative power of faith, generosity, and missions. Pastor Gary discusses the essence of Christian discipleship, emphasizing the importance of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the world.

    Gary explores the significance of missions, both locally and globally, highlighting real-life stories of individuals who answered the call to go and serve others. He illustrates how going on mission trips not only impacts the lives of those served but also transforms the lives of the volunteers themselves.

    From the touching story of Cassie's journey to Mexico to build houses for families in need to the biblical principle of giving and receiving outlined by the Apostle Paul, this sermon encourages viewers to step out in faith, whether through physical service or financial support, trusting that God will provide and bless abundantly.

    This message challenges believers to embrace their calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus, making a difference in the world through acts of love, compassion, and generosity. Watch and be inspired to go, give, and spread the message of hope to those in need.

    Don't miss this empowering message that reminds us of the profound impact we can make when we answer the call to go and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ

    35m - Mar 17, 2024
  • Finding And Sharing Hope | Missions Month 2024 | Gary Thompson

    Pastor Gary shares personal stories and insights on finding hope in life's most challenging moments. From the struggles of high school football practice to the daily grind of adult responsibilities, Gary explores how desperation can lead to unexpected breakthroughs. Drawing from his own experiences and those of others, he delves into the universal human experience of searching for hope in the midst of despair.

    Discover how ordinary people, just like you, have found glimmers of hope even in the darkest of times. From unexpected kindness to small victories, Gary reveals the profound impact that simple acts of service, generosity, and invitation can have on our lives and the lives of those around us.

    Whether you're grappling with uncertainty, facing setbacks, or simply seeking inspiration, this talk offers practical insights and encouragement for anyone on a journey toward hope and fulfillment.

    34m - Mar 10, 2024
  • GO Love | Missions Month 2024 | Gary Thompson

    Moving with Compassion, Service, and Generosity

    With this First Week of "GO," we jump into the essence of missions, compassion, service, and generosity. Pastor Gary Thompson passionately explores the profound call to action embedded within the Christian faith.

    Discover how love moves with compassion, service, and generosity as we discuss biblical narratives, personal anecdotes, and real-life testimonies. From supporting local missions to partnering with global ministries, the message underscores the transformative power of generosity in funding God's kingdom work.

    Experience the heartwarming testimonies of individuals like Jonas, a missionary from Ethiopia, and Stacy Guerrero, sharing stories of lives transformed through acts of compassion and service. Learn how ordinary individuals become pipelines for God's love and mercy, impacting lives both locally and globally.

    Be inspired to embrace a lifestyle of compassion, service, and generosity, understanding that every act of kindness and every contribution plays a vital role in advancing God's kingdom. As Pastor Gary leads us in prayer, let's reflect on our resources, time, and opportunities to partner with God in bringing hope and transformation to the world.

    32m - Mar 3, 2024
  • Knowing God | Answering His Calling | Gary Thompson

    Pastor Gary delivers a stirring message on the transformative power of obedience, risk, and faith in the Christian journey. Drawing from biblical examples and personal anecdotes, He challenges viewers to heed God's call, even when it requires stepping into discomfort or uncertainty.

    Gary emphasizes the importance of obedience, highlighting that blessings await those who choose to follow God's commands, even when it's difficult. He shares stories of individuals like Ananias and Esther, who embraced obedience and witnessed God's miraculous work in their lives.

    Gary speaks about the call to risk, urging listeners to step out in faith and trust God's leading, even when it seems daunting. He encourages viewers to consider where God is calling them to take bold steps of faith, reminding them that God can do immeasurably more than they could ever imagine.

    This sermon is a powerful reminder that following God requires courage, obedience, and a willingness to take risks. It challenges believers to surrender fully to God's will and trust in His faithfulness.

    31m - Feb 25, 2024
  • Knowing God | Finding Healing and Hope: Exploring Celebrate Recovery

    Join us for an intimate and candid discussion about finding healing and hope through the journey of Celebrate Recovery (CR). Wade and Ali share their personal experiences and insights, guiding us through the transformative power of CR as a Christ-centered community. From addressing deep hurts and hang-ups to embracing new beginnings, this conversation delves into the real struggles we all face and the hope that CR offers.

    Wade and Ali cover various aspects of CR, including its focus on Christ-centered principles, the diverse community it welcomes, and the step-by-step process of healing. They speak from the heart, sharing their own struggles with addiction, codependency, and the masks we wear to hide our pain.

    Whether you're at rock bottom or seeking a fresh start, this discussion offers encouragement and practical insights for anyone on the journey of recovery and spiritual growth. Discover how CR provides a safe space to confront our vulnerabilities, support one another, and ultimately, find redemption in Christ.

    Join us as we explore the transformative journey of Celebrate Recovery and learn how it can be a source of healing and restoration in your life. Don't miss out on the opportunity to find community, support, and a renewed sense of purpose. Watch now and take the first step towards healing and hope.

    35m - Feb 18, 2024
  • Knowing God | The Fruit-Bearing Gospel | Gary Thompson

    In this message Pastor Gary talks about the importance of sharing your faith and the profound impact it can have on the lives of others. Gary shares testimony and personal anecdotes that illustrate the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ.

    From heartfelt stories of personal transformation to touching accounts of individuals finding hope and salvation, this video will inspire you to consider the profound impact your life can have when you boldly share your faith with others.

    Discover how simple acts of kindness, genuine connections, and persistent outreach can lead to life-changing encounters and eternal transformations. Whether you're a seasoned believer or exploring faith for the first time, this message offers encouragement, hope, and practical insights for sharing the love of Christ with those around you.

    Watch now and be inspired to make a difference in the world by sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a light in the darkness and witness the incredible ways God can work through your life.

    31m - Feb 11, 2024
  • Knowing God | Power of Generosity | Gary Thompson

    Join Pastor Gary in this impactful message as he shares insights on the transformative power of generosity. Gary delves into the importance of putting God first in our finances, becoming structured in our giving, and embracing spontaneous acts of generosity. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical teachings, he encourages viewers to invite God into their financial journey, trusting that a generous heart leads to a richer relationship with God. Discover how generosity can be a fulfilling way of life, bringing joy, blessings, and making a positive impact on the lives of others. Whether you're new to the concept of generosity or seeking to deepen your understanding, this message offers practical and inspiring guidance. Watch and be inspired to live a life of purposeful and joyful generosity. 

    27m - Feb 4, 2024
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Eastridge Church South Campus