The Impact of Going | Missions Month 2024 | Gary Thompson

35m | Mar 17, 2024

Join us for a powerful sermon by Pastor Gary as he shares an inspiring message about the transformative power of faith, generosity, and missions. Pastor Gary discusses the essence of Christian discipleship, emphasizing the importance of sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the world.

Gary explores the significance of missions, both locally and globally, highlighting real-life stories of individuals who answered the call to go and serve others. He illustrates how going on mission trips not only impacts the lives of those served but also transforms the lives of the volunteers themselves.

From the touching story of Cassie's journey to Mexico to build houses for families in need to the biblical principle of giving and receiving outlined by the Apostle Paul, this sermon encourages viewers to step out in faith, whether through physical service or financial support, trusting that God will provide and bless abundantly.

This message challenges believers to embrace their calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus, making a difference in the world through acts of love, compassion, and generosity. Watch and be inspired to go, give, and spread the message of hope to those in need.

Don't miss this empowering message that reminds us of the profound impact we can make when we answer the call to go and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ

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Eastridge Church South Campus