• Ep 266: A Balanced Approach to Healthcare with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Joel Warsh

    If you like the way I approach pregnancy and birth then you’re going to love this conversation with pediatrician Dr. Joel Warsh. He has a really balanced, common-sense approach to pediatrics that blends modern medicine with non-Western elements.

    In addition to pregnancy and parenting advice, he recommends small changes you can make today that will impact your health in the future. We have a great conversation about wellness and I know you’re going to learn a lot of practical tips!

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • Why Dr. Warsh transitioned away from traditional pediatrics to integrative medicine
    • What integrative medicine and integrative parenting refer to
    • How the U.S. medical system falls short
    • Why we should apply a balanced approach to traditional and modern medicine
    • How integrative parenting can help with common infant challenges
    • What constitutes a non-toxic home
    • Why we should shift more focus to preventative care
    • Who makes a good candidate for home birth


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode266

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

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    56m - Jul 23, 2024
  • Ep 265: Lillie’s Birth Story - A True Emergency Cesarean

    In this birth story episode, you’re going to hear what a true emergency cesarean is like. Lillie was induced due to gestational diabetes and preeclampsia at 37 weeks. After 36 hours in labor, just as she was transitioning to push, her baby went into distress and she was rushed to the operating room for an emergency cesarean birth.

    Now Lillie felt like this was a pretty scary and traumatic birth but one of the things that really helped her was that she had learned about all possible birthing situations. Knowing what to expect isn't going to prevent trauma but it most certainly can make things easier.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How long Lillie took to prepare for parenthood once she decided to have a baby
    • Which health concerns she had coming into the pregnancy
    • Why she specifically sought out a Black woman OB-GYN
    • Why she saw a maternal fetal medicine specialist for her pregnancy
    • Why pitocin can’t be administered continuously
    • How many attempts it took to place the epidural
    • How a nurse with conveniently small hands helped dislodge Lillie’s baby from her pelvis


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode265

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

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    1h 10m - Jul 16, 2024
  • [JULY SPOTLIGHT] What Happens When You Have Uterine Fibroids During Pregnancy?

    July is Fibroid Awareness Month, so today I’m re-airing an episode on what happens when you have fibroids during pregnancy. I’ve actually gotten quite a few questions about this, more than I expected, and the questions indicate that there’s a lot of uncertainty and misunderstandings about this topic.

    In this rebroadcast episode, you’ll learn what fibroids are, the risk factors and symptoms associated with fibroids, how fibroids are managed during pregnancy, how fibroids affect mom and baby during pregnancy, and also the impact of having myomectomy (fibroid removal) before pregnancy. Let's get into the episode on uterine fibroids and the impact they have on pregnancy!


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode103

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the RIGHT Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    43m - Jul 9, 2024
  • Ep 264: Postpartum Rage with Dr. Ashurina Ream of Psyched Mommy

    Dr. Ream describes first-time parenthood as an experience that rocked her world. When she found herself crying and screaming because her baby wouldn’t fall asleep, she knew she needed to seek help. Of course, she had heard of postpartum anxiety and depression but postpartum rage was something she hadn’t been prepared for.

    When she went looking for support and didn’t turn up much, she decided to solve the problem herself. She is a licensed clinical psychologist who completed additional training to specialize in perinatal mental health. After that, she went on to found Psyched Mommy, the largest social media platform focusing on perinatal mental health. Postpartum rage and anger isn't something that we talk about enough –or even at all– so I'm really excited that we are diving into this important topic today!

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • What defines postpartum rage
    • How it relates to postpartum depression
    • What makes some people more susceptible
    • How shame can prevent parents from seeking help
    • What the cycle of anger is
    • How sleep fits into the equation
    • Why it’s important to look at anger as a “check engine light”
    • What steps can be taken to address rage


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode264

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    44m - Jul 2, 2024
  • Ep 263: Erica’s Birth Story - Loving Every Moment of Birth

    Erica experienced two miscarriages prior to the birth story we're going to hear today. After over a year and a half of heartbreaking loss, this pregnancy was completely normal - no nausea, no sickness, no pain.

    Now at 38 weeks, some symptoms developed that caused her doctor to recommend induction. Erica wanted an unmedicated birth and you’re going to learn all about how she used movement for pain management in this great episode. I felt so inspired by her strength and I know you will too!

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • Why Erica’s OB recommended induction
    • Which medications were used to induce labor
    • Why she felt unhappy with the initial on-call doctor
    • How she describes the sensation of her water breaking
    • What made her feel better about the new doctor at shift change
    • Why the presence of a travel nurse trained as a doula was serendipitous
    • Why she opted for a hands-and-knees birthing position


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode263

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    43m - Jun 25, 2024
  • [A Dr. Nicole Favorite] What Is a Physiologic Birth and How Do You Have One in the Hospital?

    Real talk: things have been a little crazy for me these past couple weeks and I didn’t have an opportunity to record a new episode. So, I decided to pick one of my favorites to replay: physiologic birth.

    The reason I chose this is because it’s a term that gets mentioned a lot on social media but doesn’t get defined. It’s also a term that -quite honestly- I didn’t fully understand before I made this episode. I learned a lot when I researched and wrote this episode and I know you will too.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    -How normal physiologic birth is defined

    -Which factors disrupt physiologic childbirth

    -What are the benefits of normal physiologic birth

    -Whether any one position should be mandated or prescribed

    -What are the factors that influence physiologic birth

    -Why it’s vital for your medical team to support your wishes

    -What makes it necessary to intervene


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode190

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    53m - Jun 18, 2024
  • Ep 262: Birth Trauma With Licensed Clinical Social Work and Birth Trauma Survivor Kayleigh Summers

    It’s a miracle that today’s guest, Kayleigh Summers, is even alive. She is an amniotic fluid embolism survivor and went into cardiac arrest twice during labor. When you hear her story, you’re going to be blown away.

    This lived-experience led her to center her career around perinatal trauma. As a licensed clinical social worker, she is supporting families experiencing perinatal trauma and has created a thriving community where survivors can feel less alone.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • What birth trauma is and what causes it
    • What the symptoms are
    • How to determine whether or not an experience qualifies as “trauma”
    • How to work through traumatic experiences
    • What EMDR stands for and how it works
    • What role medication plays in treatment
    • How a postpartum plan can help prevent birth trauma


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode262

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    54m - Jun 11, 2024
  • Ep 261: Nicole’s Birth Story - The Line Between Pain and Suffering

    Sometimes a “beautiful” birth doesn’t mean getting what you wanted - it means making the right decisions for yourself along the way. After being stuck at 5 cm for TWELVE HOURS, Nicole decided that it was time to change course. I’ll give away that she did have a vaginal birth, but it was nothing like she planned or anticipated.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • Why Nicole eventually agreed to a low dose of pitocin
    • What happened when the pitocin was increased
    • Whether or not her water broke
    • How her partner supported the decision to get an epidural
    • What made her so happy with the anesthesiologist
    • How quickly she progressed after the epidural
    • Why doctors were concerned about her baby’s heart rate
    • How a lactation consultant helped with breastfeeding issues


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode261

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    57m - Jun 4, 2024
  • Ep 260: Pregnancy & GBS (Group B Strep) - Updated!

    Group B strep, or GBS, is a relatively common bacterial infection found in the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. Most people can be carriers and not have any symptoms. However, GBS can present problems for newborns and during pregnancy.

    I’m doing this episode because some changes have been made since I first covered this topic back in 2019. In 2022 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) updated guidelines for testing and treating GBS. Staying informed and up-to-date is the best way to keep yourself and your baby safe.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • What group B strep–GBS–is and why it matters
    • How common it is and what the chances are that you may be a carrier
    • Which risk factors increase the likelihood of GBS colonization
    • How it can affect pregnancy and newborns
    • What methods are used to screen for and treat GBS
    • What the long-term implications can be
    • Whether probiotics have been proven to be effective


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode260

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    36m - May 28, 2024
  • Ep 259: Understanding the Link Between Feeding & Sleep with Hillary Sadler of Baby Settler

    So many parents feel like they have to choose between sleep and breastfeeding and today’s guest, Hillary Sadler, says that's not the case - and she knows what she’s talking about! A registered nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and mom of four, Hilary is a true expert in the art of balancing feeding and sleep.

    Getting enough sleep is going to be vital for your mental health. I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again: To have a healthy baby, you’ve gotta have a healthy parent. Do future-you a favor and understand the link between feeding and sleep before baby comes home.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How “quality, effective, efficient” feeds can impact sleep
    • What the biological link is between feeding and sleep
    • Why you should think about your sleep goals
    • How to maximize your newborn’s wake time 
    • What makes an efficient feeding pattern
    • What the five S’s are
    • Why you should approach day feeding and night feeding differently


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode259

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    48m - May 21, 2024
  • Ep 258: Jodi’s Birth Story - Forceps With No Pain Medication

    For many parents, selecting where they’re going to give birth is an important part of the planning process. However, Jodi lives on a small island with only one hospital and didn’t have a choice in the matter.

    Though she and her baby are healthy, the birth was intensely challenging. Jodi’s pain went under-treated and many procedures were done without adequate communication. While I want to acknowledge that rural and remote medicine is complex, the pain Jodi suffered is unacceptable.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How long it took to get from Jodi’s home to the hospital
    • How her “advanced maternal age” affected the care she received
    • Why she was unable to leave the bed during delivery
    • Why doctors were in a hurry to get the baby out
    • How doctors could’ve done a better job of communicating
    • Whether forceps are still commonly used
    • What it was like for Jodi to experience an episiotomy & forceps delivery without adequate pain management
    • What steps were taken to deliver/remove the placenta


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode258

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    55m - May 14, 2024
  • Listener Q&A: 2 vessel umbilical cord

    Normally the umbilical cord has 3 vessels - 2 arteries and one vein. What does it mean when your baby's umbilical cord has 2 vessels instead of 3? How do you know if this is a concern for your baby? I answer this listener question from Jessica in this episode!

    If you have a question you'd like me to answer, shoot me a DM on Instagram @drnicolerankins.

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    10m - May 9, 2024
  • Ep 257: Everything You Need To Know About The Prenatal Tests You’ll Get During Pregnancy

    In this episode, you'll learn all the tests that are recommended during pregnancy. I’ll break things down by trimester and talk about why the tests are done and what the results of the tests mean. You can use this information to prepare for upcoming tests or go back and ask questions about ones that were done in the past.

    The bulk of testing is done in the first trimester. Early screening is vital for the health of you and your baby. Healthcare doesn’t often focus on preventative care so use this opportunity to be proactive and plan ahead.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • Which tests are recommended and done during pregnancy
    • Why you should register for access to your electronic medical records
    • Why we don’t want you to go into birth having low platelets
    • What happens in the case of an RH negative parent and an RH positive baby
    • Which conditions can be passed on from parent to baby
    • Why we screen for several STIs
    • What we can learn from analyzing a urine sample
    • Why genetic testing is done
    • What an anatomy scan looks for
    • Why it’s important to check for and address gestational diabetes


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode257

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    31m - May 7, 2024
  • You've been told you're "high risk". What exactly does that mean?

    The term high risks gets used a lot and can mean very different things depending on your unique circumstances. Learn what "high risk" actually means as well as questions you need to ask if you've been told you're "high risk".

    Join me in my free LIVE class Make A Birth Plan The Right Way! Grab your seat at drnicolerankins.com/birthplan

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    10m - May 2, 2024
  • Ep 256: Fed is Best with The Formula Mom, Mallory Whitmore

    Mallory Whitmore knows her stuff about formula! She’s a certified infant feeding tech, leader of education at Bobbie–the only mom-founded and mom-run U.S. formula brand–and she’s the face behind The Formula Mom, an online platform for infant feeding info and support.

    To be clear, she’s not against breastfeeding, quite the opposite in fact! Her mission is to help parents make informed, confident, and supported infant feeding decisions–without guilt or shame. If that means all breastmilk, all formula, or someplace in between, all that matters is that your baby gets the nutrition they need!

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How formula compares to breast milk
    • Which “bioactive components” are found in breast milk
    • What parents should look for in a formula - ignore the marketing hype!
    • What types of formula are available
    • How to figure out which formula is right for you
    • What signs can indicate a formula is not working for your baby
    • How long you should give it before you switch to a different formula
    • How to feed a combination of breastmilk and formula
    • What actually makes DIY formula risky
    • Why it’s so important to destigmatize formula feeding
    • What the difference is between absolute risk and relative risk


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode256

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    43m - Apr 30, 2024
  • Making a birth plan? Be sure to ask your doctor these 4 questions

    Making a birth plan is a really important part of helping you have the birth you want. A birth plan helps you think through the things that you want for your birth and communicate your wishes with your birth team. To make the most of your birth plan, be sure to ask your doctor the 4 key questions you'll learn in this short episode!

    And to learn 4 more questions to ask as well as how to approach the process, tips to get your doctor and nurses to pay attention and what to include, join me in my FREE LIVE class Make A Birth Plan The RIGHT Way. Register at drnicolerankins.com/birthplan

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
    8m - Apr 25, 2024
  • Ep 255: Amy’s Birth Story - Bonding After a Critical Care Birth

    Amy had what she calls an "easy pregnancy". The birth was the difficult part. Her labor came on quickly and then stalled. While hospital staff nudged her along by breaking her water and administering Pitocin, it became clear that something was wrong.

    Amy was sick - she was showing symptoms of infection. As she faded in and out of consciousness, her family and care team discussed the options. Eventually it was decided that a C-section was the best choice.

    After birth, Amy didn't get her “TV moment" with her baby. Her son was taken to the NICU and she had to spend a week in the hospital. Once they were reunited, it was still difficult to feel connected. She wanted to share her story to help others feel less alone. I guarantee you, you are going to be on the edge of your seat and really learn a lot from Amy's birth story.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How long Amy and her partner worked to get pregnant
    • What a “push prep” class is and why Amy recommends it
    • Why she describes the attending physician as “not friendly”
    • How infection symptoms can affect a pregnancy
    • Why she considers her breastfeeding experience “a miracle”
    • How therapy helped Amy cope with difficult postpartum feelings


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode255

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    47m - Apr 23, 2024
  • Intense negative emotions with breastfeeding? It might be D-MER

    Dysmorphic milk ejection reflex, also known as D-MER, is a condition experienced by lactating women and individuals where you feel a sudden, brief, and very intense negative emotional response just before milk letdown or release.

    Learn about this important and underrecognized condition in this short episode.

    Join me LIVE on April 30th for my FREE class - Make A Birth Plan The RIGHT Way! Grab your spot at drnicolerankins.com/birthplan

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
    12m - Apr 18, 2024
  • Ep 254: Maternal Disparities, How You Can Stay Safe, and How You Can Help

    This episode is being released during Black Maternal Health Week (April 11-17). Black Maternal Health Week was created by The Black Mamas Matter Alliance, a national coalition created to ensure all Black Mamas have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy. 

    In this episode you’re going to learn about pregnancy-related morbidity and mortality. Specifically, you’ll learn about the racial disparities in obstetric care as well as causes and solutions. You'll also learn how to keep yourself safe and how to help other pregnant people, too.

    In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:

    • How maternal morbidity and mortality are defined
    • How many people die from pregnancy-related causes each year
    • How morbidity and mortality rates vary by race
    • Why focusing on Black Mamas is essential
    • How to interpret maternal data correctly
    • What the most common causes are of pregnancy-related death
    • What you can do to help


    Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode254

    Check out The Birth Preparation Course

    Register for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right Way

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out ByHeart and use my code DRNICOLE for a great deal: byheart.com/podcast
    * Practice love every day with Paired, the #1 app for couples. Download the app at https://www.paired.com/DRNICOLE
    * Start Ritual or add Essential For Women Prenatal to your subscription today. That’s ritual.com/DRNICOLE for 25% off.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    36m - Apr 16, 2024
  • Fast Facts About Black Maternal Health

    Black Maternal Health week is April 11-17th!

    In this short episode I'm sharing some facts about Black Maternal Health.

    As I've done before, during Black Maternal Health week I'm collecting donations to giveaway spots in my online childbirth education class, The Birth Preparation Course. I'd love for my community to come together and donate enough to give away 10 spots! Please donate whatever you can at drnicolerankins.com/help.

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    9m - Apr 11, 2024
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All About Pregnancy & Birth