• (Not) every cloud has a silver lining.

    I've been ruminating a lot on searching for the silver lining in our hardships. In this episode I talk about the problem with this notion, and just sharing my frustration and exhaustion on trying to put a positive spin on things that just SUCKS. I think it's a shame that we have this belief that we deserve to go through shitty things to gain strength when that's far from the truth.

    And hey, if it works for you, I'm happy for you, buddy. For someone like me who struggles with emotions? Not so much. Hopefully this just gives you a bit of a different perspective :)


    Book a coffee chat with me!

    *This episode was taken from a livestream I did on Twitch.

    Follow & DM me on Instagram.

    S1E8 - 9m - Aug 8, 2022
  • Self-healing and the power in seeking help with Irma Mirta (part 1)

    Are you someone who sees your need to seek help as weakness? Let Irma convince you otherwise. In Part 1 of our conversation, we talk about to what extent you can heal yourself, why it's absolutely essential for you to seek help and how it actually empowers you.

    I can't think of anyone else to have a conversation about the journey of healing with, other than my very own cousin, mba Irma. Since she was the one who inspired me to go on mine, and unconsciously leading me to this passion of mine - mental health.


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/irmamirtaa


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/rubbersouled Website to book a Tarot consultation: https://rubbersouled.com

    S1E7 - 54m - Sep 29, 2021
  • If we treat ourselves as if we're still kids, would the world be a better place?

    How much easier would life be if we treated ourselves & each other as if we were still a child? I argue that we hold way too high of a standard as adults just because we have lived that little bit longer than a child, acting as if we have lived this life before. So why is it that when conflict arises, we often "act like a child"? We are all just wounded children living in an adult's body and I think life would be so much easier for us if we embrace this.

    S1E7 - 19m - Sep 14, 2021
  • Are we sensitive, or were we just not allowed to feel? with Anissa Amalia

    What would happen if we were given to the space to fully embrace our emotions when we were little? Would we still be sensitive? Would the word sensitive even have this negative undertone? Anissa Amalia and I talk about the misconceptions of emotions and question the very concept. We talk about generational trauma, the inner child, and how to cope with our emotions.

    Not to toot my own horn, but this one's really one to listen to, especially if you've been made to feel bad about having emotions and feelings, therefore feeling like a burden and not knowing how to cope with emotions.


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/aniss.a__


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/rubbersouled

    Website to book a Tarot Reading: https://rubbersouled.com

    S1E6 - 56m - Sep 7, 2021
  • Living in alignment with Tsamara Fahrana

    Would you believe me if I said life really doesn't have to be filled with so much resistance? Human Design is exactly the "manual" that I have personally been looking for because it's a blueprint that guides us on how to live in more alignment with our most authentic self.

    With my very first guest on this podcast, Tsamara Fahrana and I talk about the factors that affect our ability to live in alignment, how Human Design helps us in getting to know ourselves & which areas to look out for because it's more prone to influence than others, celebrating our individuality, the importance (for some of us) to LOVE what we do, and some warning signs of being unaligned.


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/tsamarafahrana

    Podcast: Meditate with Tsamara


    Instagram: https://instagram.com/rubbersouled

    Website: https://rubbersouled.com

    S1E4 - 54m - Aug 31, 2021
  • Rekindling my suppressed creative soul

    I'm trying to discover who I really am by revisiting the things I used to enjoy doing as a kid. Here I talk about how my ego stopped me from being creative because it created stories and narratives about who I am (...I suck), and some questions or even journalling prompts for you so you can explore and reignite your own creative soul that you have suppressed.

    S1E3 - 17m - Aug 23, 2021
  • When old patterns start creeping up... remember this.

    So you're on a healing journey and you're well on your way to being completely healed. You've got the tools, you've confronted your shadows & ego, you've done the work. Or so you thought - until old patterns start coming back up again and you thought you've failed. I just want to remind you that, on a graph, your healing journey is not a linear line that just goes up. It will go up and down, you just need to zoom out and look at the big picture and see that you're STILL making progress after all.

    S1E2 - 14m - Aug 10, 2021
  • Here's your permission slip.

    I have always felt like I didn't fit into the moulds of what a proper "human" is in this society. If you have ever felt unworthy and unacceptable for having emotions, then here is your permission slip.

    S1E1 - 5m - Aug 10, 2021
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Things Your Sensitive Arse Needed to Hear