• How to Parent Without Screwing Up Your Kids (Too Much) with Gwenna Laithland

    EPISODE 54: In this episode, Dayna Abraham chats with Gwenna Laithland, the hilarious and insightful author of Momma Cusses and TikTok sensation. Gwenna shares her personal journey from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated to becoming a responsive parenting advocate. They discuss the realities of parenting, the importance of handling big emotions, and practical strategies to improve parent-child relationships—all while keeping your sense of humor.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gwenna's Turning Point (00:00:00): Gwenna shares a powerful and relatable story about a moment of realization that led her to change her parenting approach. She discusses her transformative moment and the search for relatable resources that helped her along the way.
    • Navigating Early Parenting and Survival Mode (00:02:00): Gwenna discusses her initial years as a parent, dealing with survival mode, and the challenges of having a newborn, highlighting how she managed those early struggles.
    • Mindset Shifts (00:12:00): The importance of moving past labels like "gentle parenting" and embracing a style that fits your family's unique needs, and how these mindset shifts can transform your parenting approach.
    • Handling Big Emotions (00:18:00): Gwenna explains the Big Feels Loop De Loop, a method for recognizing, regulating, and reasoning through big emotions. She provides practical tips for handling these big emotions effectively.
    • Co-Regulation and Personal Strategies (00:22:00): Various co-regulation techniques and personal stories that illustrate practical applications, demonstrating how to help children manage their emotions through co-regulation.
    • Critiquing Traditional Advice (00:29:00): Gwenna addresses common criticisms and misconceptions about modern parenting techniques with her trademark humor, offering a fresh perspective on traditional advice.

    Additional resources:

    📖 Momma Cusses by Gwenna Laithland: Available at local bookstores and bookshop.org

    ✨Gwenna Laithland on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook: @MommaCusses

    🔍For more insights, strategies, and support, join our Calm the Chaos community and check out our upcoming workshops. 

    Remember, you’ve got this!

    👉 Check out my Social:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode! calmthechaospodcast.com

    37m - Jun 18, 2024
  • Let Go of Mom Guilt and Reclaim Your Power: A Conversation with Joann Crohn

    Episode #53: In this heartfelt episode, Dayna sits down with Joann, the founder of No Guilt Mom, to delve into the pervasive issue of mom guilt. Together, they explore where this guilt comes from, why it affects so many mothers, and most importantly, how to overcome it. 

    Joann shares her personal journey from feeling overwhelmed and guilt-ridden to finding balance and joy in motherhood. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you release guilt and step into your power as a mom.

    "When we're able to release the mom guilt, we can step more into our power as women and make such a change in the world." - Joann

    Key Takeaways:

    • [00:00:00] Joann's Background: Joann discusses her upbringing and how she initially viewed motherhood based on her parents' sacrifices.
    • [00:01:00] Introduction by Dayna: Dayna introduces Joann and the topic of mom guilt, highlighting the common struggle of balancing self-care with parenting duties.
    • [00:02:00] Joann's Story: Joann shares her career journey from TV and film to becoming a teacher and eventually founding No Guilt Mom.
    • [00:04:00] The Root of Mom Guilt: Joann explains how societal expectations and personal upbringing contribute to mom guilt.
    • [00:06:00] Breaking Free from Guilt: Joann's experience with postpartum depression and how therapy helped her release unrealistic expectations.
    • [00:08:00] Impact on Children: The importance of demonstrating self-care to children and breaking the cycle of self-sacrifice.
    • [00:10:00] Recognizing Triggers: Identifying the thoughts and stories that lead to feelings of guilt.
    • [00:14:00] Holding Boundaries: Joann shares a personal story about holding boundaries with her daughter and managing guilt.
    • [00:17:00] Embracing Discomfort: How to sit with uncomfortable emotions and let them pass.
    • [00:23:00] Connection Without Guilt: Redefining what it means to connect with your kids and the power of micro-moments.
    • [00:30:00] The Role of Self-Care: Why prioritizing your own needs is crucial for both you and your children.
    • [00:38:00] Practical Steps: Joann’s journaling techniques to understand and manage guilt, and how self-compassion can transform your parenting experience.
    • [00:42:00] Final Advice: Joann’s powerful message to mothers struggling with guilt.



    🙋‍♀️Join our 3 Day Virtual Live Ignite Event

    📖 Get your copy of "Calm The Chaos Book": calmthechaosbook.com

    👉 Check out my Social:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    46m - Jun 12, 2024
  • When Inner Work Doesn't Work: Am I the Problem?

    Episode #52: Do you ever feel like you are the problem in your parenting journey? You are not alone! 

    Christine Nieves, a dedicated mother and Calm the Chaos member, shares her heartfelt story of moving from self-judgment and hopelessness to finding calm and connection with her children. Christine's journey offers valuable insights for parents struggling with similar feelings of overwhelm and frustration, showing that change is possible through small, actionable steps and a supportive community.

    Key Takeaways:

    • [00:01:00] Introduction: Meet Christine, a mother of three with another on the way, and learn about her initial struggles with self-judgment and overwhelm.
    • [00:02:00] The Struggle with Self-Judgment: Christine opens up about feeling like the problem in her parenting and considering drastic measures.
    • [00:04:00] The Missing Link in Self-Care: Despite extensive self-care efforts, Christine discusses the gap in applying these practices to everyday parenting.
    • [00:06:00] Discovering Calm the Chaos: How Christine found the program and began to see significant changes in her reactions and mindset.
    • [00:08:00] The Importance of Tiny Steps: Breaking down self-care into manageable, daily actions that create lasting change.
    • [00:10:00] Shifting Mindsets: Identifying and changing the thoughts that trigger negative reactions.
    • [00:12:00] True Connection: Moving beyond superficial connections to truly engage and connect with children.
    • [00:14:00] Implementing the Calm the Chaos Framework: Christine’s practical application of the framework to her daily life.
    • [00:17:00] Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion: Learning to recognize and address personal needs and triggers.
    • [00:19:00] Practical Advice for Parents: Christine’s advice for parents feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.

    Additional resources:

    📖 Get your copy of "Calm The Chaos Book": calmthechaosbook.com

    ✨ Hear the Success Stories: calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories

    🔍 Check out my website: lemonlimeadventures.com

    👉 Check out my Social:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    Remember, you are exactly the parent your children need. It’s about taking one baby step at a time, focusing on self-compassion, and utilizing the support systems available. You've got this!

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    26m - Jun 4, 2024
  • Bridging the Gap Between Parenting Knowledge and Action

    Episode #51: Have you ever felt overwhelmed despite knowing all the right parenting strategies? In this episode of Calm the Chaos Parenting, Dayna welcomes Ginny, a parent of two neurodivergent children and a dedicated member of our community. Ginny shares her powerful journey of learning to bridge the gap between understanding her children's needs and effectively applying that knowledge in daily life. 

    Tune in to discover practical strategies for self-care, executive functioning, and building a supportive community that can transform your parenting approach.

    Key Takeaways: 

    • [00:00] – Introduction:
    • Meet Ginny and learn about her unique family dynamics and background.
    • [05:30] – The Disconnect Between Knowledge and Action:
    • Ginny describes the struggle of applying parenting knowledge under stress.
    • [15:45] – The Role of Self-Care:
    • How small daily self-care practices can significantly impact overall well-being.
    • [25:00] – Effective Tools for Self-Management:
    • Introduction to the five-minute energy plan and the brain dump exercise.
    • [35:20] – Personal Growth and Executive Functioning:
    • How focusing on tiny steps can lead to significant improvements in daily life.
    • [45:10] – Building and Utilizing Community Support:
    • The role of community in navigating parenting challenges and personal growth.

    Additional Resources:

    • Calm the Chaos Book: Discover strategies to help you navigate parenting with confidence.
    • More Success Stories: Ginny is one of hundreds of parents around the world that have created more calm and joy in their lives using Calm the Chaos Framework.  
    • Ginny’s Artwork and Workshops: Explore Ginny's art she’s been able to create by taking action one step at a time

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    31m - May 28, 2024
  • Breaking the Cycle: A Journey to Safer, More Connected Parenting with Libby Ward

    Episode 50: 

    In this episode, we interview Libby Ward about breaking the cycle of unhealthy patterns in parenting. Libby shares her personal journey of realizing the need for change and becoming a cycle breaker. 

    Libby, a passionate advocate for authentic motherhood, discusses how confronting past traumas and embracing emotional honesty can lead to profound personal and familial growth.

    This episode provides not only a deep dive into the psychological shifts necessary for breaking unhealthy cycles but also offers practical tools and heartfelt encouragement for those feeling overwhelmed by the demands of parenting. 

    Libby's candid sharing and the introduction of her thoughtfully designed journal serve as invaluable resources for anyone looking to foster a more empathetic and supportive family environment.

    Key Moments: 

    • [00:00] Introduction and Background: Introduction to the episode’s theme and Libby’s journey towards changing her parenting style to foster a safer and more loving environment.
    • [03:42] Recognizing the Need for Change: Libby shares a personal story that highlights a critical morning that sparked her realization of needing to change her approach to parenting.
    • [08:47] Understanding the Signs of Unhealthy Patterns: Discussion on how to recognize and interpret the signs of negative parenting patterns that may be passed down.
    • [11:27] Dealing with Guilt and Shame: Strategies to effectively manage the feelings of guilt and shame that can arise from parenting missteps.
    • [15:47] Breaking the Cycle: Definition and Examples: What does it mean to "break the cycle"? Libby provides definitions and examples of how parents can alter harmful family dynamics.
    • [23:49] Moving from Awareness to Action: Tips on how to move from recognizing issues to actively making changes in parenting behavior.
    • [29:25] Embracing Imperfection and Accountability: Libby emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's imperfections as a parent and the power of accountability in healing and growth.
    • [33:32] Journaling as a Tool for Self-Reflection: Introduction to journaling as a practical tool to aid parents in their journey towards deeper self-awareness and intentionality.
    • [35:06] Overview of the Journal: Detailed look at the structure and benefits of Libby’s journal, designed to guide parents through self-reflection and improvement.
    • [39:05] Closing Remarks and Encouragement: Final thoughts and encouragement for parents, emphasizing the journey of continuous improvement and the importance of small steps towards change.

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    breaking the cycle, parenting podcast, Libby Ward, authentic motherhood, emotional honesty, parenting tools, parental guilt, parental shame, cycle breaking, generational trauma, mindful parenting, family growth, emotional regulation, self-awareness, parenting tips, motherhood journey, practical parenting advice, supportive family environment, Calm the Chaos Parenting, Dayna Abraham

    40m - May 21, 2024
  • Acne, Body Odor, Sexuality and All Things Puberty with Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll

    Episode 49: 

    Welcome to another episode of the Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast, where this week we're tackling a topic that can make any parent squirm—puberty. Joined by experts Kara and Vanessa of ‘This is So Awkward’, we delve into the messy, awkward, and absolutely essential discussions about the physical and emotional rollercoasters of puberty. From early breast buds to mood swings, this episode covers it all with humor, empathy, and expert insight.

    Are you struggling to discuss puberty with your child without making it feel like a catastrophe? Does the thought of talking about body changes, sexuality, or mood swings fill you with dread?

    You're not alone. 

    Many parents feel unprepared and uncomfortable when the inevitable questions about puberty arise. The fear of saying the wrong thing, the awkwardness of the topics, and personal baggage from our own experiences can make these conversations feel overwhelming.

    This episode provides practical strategies and compassionate insights to help you approach puberty talks with confidence. Kara and Vanessa, through their extensive experience and relatable anecdotes, demonstrate how to break down complex topics into manageable, non-awkward discussions. Learn how to navigate these essential conversations with humor and understanding, making puberty a topic that can be discussed openly and without shame.

    Key Takeaways

    • [00:01:00] Early Signs of Puberty: Vanessa highlights how signs like behavioral changes or unexpected physical developments can signal that puberty is starting earlier than many parents anticipate.

    • [00:03:00] Duration and Misconceptions of Puberty: Kara clarifies the common misconception about the duration of puberty, explaining that it can extend well into the late teen years, far beyond what many assume.

    • [00:05:00] Reducing Awkwardness in Discussions: Dayna shares personal stories and insights on making puberty talks less awkward, emphasizing the role of humor and openness in these essential conversations.

    • [00:08:00] Strategies for Manageable Conversations: The episode offers practical tips on breaking down the daunting puberty discussion into smaller, more digestible parts to make the topic less overwhelming for both children and parents.

    • [00:12:00] Handling Personal Baggage: It's discussed how important it is for parents to process their own experiences and traumas related to puberty, to better support and understand their children during these transformative years.

    • [00:15:00] Physical Changes Indicating Puberty: Kara and Vanessa discuss the early physical signs of puberty, such as breast budding in girls and testicular growth in boys, helping parents recognize these initial changes.

    • [00:18:00] Emotional Changes and Behavioral Effects: Insights into how hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood swings and emotional volatility during puberty, with advice on how parents can support their children through these shifts.

    • [00:21:00] Ensuring Inclusive and Respectful Communication: The importance of using inclusive language and a respectful approach when discussing the diverse experiences of puberty is emphasized, ensuring that all children feel seen and supported.

    Additional Resources:

    "Understanding puberty is about more than just anticipating physical changes; it's about preparing for the emotional rollercoaster and knowing how to support your child through it." — Kara

    This episode provides invaluable advice for parents navigating the often turbulent waters of puberty discussions. Tune in to learn how to approach these talks with confidence, ensuring a healthier and more understanding dialogue with your child.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    50m - Apr 23, 2024
  • ADHD Explained with Jessica McCabe"

    Ever felt like no matter how hard you try, staying focused and organized just doesn't come naturally? You're not alone. 

    Jessica McCabe, creator of How to ADHD, shares her own struggles and revelations in "ADHD Explained with Jessica McCabe," a must-watch for anyone grappling with these challenges. Jessica's journey from confusion to clarity on ADHD sheds light on the misunderstood aspects of living with ADHD, from the frustration of misdiagnosis to the empowerment of understanding your brain.

    "Every month or three months, I would go to the doctor and it would be, 'how are your meds working for you?' 

    'Yeah. Good.' 

    'Any side effects?'

     'No? Cool. Here's a prescription.' 

    And that was it. Nobody ever asked me if my life was working," Jessica recounts her early experiences with ADHD treatment. This episode dives into the heart of ADHD, not just as a deficit of attention, but as a complex interplay of focus, motivation, and executive functioning challenges that many find overwhelming.

    Jessica doesn't just share her story; she offers a lifeline. 

    From practical tips for enhancing focus and managing daily tasks to leveraging the unique strengths of ADHD, this conversation is a toolkit for those seeking to work with their brain, not against it. Discover why understanding ADHD goes beyond medication, how societal perceptions are shifting, and what strategies can truly make a difference in managing ADHD.

    Armed with insights from her YouTube channel, How to ADHD, and her book, "How to ADHD: An Insider's Guide to Working with Your Brain, Not Against It," Jessica offers solutions that are as real and attainable as they are transformative. Whether you're a parent, a partner, or someone on a personal journey with ADHD, this episode is a step towards embracing the chaos and turning it into your greatest asset.

    Key Takeaways

    • [00:00:30] Jessica's early misunderstanding of her ADHD diagnosis and its implications.
    • [00:02:00] The revelation that ADHD is more than just a focus issue.
    • [00:03:00] Introduction to Jessica McCabe and her work on How to ADHD.
    • [00:08:00] The transformative power of understanding one's own brain and the importance of external structures in managing ADHD.
    • [00:14:00] The concept of "brains and hearts" – understanding ADHD from both personal and supportive perspectives.
    • [00:18:00] The critical role of education and tools in managing ADHD effectively.
    • [00:24:00] Insights into executive functioning and the unique motivational needs of ADHD brains.
    • [00:30:00] Practical strategies for enhancing focus, managing executive function challenges, and fostering motivation.

    Additional Resources:

    Today's episode is not just about understanding ADHD; it's about embracing the journey of self-discovery and leveraging unique strengths. Whether you're navigating ADHD yourself, supporting a loved one, or simply seeking to understand the condition better, Jessica's insights and strategies offer hope, empowerment, and a path forward.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    If you found value in this episode, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with anyone who might benefit from a deeper understanding of ADHD. Join our community for more episodes that empower you through knowledge and connection. Remember, understanding is the first step toward positive change.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    42m - Apr 10, 2024
  • Unraveling PDA: A Conversation with Steph Curtis

    Parents who find themselves on the path of raising a child with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), the journey can often feel like navigating uncharted territory. PDA, a profile within the autism spectrum, involves a child’s intense need to avoid everyday demands and expectations due to anxiety, not willfulness. This episode sheds light on the complexities of PDA, offering a beacon of understanding and support.

    Joining us in this enlightening conversation is Steph Curtis, author and parent who has navigated the world of PDA with her daughter, Sasha. Steph brings us into her world, sharing the initial struggles, the pivotal moments of realization, and the strategies that have made a difference in her family's life. 

    This episode is a deep dive into what PDA is, how it differs from other autism spectrum behaviors, and the importance of recognizing and understanding these differences.

    Key Takeaways

    • Understanding PDA [00:00:00]: Introduction to Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and its differentiation from other autism spectrum behaviors.
    • Steph Curtis's Personal Journey [00:05:00]: Steph shares her initial challenges and the journey to understanding her daughter's PDA.
    • Adaptive Strategies and Mindset Shifts [00:15:00]: Insights into the importance of flexibility and creativity in supporting a child with PDA.
    • Navigating External Pressures and Advocacy [00:25:00]: Managing societal pressures and advocating for PDA awareness and support.
    • Empowering Resources and Community Support [00:35:00]: Highlighting essential resources and community support for families navigating PDA.
    • The Transformative Power of Understanding [00:45:00]: The importance of understanding and accepting your child's unique needs.
    • A Hopeful Outlook for Families [00:55:00]: Offering hope and emphasizing the potential for children with PDA to thrive.

    Additional Resources:

    To further your understanding and find support on your journey with PDA, we recommend the following resources:

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    For those navigating the parenting journey with a child showing signs of PDA, this episode offers valuable insights, shared experiences, and hope. Remember, understanding, connection, and adaptation are key to fostering a nurturing environment for your child.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    38m - Apr 2, 2024
  • Low Demand Parenting Explained: A Conversation with Amanda Diekman

    Episode 46: In this eye-opening episode of The Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast, join Dayna as she sits down with Amanda Diekmann, the visionary author behind "Low Demand Parenting." 

    Dive into a conversation that illuminates the struggles many children face with everyday demands and expectations, revealing insights into a parenting approach that's changing lives by reducing stress and building stronger, more connected families.

    Amanda shares her personal journey, the science behind demand sensitivity, and practical tips for parents to navigate the high-expectation world we live in. Whether you're a parent to a demand-sensitive child or simply looking for ways to foster a deeper connection with your children, this episode is packed with actionable insights, strategies, and a fresh perspective on what it means to be a good parent in today's demanding world.

    Join us in this enlightening conversation as we explore a new lens through which to view our parenting challenges, inviting us to embrace a kinder, more attuned way of relating to our children and ourselves.

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding Demand Sensitivity [00:02:00]: Amanda introduces the concept of demand sensitivity, highlighting how everyday expectations can become overwhelming obstacles for some children, leading to stress and refusal.

    The Birth of Low Demand Parenting [00:04:00]: Discover the origins of low demand parenting and its application beyond its initial discovery within the autism community, offering a universal perspective on the challenges of modern expectations.

    Navigating the World of Expectations [00:06:00]: Learn practical strategies for identifying and reducing demands in daily family life, emphasizing the importance of matching expectations with children's actual capacities.

    The Impact of Internalized Demands [00:09:00]: Explore the deeper implications of our expectations and how redefining what it means to be a good parent can lead to more fulfilling parenting.

    Building a Trusting Relationship [00:12:00]: Understand why reducing demands fosters a stronger, more trusting relationship between parents and children, debunking the notion that this approach is permissive.

    Empowering Children Through Autonomy [00:18:00]: Insights into how low demand parenting empowers children by fostering autonomy, leading to increased self-confidence and independence over time.

    The Role of Parental Reflection [00:21:00]: The importance of parental reflection in the low demand parenting approach, emphasizing the need for parents to examine their own reactions and adapt their strategies to meet their children's needs effectively.

    Additional Resources:

    Low Demand Parenting by Amanda Diekman: Dive deeper into Amanda's pioneering approach with her comprehensive book, available in both physical and audiobook formats.

    Low Demand Summit: Amanda shares details about her upcoming summit, featuring a lineup of experts discussing various aspects of low demand parenting. A can't-miss event for anyone interested in this transformative approach.

    Calm the Chaos: calmthechaosbook.com 

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    Whether you're dealing with demand-sensitive children or simply looking to create a more understanding and supportive family environment, this episode is a must-listen. 

    Amanda's expertise and compassionate approach offer a new lens through which to view our parenting challenges, inviting us to embrace a kinder, more attuned way of relating to our children and ourselves.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    51m - Mar 26, 2024
  • Redefining Connection: How to Communicate with PDA Children

    Episode 45: Today we are diving into the heart of parenting neurodivergent children with a focus on Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). Our guest, Amy, shares her personal journey navigating the complexities of raising two neurodivergent children, shedding light on the often misunderstood topic of PDA. Discover how Amy transformed her approach to communication, moving beyond conventional parenting strategies that often led to frustration and disconnect. This episode offers a deep dive into the strategies that foster genuine connection, understanding, and empowerment for both parents and children facing similar challenges.

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding Neurodivergence and PDA [00:02:00] - Amy introduces her family's journey with autism and ADHD, focusing on the unique challenges of PDA.

    The Isolation of Parenting Neurodivergent Children [00:04:00] - Amy discusses the loneliness and chaos of trying to navigate parenting without a supportive community.

    Shifting From Discipline to Connection [00:05:00] - A look at how changing from traditional disciplinary methods to focusing on connection can drastically improve family dynamics.

    Creating Safety Through Connection [00:09:00] - The importance of connecting through a safe nervous system and the impact of non-verbal communication.

    Strategies for Communicating with PDA Children [00:11:00] - Amy shares specific examples of how altering communication strategies has helped reduce conflicts.

    The Transformation Journey [00:16:00] - Insight into the significant shifts in Amy's family, highlighting the decrease in meltdown severity and improved understanding.

    Empowerment Through Planning and Reflection [00:20:00] - The pivotal role of creating personalized plans and reflecting on daily interactions for continued progress.

    Additional Resources:

    Calm the Chaos Framework: calmthechaosbook.com 

    Understanding PDA in Neurodivergent Children: PDA Society: https://pdasociety.org.uk

    Low Demand Parenting by Amanda Diekman

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    Remember, you're not alone in your parenting journey. Together, we can find the strength, resources, and community to navigate the complexities of raising neurodivergent children with compassion and understanding.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    24m - Mar 13, 2024
  • From Resentment to Reconnection: What to Do When You Start to Hate Your Child

    Episode 44: In this raw and emotional episode of the "Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast," we confront a deeply unsettling yet not uncommon sentiment among parents: the feeling of resentment, and even hatred, towards one's child due to extreme behaviors. Tamara shares her heart-wrenching journey from being at the brink of hopelessness, struggling with her child's dangerous behaviors, to finding a path towards understanding, healing, and reconnection.

    Faced with daily challenges that pushed her to the edge, Tamara's story is a raw look into the emotional turmoil that can engulf a family. This episode is an open discussion about the dark thoughts and feelings that many parents navigate in silence. We explore the transformative power of empathy, patience, and tailored strategies that honor our children's uniqueness, aiming to shift from conflict and resentment to a place of love and connection.

    Discover how embracing a compassionate and neuro-affirming approach can open doors to reconnection and healing, not just for the child, but for the entire family. Tamara's insights and the strategies shared in this episode offer hope and practical advice for parents feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration and despair, guiding them towards a future where they and their children can thrive together.

    Join us as we delve into this sensitive topic, offering light to those in the shadows of parenting's toughest moments.

    Key Highlights:

    The Weight of Resentment: Tamara opens up about the intense emotional toll of her child's behaviors, from physical aggression to disruptive actions, that led to feelings of resentment and despair.

    Breaking Point: The critical moment Tamara realized traditional strategies were not enough, highlighting the need for a different approach to address her child's complex needs.

    Breath as a Bridge: Discover how Tamara used simple breathing techniques as the first step towards regaining control, reducing meltdowns, and reconnecting with her child.

    Creating a Safe Space: Learn about the emergency and safety plans Tamara implemented to manage and mitigate dangerous behaviors, ensuring safety for the entire family.

    Empowerment Through Planning: Insights into how proactive planning and understanding her child's need for predictability led to significant behavioral improvements and reduced stress.

    The Power of Support: Tamara emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community, both within and outside the family, to navigate the journey from resentment to reconnection.

    Transformation and Hope: Reflecting on the journey from fearing her child to finding joy in their relationship, Tamara shares the profound changes in her family dynamics and personal well-being.

    This episode offers a raw and honest look at the challenges some parents face in raising children with extreme behaviors. It provides practical strategies, support, and hope for those feeling lost, reminding us that change is possible with understanding, patience, and the right resources.

    Additional Resources:

    🆓7 Days to Less Chaos Workshop: Discover A New Way To Parent Even The Most Challenging Kids 7daystolesschaos.com

    📚 "Calm The Chaos" Framework: Explore our comprehensive approach to managing extreme child behavior at calmthechaosbook.com.

    ✨ Success Stories: Be inspired by transformation stories from our community at calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    Calm the Chaos Parenting is dedicated to offering parents the tools and strategies needed to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children with compassion and empathy.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode dedicated to fostering understanding, connection, and balance in your family life!

    37m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Addressing Screen Addiction: Strategies from a Neuro-Affirming Perspective

    Episode 43: In this episode of the "Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast," we tackle a concern that's on the minds of many parents today: screen addiction. 

    With the digital world becoming an integral part of our lives, it's becoming increasingly challenging to discern the line between healthy screen use and addiction, especially for our neurodivergent children. This episode delves into the heart of this issue, offering insights and strategies from a neuro-affirming perspective that respects neurodiversity and individual needs.

    Many families are witnessing their children retreat into the digital realm, leading to significant changes in behavior, interests, and social interactions. This shift often leaves parents feeling helpless, worried about their child's future, and desperate for effective solutions.

    The fear that your child might be addicted to screens can create a toxic cycle of conflict, misunderstanding, and isolation within the family. Traditional advice on limiting screen time may not resonate with every child's needs, especially those who are neurodivergent, leaving parents feeling even more lost and frustrated.

    This episode introduces a compassionate, understanding approach to navigating screen use. By embracing a neuro-affirming perspective, we explore practical strategies that prioritize connection, understanding, and empowerment. You'll hear from Danielle, a mother who transformed her family's dynamic and helped her child find balance in the digital world without resorting to conflict or harsh restrictions.

    Key Highlights:

    [00:00:00] The Digital Dilemma: Danielle shares her family's struggle with her eldest's deep dive into the digital world, leading to a disconnect from real-life interactions and interests.

    [00:01:00] Battling Screen Time Worries: Explore the pervasive fear among parents that their child might be addicted to screens, creating a cycle of conflict and concern within families.

    [00:02:00] Shifting Perspectives on Screen Use: Approach screen time challenges from a neuro-affirming perspective, emphasizing understanding and connection over conflict.

    [00:03:00] Rebuilding Family Connections: Danielle discusses her journey towards re-establishing a positive relationship with her son, moving away from criticism and conflict towards understanding and support.

    [00:06:00] Understanding Underlying Needs: The importance of recognizing the root causes behind excessive screen time, such as sensory needs, anxiety management, and seeking connection.

    [00:08:45] Empowering Strategies for Balance: Danielle shares practical strategies for empowering her son to find balance in the digital world, highlighting the importance of flexibility and collaboration.

    [00:12:30] Success Beyond Screen Limits: The transformation in Danielle's family dynamic is showcased, illustrating how empathy, understanding, and empowerment can lead to positive outcomes beyond strict screen time limits.

    [00:17:18] A Mother's Reflection: Danielle reflects on the journey and the lessons learned, emphasizing the power of a neuro-affirming approach to navigating screen addiction concerns.

    This episode offers a refreshing perspective on screen time and addiction, providing families with practical strategies and hope for fostering a healthy relationship with digital technology. By focusing on connection, understanding, and empowerment, parents can help their children navigate the digital world in a balanced and positive way.

    Additional Resources:

    🎮 FREE Electronics Plan: Craft a Screen Time Strategy That Encourages Self-Regulation and Reflects Your Family’s Principles as https://calmthechaosworkshop.com/slo/balance-screen-time/ 

    📚 "Calm The Chaos" Book: Gain further insights into managing parenting challenges with our comprehensive guide at calmthechaosbook.com.

    ✨ Success Stories: Be inspired by transformation stories from our community at calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories.

    🔍 For more resources and support, visit our website: lemonlimeadventures.com.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    Calm the Chaos Parenting is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    42m - Feb 27, 2024
  • Navigating Screen Time: A Balanced and Guilt-Free Method for Parents of Neurodivergent Kids

    Episode 42: Screen time anxiety? Uncover strategies for a balanced approach that won’t leave you feeling guilty.

    In this insightful episode of the "Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast," we delve into the complexities of managing screen time for neurodivergent children without falling into the traps of guilt or shame. Join us as we sit down with Jenn McLeish, a dedicated mother from Scotland, who shares her innovative approach to creating a balanced electronics plan tailored to her family's unique needs.

    Jenn's journey began with the challenge of accommodating the diverse needs of her two amazing children, both of whom are autistic and have sensory processing disorder. Her youngest, fully home-educated daughter, also struggles with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), adding another layer of complexity to their daily routine.

    Through trial, error, and a deep understanding of her children's needs, Jenn has crafted a plan that views electronics as a tool rather than a problem, integrating technology into their lives in a way that supports learning, regulation, and connection.

    Key Highlights:

    [00:00:00] Introduction to Electronics in Daily Life: Jenn discusses the inevitable presence of electronics in modern life and her aim to find a realistic balance.

    [00:01:00] Overcoming Guilt and Shame: The common feelings of guilt associated with screen time and how Jenn navigates these emotions.

    [00:03:00] Customized Electronics Plan: Jenn's approach to creating a plan that respects her daughter's sensory needs and educational journey.

    [00:06:00] The Role of Electronics in Regulation: How screen time can serve as a crucial tool for Jenn's daughter to manage anxiety and sensory overload.

    [00:08:45] Incorporating Electronics for Connection: Jenn shares how electronics facilitate meaningful family interactions and support her daughter's unique learning path.

    [00:12:30] Strategies for Managing Screen Time: The importance of flexibility, understanding underlying needs, and setting clear, collaborative guidelines with neurodivergent children.

    [00:17:18] Empowering Children Through Structure: How Jenn empowers her daughter by integrating electronics in a structured yet flexible manner, tailored to her sensory and educational needs.

    [00:22:05] Achieving Balance and Reducing Guilt: Jenn's success in reducing screen time guilt by focusing on the positive impacts and using electronics as a tool for growth and connection.

    Jenn's story is a testament to the power of understanding, patience, and creativity in parenting neurodivergent children. By embracing electronics as part of their world, Jenn has found a way to enrich her children's lives while maintaining balance and minimizing stress.

    Additional Resources:

    📚 "Calm The Chaos" Book: Discover strategies for navigating parenting challenges at calmthechaosbook.com.

    ✨ Success Stories: Be inspired by transformation stories from our community at calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories.

    🔍 Visit Our Website: For more resources and support, check out lemonlimeadventures.com.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" brings you stories of hope, strategies for success, and insights into parenting strong-willed, highly sensitive, or neurodivergent children. Join us as we explore ways to foster understanding, connection, and balance in your family life.

    32m - Feb 20, 2024
  • Choosing to Stay or Leave: Sharon Pope Discusses Marital Challenges and Solutions

    In Episode 41 of the "Calm the Chaos Podcast," relationship coach Sharon Pope shines a light on the often overlooked aspects of struggling marriages. We have a heart-to-heart chat where we’re gonna deep dive into something heavy but super important—knowing the red flags of abusive relationships that go beyond the bruises.

    Sharon isn't just talking theories; she's lived it, and she knows what it feels like to be in a marriage that has you stuck on autopilot. We're gonna chew over everything from the nitty-gritty of how we talk—or don't talk—to our other halves, and how all that affects the kiddos and our ability to parent wisely.

    It's all about boundaries today: spotting the quiet monsters like emotional and financial abuse, and learning the right way to argue (yes, there's actually a right way to go head-to-head!). Sharon's going to clue us in on keeping those marriage talks regular and genuine because, let's face it, sometimes we need to fix the small leaks before the whole ship sinks.

    Thinking of throwing in the towel? Hang tight—Sharon's got a game plan that might just save your ship. And she's not just talking about playing nice—this is the real deal on getting to the heart of what each of you needs.

    And for those of you who think you're at the end of your rope, Sharon's bringing a little hope and a super practical tip for those days when you just don't know if you should stay or go. She's also got a killer strategy for those blow-out fights—we're talking about setting some ground rules for those tough conversations.

    So let's dive in, and remember, no matter where you are on your relationship rollercoaster, we've got your back. You deserve love that's the real deal, and we're here to make some noise and help you find it. Here we go!

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:03:26] The Invisible Struggle: Sharon defines what emotional and financial abuse can look like in a relationship.

    [00:08:45] Chronic Communication Breakdown: Discussing how the lack of regular, meaningful conversation leads to addressing issues only when problems arise.

    [00:12:30] The Argument Rules: Tips for creating ground rules for disagreements to ensure respectful and constructive communication with your partner.

    [00:17:18] Implementing Change: Sharon talks about applying knowledge and the significance of support in the process of relationship transformation.

    [00:22:05] Regular Relationship Check-Ins: The importance of "state of the union" discussions and intentionally nurturing the relationship.

    [00:27:00] Choosing to Stay or Leave: Sharon shares insights on her free training designed to help navigate this crucial decision.

    Additional resources:

    📘 Ready to Make a Decision About Your Marriage? Join Sharon for her free training at sharonpopefreetraining.com.

    📖 "Calm The Chaos" Book: Learn more about navigating parenting challenges with our comprehensive guide at calmthechaosbook.com.

    ✨ Success Stories: Be inspired by stories of transformation from our community at calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories.

    🔍 For more resources and support, visit our website: lemonlimeadventures.com.

    Sharon's powerful strategies and personal insights on relationships are a profound reminder of the importance of mutual effort and communication in marriage. Listen, reflect, and take the steps toward nurturing a partnership that thrives on love and respect or moving forward with the strength to create a happier life.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    45m - Feb 13, 2024
  • From Tension to Teamwork: Overcoming Conflicts Between Your Spouse and Child

    EPISODE 40: Have you ever felt like your home could be calm if everyone else just got along? You’ve done the research, you know how you want to parent, but your partner and kids just can’t seem to follow along? You are not alone. 

    In this episode, dive into an empowering conversation with Tara, a meticulous researcher and advocate for best practices in raising an independent child full of life. 

    We’ll unravel Tara's journey through the complexities of merging different parenting philosophies under one roof. Facing the challenges of aligning her detail-oriented and child-centric approach with her husband's traditional, fear-based disciplinary methods, Tara shares her transformative path toward fostering a harmonious family dynamic, despite initially feeling her life was spiraling out of control.

    She’ll walk you through a simple 4 step plan to work with her partner instead of against him and how she slowly started to shift the volatile dynamic in her home. 

    Key Highlights:

     [00:03:33] Navigating Emotional Turbulence: Tara shares her struggles with her daughter's intense emotional outbursts and her quest for effective conflict resolution strategies.

    [00:05:36] Reconciling Different Parenting Philosophies: A deep dive into how Tara and her husband worked to find common ground despite their vastly different views on discipline and child-rearing. 

     [00:06:42] The Ripple Effect of Stress: Tara reflects on how stress and conflict within the family impacted everyone's well-being and relationships.

    [00:08:12] Learning to Let Go of Control: Tara's journey from trying to micro-manage family dynamics to understanding the importance of letting go and trusting the process.

    [00:09:44] The Challenge of Communication: Insights into the difficulties Tara faced in communicating effectively with her husband and daughter during times of conflict. 

    [00:10:38] A Shift Towards Self-awareness: How Tara's focus shifted from changing others to exploring her own reactions and behavior patterns for the betterment of the family dynamic. 

    [00:13:03] Building Bridges, Not Walls: The steps Tara took to foster a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect within her family, moving away from authoritative parenting.

    [00:15:37] The Gift of Acceptance: Tara discusses how accepting her daughter's vibrant personality and unique needs led to a more joyful and connected family life. 

    [00:17:08] Implementing Practical Tools: The episode reveals the specific strategies and tools Tara used to de-escalate conflicts and encourage positive interactions between family members. 

    [00:18:34] Celebrating Small Victories: Tara emphasizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating progress, no matter how small, in building a nurturing and supportive family environment. 

    Additional resources:

    📖 "Calm The Chaos" Book: Learn more about navigating parenting challenges with our comprehensive guide at calmthechaosbook.com.

    ✨ Success Stories: Be inspired by stories of transformation from our community at calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories.

    🔍 For more resources and support, visit our website: lemonlimeadventures.com.

    Tara's candid story is an invitation to all parents navigating the turbulent waters of differing parenting styles, offering hope and practical strategies for moving from tension to teamwork.

    👉 Stay connected for more insights and support in your parenting journey:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    42m - Feb 7, 2024
  • “I want to be a better parent. Am I too late?” With Karen Wickwire

    EPISODE 39: I Want to Be a Better Parent. Am I Too Late?

    Join us in this heartfelt episode of "Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast," where Karen Wickwire bravely shares her personal struggles and revelations as a parent. Facing the daunting question of "Am I too late?", Karen opens up about her journey of self-discovery, the power of community support, and the transformative impact of simple mindset shifts. This episode is a beacon of hope and insight for any parent wrestling with doubts about the efficacy of change, especially in the challenging teenage years.

    Key Highlights:

    [00:03:00] Confronting the Fear: Karen tackles the distressing question - Is there still time to transform her approach to parenting?

    [00:06:00] Breaking Down Misconceptions: Uncover the prevalent belief that kept Karen feeling stuck in her parenting journey. 

    [00:10:00] A Shift in Perspective: Learn about the mindset change that helped Karen alleviate deep-seated resentment.

    [00:14:00] A Catalyst for Change: How Karen found invaluable support and guidance in an unexpected place.

    [00:17:00] A Necessary Turnaround: Karen's realization of the vital role her personal well-being plays in the family dynamic.

    Additional resources:

    📖 Get your copy of "Calm The Chaos Book": calmthechaosbook.com

    ✨ Hear the Success Stories: calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories

    🔍 Check out my website: lemonlimeadventures.com

    Karen's heartfelt narrative provides hope and practical wisdom for parents feeling the pressures of time and change. Her experiences affirm that it's never too late to make a meaningful difference in your family's life.

    👉 Connect with us for more empowering parenting discussions:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" brings you inspiring stories and practical advice to navigate the complex journey of parenting strong-willed, highly sensitive, or neurodivergent children. Be sure to follow us on your favorite podcast platform at calmthechaospodcast.com. 

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    29m - Jan 30, 2024
  • From Resentment to Connection: Overcoming Family Friction

    EPISODE 38: Family life can sometimes feel like navigating a battlefield, filled with resentment, frustration, and a sense of failure.In this episode, we delve into the complexities of family dynamics, chronicling the transition from familial friction to a state of unity and understanding. We are joined by Stefanie Cui, a dedicated member of the Calm the Chaos community, who has remarkably shifted her family's dynamic from confrontational to cooperative and affectionate.

    Stefanie openly discusses the hurdles she encountered, including the intense sibling rivalry and the exhausting vigilance required to manage everyday conflicts. Her story is a powerful testament to the transformative journey from feeling like a failing parent to developing a profound connection and empathy within the family unit. Her experiences shed light on how the challenges of parenting, often felt in isolation, can evolve into a collective and supportive family experience.

    Key Highlights:

    [00:00:00] Battling sibling rivalry and feeling overwhelmed.

    [00:04:00] From constant vigilance to understanding

    [00:08:00] The struggle with parenting ideals and the reality of family life.

    [00:12:00] Unpacking the emotional toll of family dynamics on parents.

    [00:16:00] The transformation from battling daily outbursts to nurturing calm.

    [00:20:00] Building bridges within the family: Strategies for cooperation and understanding.

    [00:24:00] Shifting from resentment to empathy: The journey towards a loving family.

    [00:28:00] Stefanie's reflections on the impact of the Calm the Chaos program.

    Additional resources:

    ✨ Connect with our community for support & coaching: 7daystolesschaos.com

    📖 Learn more about transforming your family dynamics:: calmthechaosbook.com

    ✨ Hear the Success Stories: calmthechaosworkshop.com/stories

    🔍 Explore tools and strategies for family unity: lemonlimeadventures.com

    Stefanie's journey resonates with anyone who has felt caught in the whirlwind of family challenges. Her experiences and insights offer hope and practical guidance for parents seeking to replace the chaos of daily conflicts with a harmonious and supportive family life.

    👉 Connect with us for more stories and support:

    👉 Check out my Social:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" offers insights into transforming family life from a place of struggle to one of mutual respect and love. Join us in this episode as we explore how to turn family friction into a journey of connection and understanding.

    🎧 Listen to Stefanie's story on your favorite podcast platform and be inspired to reshape your own family dynamics.

    37m - Jan 16, 2024
  • Effective Strategies for Handling Unwanted Parenting Tips

    EPISODE 37: Unwanted parenting advice, whether from family, friends, or even strangers, can be a significant source of stress and doubt for parents, particularly those with strong-willed, highly-sensitive, or neurodivergent children. This episode dives into understanding and managing the influx of unsolicited advice. We discuss how to maintain your parenting confidence and strategies to tactfully handle these situations.

    Join us as we share our personal experiences and provide insights into dealing with unwanted advice, reinforcing your parenting approaches with conviction and grace.

    Key Highlights:

    • [1min:] Introduction to the Challenges of Unwanted Parenting Advice.
    • [4min:] Dayna and Jason's Personal Struggles with External Parenting Suggestions.
    • [8min:] Dealing with Advice from Family, Therapists, and Social Media.
    • [12min:] Strategies for Managing Family Comments During Holidays.
    • [16min:] Utilizing the Calm the Chaos Framework in Responding to Advice.
    • [20min:] Establishing Personal Boundaries and Empowerment in Parenting.

    Additional Resources:

    ✨ Explore tools for dealing with unwanted advice: calmthechaosworkshop.com/huddle

    📖 "Calm the Chaos" Book: calmthechaosbook.com

    🔍 Discover resources for parenting unique children: lemonlimeadventures.com

    Remember, your parenting journey is unique. Join us in this episode for empowering discussions and practical advice to assert your parenting choices confidently.

    👉 Connect with us:

    🔹 YouTube: Calm The Chaos Parenting Channel

    🔹 Instagram: @calmthechaosparenting

    🔹 Facebook: Calm the Chaos Parenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is dedicated to providing parents of strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children with strategies and support for every step of their journey.

    🎧 Don't miss an episode – follow us on your favorite podcast platform!


    34m - Dec 19, 2023
  • Mastering Public Meltdowns with Compassion and Understanding

    EPISODE 36: Public meltdowns can be one of the most daunting challenges for parents, especially of strong-willed, highly-sensitive, or neurodivergent children. This episode focuses on understanding and managing these intense situations with empathy and connection. We explore the nuances of public meltdowns, providing parents with insights and tools to handle these moments with grace and compassion.

    Join us as we delve into the various aspects of public meltdowns, from understanding the triggers to developing effective strategies to help both the child and parent navigate these challenging moments.

    Key Highlights:

    • [00:00:00] Introduction: Addressing the Common Challenge of Public Meltdowns.
    • [00:09:12] Managing Personal Emotions: Strategies for parents to remain composed and effective during a child's meltdown.
    • [00:11:07] Connection in Crisis: Techniques for minimizing stressors and strengthening connection with your child during a meltdown.
    • [00:14:00] Understanding Underlying Issues: A deep dive into recognizing the needs and triggers behind a child's behavior.
    • [00:17:11] Empowerment Strategies: Involving the child in creating a plan for handling overwhelming situations effectively.
    • [00:30:24] Preparing and Planning: The importance of proactive strategies and empowering both parents and children for success.

    Additional Resources:

    • ✨ Find more strategies and tips on handling public meltdowns: meltdownmastery.com
    • 📖 "Calm the Chaos" Book - A guide for managing difficult parenting moments: calmthechaosbook.com
    • 🔍 Explore our extensive resources for parenting strong-willed, highly-sensitive, or neurodivergent children: calmthechaosworkshop.com/huddle

    Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges. Join us in this episode for meaningful insights and practical tips to transform your parenting approach during public meltdowns.

    👉 Check out my Social:

    🔹YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CalmTheChaosParenting

    🔹 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calmthechaosparenting/

    🔹 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmthechaosparenting

    "Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

    🎧 Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    39m - Dec 12, 2023
  • Parenting Together: Overcoming Communication Hurdles in Marriage w/ Dr. Tracy Dalgleish

    EPISODE 35: Navigating marriage while also parenting strong willed, highly-sensitive or neurodivergent kids can be a challenge for many parents. Today, we dive into the complexities of maintaining a healthy and communicative relationship with your partner, especially after becoming parents. I'm thrilled to have Dr. Tracy Dalgleish with us to explore the complexities of maintaining and nurturing relationships amid parenting pressures.

    Dr. Tracy, a psychologist and couples therapist, shares her profound insights on how to foster healthy communication and connection with our partners, especially when parenting becomes challenging. We discuss how the ideals of relationships often clash with reality after having kids, and how to address these changes. 

    Key Highlights:

    • [00:00:00] Introduction to Relationship Dynamics Post-Parenthood
    • [01:22:00] Dr. Tracy Dalgleish’s Insights on Marriage and Parenting
    • [05:43:00] Common Challenges in Parental Relationships
    • [10:15:00] Mindset Shifts for Improved Communication
    • [17:54:00] Rebuilding Connection in Your Relationship
    • [25:18:00] Strategies for Cohesive Problem Solving in Parenthood
    • [31:40:00] Taking Responsibility and Initiating Positive Changes

    Additional resources:

    ✨Connect with Dr. Tracy's Instagram for more insights:drtracyd.com/connect

    📖 Dr. Tracy Dalgleish’s Book: I Didn’t Sign Up For This

    🔍For more parenting and relationship resources: calmthechaosbook.com

    33m - Dec 5, 2023
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