Navigating Screen Time: A Balanced and Guilt-Free Method for Parents of Neurodivergent Kids

32m | Feb 20, 2024

Episode 42: Screen time anxiety? Uncover strategies for a balanced approach that won’t leave you feeling guilty.

In this insightful episode of the "Calm the Chaos Parenting Podcast," we delve into the complexities of managing screen time for neurodivergent children without falling into the traps of guilt or shame. Join us as we sit down with Jenn McLeish, a dedicated mother from Scotland, who shares her innovative approach to creating a balanced electronics plan tailored to her family's unique needs.

Jenn's journey began with the challenge of accommodating the diverse needs of her two amazing children, both of whom are autistic and have sensory processing disorder. Her youngest, fully home-educated daughter, also struggles with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), adding another layer of complexity to their daily routine.

Through trial, error, and a deep understanding of her children's needs, Jenn has crafted a plan that views electronics as a tool rather than a problem, integrating technology into their lives in a way that supports learning, regulation, and connection.

Key Highlights:

[00:00:00] Introduction to Electronics in Daily Life: Jenn discusses the inevitable presence of electronics in modern life and her aim to find a realistic balance.

[00:01:00] Overcoming Guilt and Shame: The common feelings of guilt associated with screen time and how Jenn navigates these emotions.

[00:03:00] Customized Electronics Plan: Jenn's approach to creating a plan that respects her daughter's sensory needs and educational journey.

[00:06:00] The Role of Electronics in Regulation: How screen time can serve as a crucial tool for Jenn's daughter to manage anxiety and sensory overload.

[00:08:45] Incorporating Electronics for Connection: Jenn shares how electronics facilitate meaningful family interactions and support her daughter's unique learning path.

[00:12:30] Strategies for Managing Screen Time: The importance of flexibility, understanding underlying needs, and setting clear, collaborative guidelines with neurodivergent children.

[00:17:18] Empowering Children Through Structure: How Jenn empowers her daughter by integrating electronics in a structured yet flexible manner, tailored to her sensory and educational needs.

[00:22:05] Achieving Balance and Reducing Guilt: Jenn's success in reducing screen time guilt by focusing on the positive impacts and using electronics as a tool for growth and connection.

Jenn's story is a testament to the power of understanding, patience, and creativity in parenting neurodivergent children. By embracing electronics as part of their world, Jenn has found a way to enrich her children's lives while maintaining balance and minimizing stress.

Additional Resources:

📚 "Calm The Chaos" Book: Discover strategies for navigating parenting challenges at

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"Calm the Chaos Parenting" is a podcast offering parents practical tools and strategies to navigate the challenges of raising strong-willed, highly sensitive, and neurodivergent children.

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"Calm the Chaos Parenting" brings you stories of hope, strategies for success, and insights into parenting strong-willed, highly sensitive, or neurodivergent children. Join us as we explore ways to foster understanding, connection, and balance in your family life.

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