• 7.2. God, Investing & Maximizing your Life

    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned investor, or simply looking to level up your life, this conversation with Santiago Vanegas is a must-listen. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and empowered.

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    28m - Jul 22, 2024
  • 7.1. Less Scrolling, More Learning

    Join us on this episode of 4 AM Motivations as we delve into practical strategies to elevate the second half of your year. Our special guest, Jun Del Valle, shares insightful perspectives on how minimizing mindless scrolling can pave the way for significant personal growth and learning. Discover actionable tips to shift focus towards meaningful pursuits, optimize productivity, and harness untapped potential. Whether you're looking to enhance your career, deepen relationships, or pursue new passions, this episode offers invaluable guidance to ensure your year concludes on a triumphant note. Tune in and ignite your motivation to make the most of the months ahead!

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    51m - Jun 24, 2024
  • 6.5. Level Up Your Business: Mindset, Strategy, and Risk with Alejandro Yilo

    Dive deep into the world of business mastery on 4 AM Motivations with our special guest, Alejandro Yilo. In this enlightening episode, Alejandro shares invaluable insights on cultivating a resilient mindset, devising effective business strategies, and navigating risk with confidence. From unlocking the power of mindset to crafting strategic plans and embracing calculated risks, Alejandro's expertise provides a roadmap for entrepreneurs seeking sustainable growth and success. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this episode offers practical wisdom and inspiration to elevate your business game. Tune in and embark on a journey towards unlocking your full potential in the world of entrepreneurship.

    53m - Jun 3, 2024
  • 6.4. Master Class in Business with guest Alejandro Yilo

    Unlock the secrets to success in business. Join us for a master class podcast where we dive into the strategies, tactics, and mindset required to thrive in today's business landscape. Our guest, Alejandro Yilo, shares how he started in business and how his current business runs. If you are someone interested in learning more about indentureship, then hear our perspective on how it's going and how we got started. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    44m - May 20, 2024
  • 6.3. Mastering Leadership

    After we have mastered our ability to lead ourselves and the ability to lead another, we then must learn how to lead an effective team. In this episode we learn important fundamental skills of leadership from culture, effective systems, and constant evaluation of the team's performance. Tune in today to better your ability to lead the teams and groups in your life.

    32m - May 6, 2024
  • 6.2. Mastering Leadership & Persuasion

    When it comes to leading another, we have to embrace what leadership is at its core. It's leading someone to their highest potential for the betterment of themselves the overall mission they are a part of. When we focus on the betterment of someone, we take ourselves and our hopes out of it, and instead place what theirs are. People are persuaded by their influences, not by what you believe they should be influenced by. When we align with what someone needs and wants, and follow the other tips in this episode, we can help people achieve far more on their own than they ever would by themselves. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    15m - Apr 29, 2024
  • 6.1. Leadership at it's Core

    Leadership is made of three aspects: 1. Leading Yourself 2. Leading Another 3. Leading a Team. In our lifetime, it's essential that we master all three. In this episode, we will dive deeper into how to truly lead yourself in this lifetime, and why that's always the most essential first step. We are joined by Jun Del Valle, a leader of leaders in the Miami Community and VOUS Church as he gives us his biggest insights into this topic. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    38m - Apr 22, 2024
  • 5.7. What Are You Preparing For?

    The worst thing that can happen, is to be given what you've been praying for before you're actually ready for it. Every day should be spent preparing for the very thing we desire. Are you? Are you spending today preparing for the calling you could step into tomorrow? Tune in to this episode to regain clarity of the importance of everyday and to decide what is one change you can make today to reach that calling tomorrow.

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    9m - Apr 15, 2024
  • 5.6. Choose the Harder Path with Alejandro Yilo

    Taking the easy route may provide immediate gratification, but it often leads to mediocrity in the long run. By embracing challenges, pushing through adversity, and choosing to do the difficult things, we can develop resilience, strength, and character, ultimately leading to more meaningful achievements and a life you're proud of.

    In this episode we hear from Alejandro Yilo, a successful Entrepeneur who's tenacity for life is inspiring to say the least. He shares some insights into his mindset, his approach to business as an entrepreneur and why the word "aggressive" is the one that leads him.

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    41m - Apr 1, 2024
  • 5.5 Contentment vs Complacency

    In this episode, Chris explores the difference between complacency and contentment, and the impact each can have on our success journey. While complacency can lead to stagnation and a lack of motivation, contentment can be a powerful attribute that keeps us grounded and grateful for what we have.

    We discuss how contentment allows us to appreciate the present moment and the progress we have made, without becoming too comfortable or settling for less than we deserve. We also explore how contentment can lead to a positive mindset, increased resilience, and a greater sense of fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.

    Chip Turrisi joins the show to give his outlook on balance and sustainability and how it propels the success journey forward, not hold it back. Tune in to an episode you don't want to miss from the genius Chip and his philosophies on a well balanced and fulfilling life. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    45m - Mar 11, 2024
  • 5.4. Having Great Faith

    In this episode, Chris delves into the transformative power of having great faith in the journey that God is leading us towards his plan for our lives. We share uplifting stories of individuals who have trusted in God's guidance, and discuss practical strategies for maintaining unwavering faith, even in the face of uncertainty. Join us as we explore the profound impact of belief in God's plan for our lives, and how it can ultimately lead to a great outcome. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we embrace the journey with faith and hope in God's divine direction for our lives.

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    12m - Mar 4, 2024
  • 5.3. Stop Looking at the Scale

    We sit down with Coach Josh Clouden as he explains his philosophies on people, God and finishing the journeys you start. Josh gives us a great quote about falling in love with the process and detaching from the result. The more we lock in on the day-to-day process, the result will form itself. Lean in as you hear a great word from Josh Clouden and how to conquer yourself daily. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    49m - Feb 26, 2024
  • 5.2. Why Did You Start in the First Place?

    Starting is always easier than finishing. It takes self-discipline, persistence and patience to see something through to its end. One of the most important aspects of finishing is remembering why you started in the first place. The "why" behind our actions is the fuel and reminder for when we feel like quitting. Learn more in depth the why that you should be thinking about and find a routine around reminding yourself of it every day. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    10m - Feb 19, 2024
  • 5.1. Habit Stacking

    In this episode, Chris delves into the transformative power of habit stacking. Habit stacking is a simple yet effective technique that involves linking new habits to existing ones, and creating a seamless routine that can lead to significant positive changes in your life. We often make the mistake of adding too many habits or too drastic of changes to our routines all at once. Use this episode as a guide to reestablish your routines for the remainder of the year! 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    9m - Feb 12, 2024
  • 4.9. Finish What You Start with Joshua Paul

    Many people start in January and quit by February. In this episode, we will introduce our next series titled Finish What You Start. We'll learn from Joshua Paul with his understanding of persevering through hard times, how to remain bold and courageous during adversity, and embracing the idea of giving to those who experience similar hardships as you. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    48m - Feb 5, 2024
  • 4.8. Many Start, But Few Finish

    We use all the biggest lessons we've learned from January to propel us forward into this new month with strength and momentum. It is often times when we fail, that we become too discouraged to keep trying. The greatest thing we can do is expect that the journey of success will be bumpy with both low and high moments, so we mustn't be surprised when either come. All we can do is reassess, revaluate what we once believed and learned, and make the proper changes TODAY! Enjoy this month of February as we step into the next level of our growth. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    19m - Feb 1, 2024
  • 4.7. You Can't Grow What You Don't Measure

    There is a common joke about the attendance of gyms in the month of January in comparison to the rest of the year. Most people love to start things, very few love to finish. And when the new year comes around, many people start things that they really want to, but forget about the goal after a few weeks of trying it. In today's episode we will reassess our goals, analyze how they are going, and create the path for where they need to go moving forward. You can't grow in an area that you don't consistently measure, and we will measure the progress from month 1 of this year, to chart the path forward for February. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    16m - Jan 29, 2024
  • 4.6. Embracing Vulnerability with Jasmine Ingram

    We hear from Jasmine Ingram as she teaches us to turn our pain into purpose and allow it to mold us into the person God is calling us to be. She also shares the power of vulnerability and allowing your story to be a testimony for the inspiration of others. Finally, Jasmine speaks on the importance of faith, the holistic change we can all make this year, and the importance of keeping an empowering community. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    24m - Jan 18, 2024
  • 4.5. The Biggest Lessons I Learned from Tony Robbins

    From the highs, the lows, and everything in between, tune in to hear Chris’ biggest lessons learned during his time with Tony Robbins. Chris won awards, burned out, broke records, and worked his ass off, but all in all, he created a foundation for himself in the coaching world to better help propel people to greater heights and accomplishments. Take many notes during this one!

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    25m - Jan 15, 2024
  • 4.4. Building Your Life on a Solid Foundation

    It is vital for your success to establish a strong and healthy foundation for your life. Just as a building needs a solid base to stand the test of time, our lives also require a sturdy foundation to support our growth, resilience, and overall well-being. In this episode, Chris helps you identify what your life is currently built upon and if it is in fact reliable, or if you need to replace with something that is. Once you identify your foundation, you will then learn the importance of taking action with it first, immediately after waking up; and the benefits that come from it. 

    Follow Chris on Instagram at _mazzara_

    Receive 15% off Chris’ personal or professional coaching services by visiting https://www.mazzara.co/ and by mentioning the 4 AM Motivations Podcast.

    12m - Jan 11, 2024
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