• Let's Talk: Policing in America

    On this episode, we talk about policing in America. We talk about our motivations for bringing this topic to the podcast. We provide statistics to support the claim that there is a massive problem with policing and gun violence in this country, disproportionately aimed at black and brown bodies. Below is a list of some of the resources mentioned in our conversation. We encourage you to do some digging into the matter and support causes, organizations, and policy that will keep folks in this country safe.





    48m - Apr 26, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Mental Health

    On this episode, we talk about our experiences with mental illness. We share about our personal mental health issues, how we have coped with the highs and the lows of mental illness, what it was like to go to therapy, how difficult it can be to actually get the help you need, and much more. Please use the links below to support your own healing journey! The world is lucky to have you <3.






    E14 - 55m - Apr 13, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Commitment

    On this episode, we talk about our commitment issues. There's no cute way to say it. We encourage you to think about your own relationship to commitment. Is it stifling or is it a source of power for you? Maybe a bit of both. How does it show up in your career and in your relationships? These are some of the aspects of commitment we explore in this episode. As always, thanks for your support!

    E13 - 42m - Mar 30, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Work and Productivity in a Pandemic

    On this episode, we sit down to talk about the pros and cons of working from home. Whether you're a student at Zoom University or a reporter trying to find an appropriate back drop for interviews, we feel your pain and we wanted to take the time to acknowledge what has and hasn't changed in the world of work since COVID. We discuss our relationship to work, productivity, and more.

    E12 - 50m - Mar 16, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Queerness with Nathaniel Charles

    On this episode, we bring our friend Nathaniel Charles on to discuss their queer identity. From fashion, to religion, to race, we get into how their many identities come together on the ongoing journey to authentic self-expression.

    If you want to check out the growing identities that make up the LGBTQ+ community, click on the link below!


    E11 - 1h 7m - Mar 1, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Coming Out

    On this episode, Jackie and Angela discuss their coming out journeys. They share about when they realized they were queer, what it was like coming out, and if they think coming out should have to happen at all. They talk about the different challenges they faced coming out, the challenges that come with queer dating, and what their hopes are moving forward.

    E10 - 55m - Feb 8, 2021
  • Let's Talk: Expatriate Life in Italy

    On this episode, we talk to Nick Stahl about his life as an American expatriate living in Italy. We discuss what it was like to adjust to life in Italy, the differences between Italian and American culture, and the many challenges that Nick faced as he observed Trump's presidency from afar.

    E9 - 1h 35m - Jan 25, 2021
  • Let's Talk Failure

    On this episode, we discuss failure. We talk about our relationship with it, how we've come to accept it, our fear of it, and how we face it in various areas of our lives. Given the new year, we also explore goal setting in the context of failure and how we're approaching goals in 2021.

    E8 - 35m - Jan 11, 2021
  • Welcome to Our Tarot Talk

    On this episode, we spoke to our guest Kristy about her many tarot experiences. We discussed some of her most meaningful metaphysical experiences and what drew her into the spiritual space to begin with. She shared about what she looks for in a trustworthy tarot experience and how life has changed since embracing spirituality in her daily life.

    If you liked this episode, subscribe to our podcast, leave a review, and consider sharing it with your community!

    E7 - 44m - Dec 28, 2020
  • Retail Myth-busting

    On this episode, Natalie Zisa and I talk about our experiences working in retail. We debunk a few of the major stereotypes, talk about what goes on behind the scenes, and share our perspectives on addressing body image issues we see customers struggle with in our stores. If you enjoyed this and other episodes, give the podcast a follow/subscribe wherever you listen. Thanks for your support!

    E6 - 28m - Dec 14, 2020
  • Social Media: A blessing and a curse

    On this episode, I talk with my friend Katie about our complicated relationship to social media. We chat about how it has affected our mental health, the reality behind social media highlight reels, and what it might have been like had we grown up with the social media platforms that exist today. Social media can be an amazing tool and outlet for expression, but has it become something that takes away from your joy and presence in life? Come join us as we explore this and let us know what you think.

    E5 - 44m - Nov 30, 2020
  • BONUS Ep.: Election Edition

    On this episode, Jackie and I finally chat about the election results. While we both felt immense relief on that day, we are coming to terms with the reality that things are not all sorted out just because Biden and Harris won. We discuss both of their pasts, whether we think they will honor the desires of the folks that won them the election (Black voters), and some of the silver linings that we hold onto as we move forward. We also touch on some of the ways we can continue to make change beyond the presidential election. Towards the end of the podcast, I bring up a few tiktok creators who I have learned a lot from as it pertains to political ideology. Check them out using their usernames below. Also, I'll leave a few links below for how to contribute in Georgia and in grassroots organizations!






    53m - Nov 19, 2020
  • Confessions and Catholic Guilt

    On this episode of Let's Talk Life, Jackie and I talk about our catholic upbringing. We discuss our connection to God or lack of it and how our relationship to religion has shifted over the years. I share about my fear of death and some of the positives that come with having a strong tie to religious faith.

    If you like our content, we would appreciate a follow and a review! We put out a new episode every other Monday on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcast. Stay tuned for more.

    E4 - 51m - Nov 16, 2020
  • Time to Get Spiritual

    On this episode of Let's Talk Life, we dive into the vast world of spirituality. I invited my great friend and masterful life coach, Cari Hebert, on to tackle this topic. We get into masculine and feminine energy, collective healing, meditation, power, and how spiritual work meets social justice work.

    If you feel called to learn more about Cari's work, check her out via her social channels below!

    Instagram: @cariannalynne

    Website: www.cariannalynne.co/

    E3 - 1h 3m - Nov 2, 2020
  • Cannabis and Social Justice

    On this episode, Jackie and I discuss cannabis use and social justice. We cover legalization, decriminalization, and the current practices around cannabis use in the U.S. criminal justice system. We also get personal and look at how being white gives cannabis users, like Jackie, privilege that people of color are not afforded.

    We explore what it might look like to be an ally both in the movement to legalize and decriminalize cannabis but also in the movement for black lives. Check out some of the resources below to support these causes and educate yourselves further.

    American Civil Liberties Union


    171 Ways to Donate in Support of BIPOC


    The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness


    E2 - 32m - Oct 18, 2020
  • Friendships In Adulthood

    Hi everyone! My name is Angela Cangialosi, host of Let's Talk Life podcast. On this episode, I invite two of my best friends to talk all about how our 7+ year friendship has evolved since we met in high school. We talk about friendship red flags and green flags, when we might call it quits on a friendship, and much more!

    We also provide a few friendship related resources for you all!

    1. We're Not Really Strangers (Card Game) https://www.werenotreallystrangers.com
    2. Love Languages (Quiz) https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/
    3. Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship (Book) https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/550745/text-me-when-you-get-home-by-kayleen-schaefer/
    4. Twenty Something (Blog) https://mailchi.mp/311af71db90a/twenty-something
    E1 - 36m - Oct 5, 2020
  • Podcast Trailer

    Hi everyone! My name is Angela Cangialosi and this is a short introduction to my podcast. In this trailer, I share with you how often I'll be uploading, how you can interact with my podcast, and what the podcast is all about. Stay tuned for more!

    E1 - 1m - Sep 6, 2020
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Let's Talk Life