Authentic Marketing in Turbulent Times with Tristan Katz, Marketing Expert for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists

Season 6 | Episode 5
1h 0m | Dec 1, 2023

In this episode of The Yoga Therapy Hour, our host Amy dives

deep into the world of authentic marketing with guest Tristan Katz, a marketing expert in the yoga world. They explore the challenges of sharing one's offerings and gifts with the world amidst global crises and discuss the importance of self-care, content-based marketing, community-building, and intentionality in marketing.

Themes Discussed:

1. Authenticity in Marketing:

•              When, how, and why to share offerings authentically.

•              Balancing the urge to market with awareness of global suffering.

•              Self-care as a prerequisite for mindful marketing.

•              Deciding when to postpone marketing and when to share mindfully.

•              The importance of not rushing through marketing efforts.

2. Content-Based Marketing:

•              Providing value and being of service while marketing.

•              The concept of educating while marketing.

•              Overcoming the fear of giving too much away.

•              Highlighting the value of human connection and experience in seminars.

3. Building a Community:

•              Nurturing a community through marketing.

•              Recognizing what resonates with your audience.

•              Observing organic conversations and excitement among your followers.

•              The power of word-of-mouth in supporting your marketing efforts.

4. Sharing Personal Stories:

•              Balancing personal sharing with comfort levels.

•              Intentionality in sharing personal stories.

•              Considering the audience's benefit when sharing.

•              Determining

if your sharing serves you or your audience.

Key Takeaways:

•              Authenticity is key in marketing; be mindful of the world's challenges while sharing your offerings.

•              Prioritize self-care to convey an authentic and mindful message.

•              Content-based marketing adds value and creates a deeper connection with your audience.

•              Building a genuine community and nurturing word-of-mouth can amplify your marketing


•              Share personal stories with intention, always considering how it benefits your audience.


In this insightful episode of The Yoga Therapy Hour, Tristan Katz offers valuable insights into authentic marketing in challenging times. Listeners are encouraged to approach marketing with mindfulness, prioritize self-care, provide value, and build genuine connections with their audience. By balancing personal sharing with intentionality, they can create meaningful connections and make a positive impact through their marketing efforts.

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with Tristan Katz:

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