Dads Demons and Bad Spirits

30m | Feb 16, 2024

 As fathers, it is our responsibility to navigate the complexities of the modern world and safeguard our children from harmful spiritual influences. The rise of new age philosophies and practices can be enticing, but they often lead our children down a perilous path, veering them away from the truth and into dangerous spiritual territory. In this episode we empower fathers to protect their children from the demonic influences of new age ideas.

My guest is Dr. Roger Krickler. Dr Krickler is a retired engineer with 43 years of military and defense contractor experience. His expertise was in ground-to-air Soviet missile defense systems, electronic warfare, radar and training fighter pilots how to defend against soviet air defense systems. Upon coming home from his deployment to Egypt and meeting Jesus, he started going to church. There he had his first experience helping with casting out demons. His experience and expertise on both conventional and spiritual warfare are why I’ve brought Dr Krickler on the program.

You can find Dr. Krickler here:





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Transcript - Dads Demons and Bad Spirits


As fathers, it is our responsibility to navigate the complexities of the modern world and safeguard

our children from harmful spiritual influences. New age philosophies and practices can be enticing.

They often lead our children down a perilous path, veering them away from the truth and into

dangerous spiritual territory. In this episode, we empower fathers to protect their children

from demonic influences of new age ideas. I will be introducing an expert on spiritual warfare

in just a moment so don't go anywhere. Welcome to the Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken

and inspire fathers everywhere to take great pride in their role and a challenge society to understand

how important fathers are to the stability and culture of their families environment. Now here's

your host, Jonathan Guerrero. Greetings everyone. Thank you so much for joining me. My guest is Dr.

Roger Crickler. Dr. Crickler is a retired engineer with 43 years of military and defense contractor

experience. His expertise was in ground to air Soviet missile defense systems, electrical warfare,

radar and training fighter pilots, how to defend against Soviet air defense systems. Upon coming

home from his deployment to Egypt and meeting Jesus, he started going to church. There he had his

first experience with helping cast out demons. His experience and expertise on both conventional

and spiritual warfare are why I have brought Dr. Crickler on the program. Dr. Crickler, welcome to the

Fatherhood Challenge. Thank you, Jonathan. I think it's an opportunity for me to be with you today

and I sure do thank you for it. Please start by sharing your story of how you got involved in spiritual

warfare. Okay, I'd be glad to. It actually started in 1984. I took an assignment after a divorce in

1983 to Cairo, Egypt and I met a man John Wade. He was a Christian and we began a friendship and over

several months we talked about Jesus and he explained the good news story to me. And after a few months,

I turned my life over to the Lord. And as I read the New Testament and I tell you what an experience

for someone that just learning about Jesus and never really grew up in the church, it really brought

the Bible to life. As an engineer, I was always fascinated by how long a Sabbath day was for not growing

up in the church. That was something brand new to me and helping with casting out demons. That was an

experience. And I can tell you like it was a second ago that during the casting out of the demon,

it was a young girl. We bound her to a card table chair so she couldn't move around the room.

Not any constraints, but just spiritually binding her to the chair. And I tell you,

being brand new, I had two things going on in me at the same time. One, I was fully engaged and

you know, casting out the demons, but then a part of me was almost like an out-of-body experience

floating above me, looking down, going, is this really happening? You know, and then

instantly I went right back and engaged in the battle against the spirit of suicide and the spirit

of depression is what she had. But it was quite the experience for a technical guy that now is

you know, involved with the spiritual aspect of life. It was truly eye-opening and then after that,

I continued on with my study of spiritual warfare because God had called me into that,

even in Egypt, some of the prayer meetings or prayer sessions we had in the hotel rooms.

I just felt the calling way back then to get involved with this and it just happened to be my

training over my 43 years that God helped me with. That also complimented the spiritual warfare aspects

in trying to do what I do in my podcast, which is to try to take natural world experiences that

you can visualize, so you can try to get an idea of what's going on in the invisible war that we

can't see. And that's a little harder to fathom for some, so trying to make an association between

natural world and spiritual world is the goal of what I try to do in my teachings. The reason

that it's so important is because as we all know, we're made in God's image and God is a spirit and so

our actual beings have a spiritual component. Whether we wanted to or not, we have that spiritual

component. So we live in two worlds. We live in the natural world like you were saying, physical,

we can see it, taste it, all of our five senses, but we also live in the spiritual world. And that's

the harder part for people too, I think, understand and comprehend, but it's a part of something that we

had no control over. We were born, had no control over that, born in center, no control over that.

We were born into a war that started back in the Garden of Eden, right, with Adam and Eve and

Satan. That war has been going on and we were born into it and we had no control over it.

And so now we either have to learn how to fight or just continually get beat up. And so that's why

again, I'm so passionate about trying to teach people that there is a war that we do have weapons,

we can fight back. It's just a matter of learning how, just like when I went in the military,

I had to learn my weapons and when to use them, what kind of battle conditions to use what weapon

and the same in the spiritual warfare. We have a lot of weapons like binding and loosening and prayer

fasting, different weapons for different battle situations. And so my purpose is to try to teach

when to use what, basically, like I was taught when I was in the military.

So dads might definitely be able to relate to this one. So there's a term that's called,

the term is called strongholds. And strongholds, if I have to just shoot from the hip of association,

I would associate that with a home defense system. Does this also apply to spiritual warfare?

What would a spiritual stronghold be? And why would you why should dads be aware of them?

Well, I'm glad you said that because I happen to be on the safety team at church. So I'm involved

with weapons and have been all my life in my military career. So, but strongholds in a,

in the in spiritual warfare context is a belief that you hold on to so strong that no matter who comes

at you with a different belief, a belief system that you are not going to relinquish your belief in

that system, no matter how sound or logical it might be and it makes all kinds of sense in its rational

because you feel so strongly about a particular belief that you're just not going to give it up. And so

that's why it's so important when we start building our belief system as children,

there's a thing that I learned a long time ago about values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations

that builds a child's reality map. So it starts at very young age. It's everything that they hear,

they teach, you know, they see, touch, smell, it all goes into the mind and it starts building a reality

map which also has a belief system. And so from there, a dad really needs to get involved very early

with what's being shown to taught and so forth to a child so that these, I come,

babes values, assumption, beliefs and expectations that they have some control over what is being taught

and shown to their kids because as these things grow over the years, if they're the wrong babes,

it is harder and harder to try to change that child's mind.

So what is the connection between, I think these might also be strong holes as well, but what is the

connection between meditation, yoga, video game characters like Enderman and Minecraft and also

the Ouija board? Why should dads be aware of these? Because these are games or exercises that people

think they're doing for the greater good on releasing relieving stress or video game, maybe it's

keeping your child entertained while you're doing something else, it all is going into the mind

where I said the battlefield is, like in a child's video games, they're drawn into a virtual world,

a virtual reality, right? These things that you can put on your face and get into a 3D virtual world,

they are a direct input into the mind. And if it's like a violent game, then violence is the thing

that's being entered into the mind. And so what a young mind can do is start to get the idea

that violence is okay, right? They can maybe identify with one of the characters in the video,

and we'll get into that maybe in a little bit, it's called, um, transference of spirits where

you try to emulate somebody that you admire. But the mind is where the battlefield is, and

with yoga, weegee boards, these are asking you as part of the game and part of the exercise to

open your mind, release your thoughts, you know, become empty. And when you do that, it's like opening

the gate for anything to come in. And if you're not as aware that evil thoughts and so forth can

enter through that, you're just opening it yourself up to attack. So it really sounds like there is

no such thing as a mind that just remains empty. And I know meditation a lot of times becomes all about

just emptying the mind, keeping the mind empty. But there really is no such thing. What is happening is

you're being asked to remove everything out of your mind so that something else can move in.

It never stays empty, which means, um, and you mentioned our mind is is the battlefield.

We were always meant and designed to live in this physical world and exist in this physical world

constantly with some sort of a spiritual connection that is conscious within our mind. And we get

a choice of what that is. Exactly. Um, to your point, I mean, when you, when you make a void, and

especially in the in the mind and in the spiritual world, when you create a void, then something's

going to fill it. And what you hope to do is fill it with something good and not something bad.

What should dads do if they suspect that their kids have opened a door to Satan or any demonic

influence, like weird things that are going on or, um, strange interactions? What should a dad do if

they think that's happening? That's a great question because it's kind of a two part, right? Because

there's believers and then there's non-believers. But so for the believer that are familiar with

spiritual warfare weapons, the first thing is to bind the strong man like we kind of alluded to before.

Um, saying something like in the name of Jesus, I bind Satan and influencing demons and those

that are misguided by evil spirits and thoughts from my son or daughter. So when you say that,

you're immediately saying in the name of Jesus, which is the power, and then you want to loosen

um, and post the angels around the child, which is filling that void. When you tell Satan to leave,

you've got to fill that void immediately. Otherwise, like in the Bible, it talks about the legions

of demons that came back and we are many. You know, you can cast them out, but if you don't fill up

the void, they can come back with even more. And now the problem is he can gotten worse, right?

So the power of binding and loosening is very important and setting down with your child and talking

to them about, you know, what they're doing and how they can be influenced and maybe trying to

substitute something that they're doing with something else that's actually more beneficial.

It might be a way, I think each dad has to, you know, obviously know his child and how to

pull something out and put something in its place. But I think the idea is that

you want to avoid meeting resistance so you don't yank something away with their saying,

no, give it back to me. You know, you try to replace it with something that's more beneficial.

So another thing that really to watch out for in this is a change of attitude and behavior in

the child and video games and opening up your mind and so forth. Dad's need to understand this and

I'll give you a great example of this. And so there was a youngest son was raised up to be part of

a closely knit family with good communication. He respected the parents rules and attended church

together. Suddenly he does not want to be with the family or attend church. He becomes sullen with

drawn rebellious. He defies your instructions and stays out late. You cannot understand the sudden

change. And then you try to wonder why because you have an older son, you gave them the same love

and they didn't rebel or do anything but yet this one is. So then you look at and say, well,

what's different? So what you might find most of the time is that if you examine the problem with

your son is that you will find that the change came about after someone else came into his life who

he respected it and admired. And this is what I was alluding to about in a video game. They see

a character in the video game and they say, oh, I want to be like that video game guy.

So but you can begin to respect and admire somebody else in your school or wherever it may be and they

begin to associate closely with that person. And then the new friend starts influencing the young

child by telling them what they do and how they think what their parents let them get away with

and so forth. And now the child wants to be more like the new friend and becomes rebellious to

the parent and that is a classic classic classic Satan tactic to attack children and it's called

the transference of spirits. So what I mean about transfer means to convey from one person to the other.

The word spirit is not used like a demon like you think evil spirits and you know that type of

thing. It's actually where spirits used here is a character or an attitude or a motive behind

an action. So that's what these new friends do. They try to sway the child to their way of thinking

which is usually down the wrong road and it's a way that Satan can attack because again the battlefields

in the mind and that's a classic way that Satan attacks young kids and really adults too. We've

been talking about Satan. We've been talking about demons and evil spirits. So let's let's talk about

the other side. Tell me about the Holy Spirit. What is his role in helping dads maintain spiritually

safe homes and how what can dads do to connect with the Holy Spirit? First of all the Holy Spirit is

part of the Trinity. There's the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. And that the Holy Spirit, when I look

at the three functions of God, there's the Father, I look at Him as the planner. He plans things.

Jesus is the implementer. He puts things into effect and the Holy Spirit is the administrator. He's

making sure everything's getting done. He's making sure tasks get done and so forth. So

the Holy Spirit is the God that lives within you after you become a believer. You have to

have faith in Jesus. Believe they died paid for your sins and that he rose on the third day

and that you become a believer because at that point is when the Holy Spirit can come and live

within you because Jesus actually had to die on the cross and leave as part of God's plan to redeem

us. The Holy Spirit, He sent to be with us, to guide us, to teach us and to make

the words in the Bible mean something to us. He enlightens us with the words and the parables and

the different stories in the Bible because when you read them on the face of you, sometimes

times are confused, but the Holy Spirit over time, it's not like learning from a fire hose

but over time, He teaches you more and more about what God's words are. And for dads,

that's the first thing you have to do is get the Holy Spirit in you by converting and

becoming a believer because that's how you get the Holy Spirit and He is your power. Remember,

Jesus is the authority and the Holy Spirit is the power behind the weapons that you're going to

use not only in your own life but to intercede for your child, for your other family members,

for members of your church or whoever. We have the prayer of intercession which Jesus did a lot

in the Bible. So the Holy Spirit is a real entity. It's part of God. He lives in us and we need to turn

to God and have the Holy Spirit live within us. You mentioned enlightenment. Enlightenment is a

very popular reason behind why a lot of people get caught up in new age ideas and why they seek them

out. They're trying to find some sort of enlightenment. This also becomes a goal behind yoga and so many

other practices like that. But what's fascinating is you need all of these different things in the new

age idea and the new age philosophy to try to find enlightenment. There's all of these different paths.

There's all of these deities to enlightenment versus the Holy Spirit. And if you want enlightenment,

he is the source and there is no end with him. If you're a believer and know how to fight Satan,

then you have the Holy Spirit living in you and then you engage and keep battling Satan. Satan is

going to attack you 24/7. And if you don't know how to fight, then learn how to fight and battle back

because that's what God wants for us. He wants us to have a better life and he's giving us these tools.

We just have to learn how to use them, pick them up and use them. Otherwise, we can be drawn easily

because we do have the sinful nature in us to be drawn to some of these things like

yoga and video games and Ouija boards that seem on the surface. Come on, it's just a game. I can

it's no harm there. But you peel back that onion and you find out that no, it is or harmful and

you just have to be aware of that. And that's the whole idea of behind spiritual warfare and

learning about it. Yoga, for example, really masks and disguises itself as being a health benefit

and a lot of people, I mean, you can it's not hard to find people who report benefits from actually

doing yoga. But behind a lot of the poses, the poses are very, very intentional and they mimic,

they mimic and they're patterned after deities. And if you really delve into those deities,

the deities that you see and there's paintings of them, there's drawings of them everywhere and

there's actually even statues that have been created and carved the images of these deities and

these poses, which is where the poses come from. These deities actually have a source. The deities

are actually patterned after demons. After the image of actual demons, this is what's behind yoga.

And so you were just innocently in it for exercise and yeah, it can seem, it can seem very, very innocent.

But you can get the exact same benefit from that you get from yoga, you can actually get the

exact same benefit by doing exercise other ways, other ways that people have been doing for centuries.

I want to talk about spirit guides. Spirit guides are also fundamental to new age belief systems

and spiritual, spiritualism. Spirit guides, what they really are are demons.

You're communicating with spirit guides, you need to stop immediately what you're doing because

you are definitely absolutely communicating with demons. That's what you're doing. I'm just being

very blunt about it. So if that's what you're doing, you need to stop. You only need one spirit guide.

There's one true spirit guide and he's the Holy Spirit. He is all you need.

And so coming back to you, Dad, some talking to you, Dads, if you struggle with your role,

if you struggle with energy, if you're struggling with focus as a dad, if you're struggling

with work, life, balance, if you're struggling with how to parent your kids, if you have a teenager,

that you're struggling to connect with, if you're struggling with finances, any of these things,

it doesn't matter what it is, anxiety, talk, pray, talk to the Holy Spirit, talk to God, the Holy

Spirit is all you need. He is the ultimate spirit guide. He is the only, only spirit guide that you

will ever need. And he wants to be involved in every single aspect of your life. So let him in,

whatever you're struggling with, talk to him. And here's the cool thing. We just got through talking

about this actually before, before we did this episode. One of the cool things is if you don't know

what to say, if you're trying to pray, you're trying to talk to God or you're trying to say something

to the Holy Spirit and you don't really know what to do or what to say, there is a promise

that he is actually able to interpret what you were trying to say, what you want to say in your

mind, but you can't find the words for. He is so powerful that he can take those thoughts

and he can bring those thoughts all the way up to the Father and communicate them accurately

when you can't find the words. Dr. Kregler, how can dads get a hold of you with questions?

Listen to your podcast or find out what you're doing. Well, I just started my podcast about a month

and a half ago. So I'm on YouTube so you can search my name, Roger Crickler, K-R-I-C-K-L-E-R. I'm on

Spotify. Now these are videos because I do a video podcast on Spotify. It's Roger Crickler. And then

on my website on Buzzsprouts at Spirits, Weapons and Warfare, which is the name of my website.

And then I just recently started a Facebook page, Spirits, Weapons and Warfare. And on the Facebook page,

you can actually comment and write things and then we can direct message off of that if you want.

So those are some ways that you can reach out to me.

And just to make it easier if you go to, that's

If you go to this episode, look right below the episode description. I'll have all of the links that Dr.

Crickler just mentioned. I'll have the links posted right below the description there for your convenience.

Dr. Crickler, before we go, we would like to say a prayer for both believers and non-believers who

are just looking for spiritual help and looking for guidance. They may be trapped. They may be looking for

answers, both for themselves, for their family, for their kids. And so I was wondering if you would

do the honors of closing us out with a prayer. Oh, thank you, Jonathan. I'd love to. So for the

believer, I pray that your warning efforts are successful, that you fight like your life depended

on it because it does know that the Holy Spirit lives in you and with him all things are possible.

You are a victor, not a victim in Jesus name. I pray, amen. And for my non-believers who are still made

in God's image for my lost brothers and sisters still trying to fill that void in your life with the

things of this world, which you'll never be satisfied. I pray you will turn towards the Lord.

What I can say is that this life is temporary so the things you strive for and desire now

are going to go away. You cannot want them bad enough to have them last forever. By the decisions

you make while you're on this side of death, you cannot, you can control where you will live forever.

It is my prayer that you will find the Lord and give your life and allegiance to Him.

You will never regret it. If you're ready now, you can repeat after me. You can whisper it or

shout it out, but it is as easy as ABC. First, admit you are a sinner. I am sorry for my sins and

turn away from sinning. Be believe that Jesus is God, Son, God, Son, and that He was sent here

to pay for your penalty for sin. See? Confess that by faith that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord.

So my primary purpose for you is not that you will be saved, although God's will is that no one should

perish. That's in 2nd Peter 3 9. Nor that your sins are forgiven because Jesus paid the price

on the cross. Rather, I pray for you, my lost brothers and sisters, that you should be free

from the demonic influences in your life so you can be saved. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Dr. Krueger, thank you so much for that prayer and it's been an absolute honor to have you on

the Fatherhood Challenge. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

Thank you for listening to this episode of the Fatherhood Challenge. If you would like to contact us,

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