27. We All Have Eyes

Season 1
1h 35m | May 30, 2021

Welcome Dr. Megan Kieffer OD to The Oakview! Megan and Emma met in the college marching band where naturally they became besties. But don’t be confused, this is not Lauren’s friend Megan. Dr. Kieffer is a licensed Optometrist who knows a whole lot about eyes! In this episode, she shares how she became interested in eyes and ultimately blows Emma and Lauren’s minds. Did you know that eyes tell a story? It could be about love, but more likely it’s about diseases and your health! Ultimately, it is clear that Optometry is a very cool job. 


Here is the InfantSEE link: A Public Health Program for Infants | Helping Infants to Establish a Lifetime of Healthy Vision


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