Keys to Master the Art of Public Speaking - Brenden Kumarasamy (Ep.16)

Season 2 | Episode 16
55m | Mar 6, 2022

Do you want to improve your communication skills? We would all benefit from mastering the art of public speaking. Think of your tasks at work, your relationships, your next holiday in a foreign country, your negotiations, etc.

Brenden Kumarasamy, the youngest communication coach in the world, shares his knowledge on this 16th episode of The Life They Live. He is the founder of MasterTalk, on which he helps individuals overcome the fear of public speaking.

If you struggle to find a passion, if you are afraid of speaking in front of a crowd or if you want to gain confidence when speaking a language other than your mother tongue than make sure to listen to this episode as Brenden will share his advice.

Brenden's Instagram: masteryourtalk

The podcast's Instagram: thelifetheylive_podcast

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The Life They Live