63 Is Microsoft Exchange Safe?

30m | May 7, 2024

Tonight we discuss cybersecurity breaches: In other words, people stealing each other's data instead of doing something constructive.

Microsoft Exchange is a software product from 1996 that holds your emails in a server. In 2021, the world watched as bad guys broke into Exchange servers and sucked emails out like a vacuum.

The bad guys then shared the exploit with other bad guys. In other words, the hack went viral.

The cybersecurity community panicked, Microsoft churned out a patch (which the bad guys immediately started reverse-engineering), and they all went back to an uneasy silence. Until the next time, and the next one, and the one after.

So goes the continuous break-fix-break-fix cycle of fear. In other words, Whac-A-Mole. (New holes are discovered in Exchange almost daily.)

As usual, Non-Microsoft products were not affected.

For some reason, people use Exchange to this day. The only reason I can imagine is because many IT jokers don't have updated training, and think it's the only choice.

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