EP140 Sarah Rice: Reality TV to Therapy

39m | Jan 10, 2022

***CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of sexual abuse.***

Aliza Kelly connects with Sarah Rice (Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising), reality TV star turned full-time therapist. In this episode, Sarah unpacks her experiences on The Real World: Brooklyn and The Challenge, noting how the absence of mental health care for participants inspires her therapy practice today. She advocates for the necessity of aftercare that will help reality TV stars process their experiences and re-integrate into the world. Sarah and Aliza discuss the nuances of reality TV, holding multiple truths at the same time, and the importance of having a strong sense of self. Sarah explains her belief in spirituality through science, and Aliza pulls a tarot card to provide insight on Sarah’s dream of moving to Colorado. 

Tune in to Stars Like Us each week for expert interviews on pop culture and mysticism. Find out what guests believe in, how magic shows up in their lives, and what the universe has to offer them. 

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