Raise the Bar with Troy Haines, Season 2: The Laboratory Journey | #1 - Unveiling the Science of High Jump Coaching with Devin Bradham

1h 22m | Mar 5, 2024

🌟 Meet Devin Bradham, the driving force behind Jumpstart Coaching and a rising star in the high jump world. From his standout career at Penn State University to his pursuit of a spot in the US Olympic trials 2024, Devin's journey is one of passion, determination, and innovation. πŸš€ Join us on 'Raise the Bar with Troy Haynes, Season 2: The Laboratory Journey,' as we delve into Devin's insights on high jump coaching and the transformative power of sports psychology. 🧠 Don't miss this captivating episode as Devin shares his wisdom, experiences, and vision for the future of high jump. πŸŽ™οΈ #RaiseTheBar #HighJump #JumpstartCoaching #TheLaboratoryJourney #Podcast

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Raise the bar with Troy Haines