Episode 134: Gym Owners, Ready to Pass the Sales Torch?

37m | Feb 29, 2024

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about shedding the sales hat as a gym owner while still watching your business thrive? Picture this: celebrating victories with champagne instead of grappling with those "oh no" moments when sales slip through the cracks.

In this episode, Taylor Hutchinson and Dave unravel the strategies and insights behind successful sales delegation in the gym business. We'll share our experiences and lessons learned, transforming gym owners into champions of sales delegation.

What You Will Learn:

  1. Boost Profits: Incorporate premium offers for higher ticket sales and increased gym profits.
  2. Accountability Hacks: Learn effective strategies for stress-free sales team accountability and delegation.
  3. Community Impact: Equip your salesperson to inspire positive change beyond sales, transforming your community.
  4. Lives Revolutionized: Master the art of sales delegation for a broader impact, revolutionizing lives, including your own.
  5. Wins, Freedom, Profits: Discover practical steps for a successful sales handoff, leading to big wins, newfound freedom, and increased profits.

When you are ready… Here are 3 ways we can help you:

1. Subscribe to this podcast

2. Join our Facebook group:  

3. Watch my free training on how I retired from my gyms in my 30’s: 

4. Want to get there faster? Book a 15-min call to learn about working with me or joining our community (this is NOT a sales call- leave your credit card at home):


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Gym Owner Freedom