Rashida Tlaib Speaks Truth to Power, and Donald Trump Hates That (Rebroadcast)

28m | Aug 20, 2019
Donald Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to diminish, disempower and smear Rashida Tlaib. The President has been ranting and raving about the Democratic congresswoman from Michigan since she took office earlier this year. He has lied about her. He has misconstrued and mischaracterized her statements and actions. And, now, the president has intervened to prevent Tlaib--along with Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar-- from making an official visit to Israel and the West Bank. Under pressure from Trump, the Israeli government announced last week that it was barring the two congresswomen.

Tlaib has pushed back mightily, declaring, as the first the daughter of Palestinian immigrants and one of the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the U.S. House that, "When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions." And so she has.

Amidst all the wrangling with Trump, Americans have learned a little bit abou Rashida Tlaib--about her family ties to the West Bank, about her Palestinian grandmother. But there is so much more to this lawyer, legislator, civil rights and civil liberties activist, mother and daughter.

This special edition of Next Left repeats our interview with Rashida Tlaib because we thought people should have an opportunity to get to know her better.



This is A New Low The Nation John Nichols
What Is Israel Trying to Hide? Reps. Omar and Tlaib Blocked from Taking Official Trip to West Bank Democracy Now!

Now is the time to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump Detroit Free Press John Bonifaz and Rashida Tlaib
The Constitution Demands It by John Bonifaz, Ben Clements, and Ron Fein
Smooth Criminal  by Michael Jackson

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